Do you think Indiana should legalize medical marijuana?


  • Melonie Coday - 9 years ago

    I believe marijuana should be legalized in Indiana because many people suffer from several illnesses that it has been proven to help. I presently have MS and several other issues with my health that require many medications that I could quit taking and only have to take marijuana. I am presently suffering from liver issues from all the drugs I am on and I could lower my chances of liver failure. Why are people so against allowing those of us who really need to be treated to get the help we need. If all of you suffered the pain we have daily and also had the out of pocket cost for doctors, hospitals and prescriptions maybe you would second guess yourself. I am not asking you to put it on the shelf and give it to kids. I think it needs to be regulated and monitored just like any drug, but where is the difference between it and hydrocodone, morphine, Oxycontin? They are all extremely addictive drugs that many people have access to. Teenagers are stealing them to get high and they are dying on our streets and we are worried about marijuana? Really!! And what about meth, heroin? Wake up people the drugs are already out there but this is to help people who really need it for medical purposes and by keeping it from them is only making them suffer. Those of us who have diseases that need the marijuana only want to live a somewhat normal life. I personally would like one day to be able to function without pain, just to relax, or to be able to have hope that maybe something will help me. After 18 years of medication after medication and tests, hospitals, doctors, missing out on my children's activities; I want something that may help me and others. Please don't begrudge us that. We deserve the right to be comfortable and happy in life. Take the time and think about walking in our shoes for a few days. Thank you

  • Tiny - 9 years ago

    I think that it would be good to legalize it. It helps people with all kinds of problems. It can help people with eating disorders so that htey can gain the weight that they need. It helps people in pain. It calms the nerves so that you can relax and sleep. It help prevent some cancers and may other things. I think that it would be good for the state because Indiana could make more money. And think about it, why would you give up the chance to make money. It is one the many natural herbs that has no harm to the body. The only thing you have to worry about is the refridgerator being raided.

  • McQueen - 9 years ago

    Marijuana is a natural.herb a plant.
    It's helped so many people with pain and suffering from severe illnesses.

  • Ronnie - 9 years ago

    Marijuana is not a drug, if it has been manufactured it is a drug, Cigarettes are much worse When you are part of 4% you need to get a life

  • Kathy - 9 years ago

    Well I have looked at the states where it is legal and they are profiting from it so how stupid is Indiana if they do not follow suit, I mean really our economy SUCKS and our jails are seriously OVER CROWDED, this would not only give us a BOOMING ECONOMY but it would FREE up jail space for the more serious criminals. There will always be drugs on the streets but marijuana is the least of our problems right now so on that note I say LEGALIZE MARIJUANA all across the board.....

  • Marissa - 9 years ago

    The best thing that could happen to indiana. It would do great things for the economy. Can you say money

  • Jackson - 9 years ago

    Thank you, Matthew, for making that correction. Thanks to the 96% in favor of legalizing medical marijuana!

  • Matthew - 9 years ago

    First off, in response to BONNIE, who in her statement which vehemently opposed the legalization of cannabis for supervised medicinal use in the state of Indiana, frankly dear, you are a complete fool, a liar and on that note, an abolutely terrible liar at that. Please, to back up your claim that the governor of Colorado admitted that states complete legalization of cannbis was a huge mistake with a direct quote, as well as the reputable source of said quote and the print publication and or video-based infomation program, as well as said programs original airing date. Otherwise, your claims are beyond false, they are completely ficticious, ill-concocted lies, which for some irrational manor are self-serving to whatever ignroance-based agenda you and the relative few like yourself have. The FACT IS, the Governor of the good state of Colorado recently admitted he was WRONG IN HIS INITIAL OPPOSITION OF CANNABIS DEREGULIZATION, due the to fact(s) as a result of having done so, that particular state's economy has experienced an acute boom while all other states, including those directly neighboring Colorado, have experienced a slow, steady growth at best. We're talking the entire state economy, from logistics to real estate, both commercial and private; no criminals are coming to the state, but rather tourists, my dear idiotic commenter, as the fact of the matter is the reason for them coming to the state, to do something they are able to do there specifically, isn't illegal, and it's bringing in big money as well as decent, well-read, rational human beings as opposed to blinded, short-minded excuses for free-thinkers such as yourself. Now, from this point on, when you wish to make such a bold claim as you did, for one, find some soruces, preferabally reputable at that, quote and cite them, and furthermore, the topic on which said sources are covering, my dear, try to have some knowledge on it as well. I suspect you couldn't pick a marijuana leaf from an oak leaf from a sassafrass leaf, and after two drops of visine, you couldn't tell a responsible cannabis user from John Q. Citizen based solely upon their behavior after having used cannabis. People like you disgust me; nothing more than ignorant fearmongers with a personal agenda which depsite what you seem to think, benefits nobody, including yourself. It does however, illustrate the true extent of your's and others like yourself's ignorance. Now, good day sweetheart; do us all a favor this afternoon: Go read an informative book on a topic which you know nothing of (I suspect the options are many in your case) and wash a bit of the stink which is the ignorance that permeates your constant being away for the sake of us all. Toodles, dear.

  • Kyle cure - 9 years ago

    See what's so sad is even tho the indiana Hoosier people are talking and obviously clearly we all want it legal indiana still won't because they want to feel over powered, over all of us. This state is so damn annal it drives me crazy..we can't become legal but yet the prezz state is what kinda bs is that..indiana needs to get with the new generation marijuana is at it's all time high you can't stop it there are more hippies than before..people look down on stoner but yet will crake a bottle, or take pharmacuticals wtf is the differenc..even if I doesn't become legal I will still smoke and support it and will till the day I die..thank you senate for trying

  • Joey - 9 years ago

    Let's cut the crap. You've gotta be deaf, dumb, and blind to support something as disastrous as marijuana prohibition. Marijuana is a life saving, nontoxic medicine for many. A mild intoxicant, and far safer alternative to alcohol for everyone else. No one needs permission to smoke pot, and they arent waiting for it. If it isn't a crime for you to drink alcohol, smoke cigs, eat fast food, chug cup after cup of coffee, then it sure as heck isn't a crime to smoke pot. Invalid laws will be ignored, and rightfully so. The only real question is this, do you want people buying marijuana from tax paying businesses, places that produce jobs and check ID? Or do you support the drug cartels, the black market, and drug dealers selling in your neighborhoods to your children? Can you say "duhhh"? This isn't difficult to grasp.

  • Me - 9 years ago

    It helps to go to sleep I shouldn't need a manufactured pill to sleep use an erb com'on man!!!

  • headaches - 9 years ago

    Helps tons take a puff on that

  • Mersh75 - 9 years ago

    My three year old son had three seizures this weekend! I work in healthcare and have no interest in recreational use. I do want this for my son. He is on three seizure meds and has a VNS implanted and still has at least a seizure a week. I should not have to move to her something that could help him. If it works to control seizures in Colorado it will work here! You definitely have my vote!!!

  • In Pain - 9 years ago

    Having suffered a traumatic injury, suffered extream pain on a daily basis, not being a drug user but knowing the relaxing effects of medical marijauna. I would much rather try this type of treatment that what I am now prescribed. High doses of vicodine mutifal times a day, not being able to physically or mentally being able to junction? Not where I want to be at 51 yrs. old. I have the script but only take a pill when I am about to fall over from the pain. I want no addiction, legal or otherwise. Yes I say legalize the lesser of many evils but still maintain a justified punishment for miss use.

  • anonymous - 9 years ago

    I'm in Law Enforcement and very much so am a believer in medical marijuana. I was in a severe car accident some years ago and still to this day have constant pain. I often have to take rx drugs before I go to bed. Granted because of my job I can smoke marijuana but it would be nice to have the choice. I'm happy to see some of the government is willing to put money and politics aside for this issue,and for those who aren't it's a personal reason or fear from your party line. I smoked before law enforcement and quit with no hesitation and never done any thing else so it's no more of a gateway drug than alcohol and 90% of crime I encounter has nothing to do with marijuana but it does alcohol or rx drugs and harsher drugs so I really hope our legislation in indiana gives this some serious positive thought and surprise our citizens of indiana that you are doing for them and not your selves.

  • Elizabeth - 9 years ago

    It's awfully strange that the criminals profiting off marijuana prohibition are on the same side as most 'politicians' in Indiana. I have written letters to Pence about my cancer & the need for the cbd extract from marijuana. His office sends me the same letter every time about his stance against the "gateway drug". Pence truly doesn't care about the people of Indiana.

  • mary - 9 years ago

    I have been reading all these comment about people that are against marijuana and just shaking my head .These people probable have a whole cabinet full of pills that I as a pot smoker would never put in my body. As for driving do they have a cell phone pressed against their ear endangering others? I agree it should be legal because it helps to cope with everyday life.

  • Stephanie Walker - 9 years ago

    Finally a natural solution as opposed to man made synthetic have my vote YES.

  • Stephanie Walker - 9 years ago

    Finally a natural solution as opposed to man made synthetic have my vote YES.

  • James - 9 years ago

    Unfortunately this will never happen. Big Pharma has too much influence and lines the pockets of too many politicians in this state for it to ever make it anywhere close to being passed. Them topped with the prison industries are the reason why were making harsher penalties while almost every other state is moving to medical, decrim or even full legalization. The politicians, not all but most, aren't in office to serve the people of this state. They are in office to make laws and policies that make sure corporations and big businesses can make as much money as possible and will never be punished for hurting people or the environment.
    The only chance Indiana will ever go medical or full or partial legalization is when its too late and probably after its been federally passed. They will be one of the last states to do anything and by that time all the people of this state that need or want it will have moved to one of the border states or even further. The entire industry will also be well established so the chance of job creation and tax income will be very limited. BUT...... That's what the corporations and businesses want, because then when it does little to nothing to help the state financially or the people with job creation, theyw ill be able to turn around and say "see we told you it wouldn't help" while completely ignoring the fact that all the states that got in early are booming with jobs and money since they will probably be able to export to other states since its most likely too be passed federally before this state does anything.

    As for the whole bible and God stuff, well that's why we have separation of church and state and religion should NEVER have any bearing on whether a law or anything else should or should not happen in this state. This country was founded on freedom from religious oppression, so please don't try to oppress ANYONE with your misguided comprehension of your bible. Yes I said misguided because if you actually read your bible as its written and don't try to twist words you would clearly see that on the very first page, during the talk of creation of the planet it VERY CLEARLY says God created ALL seed bearing plants. Its funny when it comes to Christians some, not all, will twist the bible as bad as terrorists do their religion to push an agenda while ignoring that one of Christs main teachings was that religion shouldn't be used to control people.

  • Snus - 9 years ago

    Every nineteen minutes someone dies from a Rx drug overdose, in the recorded history of mankind the number of deaths from cannabis ................0. I can show you hospitals full of people for alcohol abuse or tobacco use, I defy anyone to show me just a single room with a cannabis patient. Speaking of the moral issue, how can you watch a child in the throws of a seizure and turn to its parents and say , We know cannabis works for seizures but we'd rather give your child dog tranquilizer . Hey all you Hoosier Christians is that what Jesus would do

  • Julie - 9 years ago

    Standing in a Wisconsin State Capitol hearing room surrounded by parents hugging their seriously ill children, Sally Schaeffer began to cry as she talked about her daughter.

    Born with a rare chromosomal disorder, 6-year-old Lydia suffers from life-threatening seizures that doctors haven’t been able to control despite countless medications. The family’s last hope: medical marijuana.

    Schaeffer, 39, didn’t just ask lawmakers to legalize the drug. She begged.

    Copy and paste this link if you wish to read the rest of the story.

    This is real, and even more real for the Schaffer family and their daughter, there are many more family's like them. Just because it is legal doesn't mean YOU personally have to smoke/ingest the marijuana. What if this were you, your spouse, child or loved one. You would want the medicine, STOP being ignorant, naive and close minded. I work in the medical field and I can tell you more physicians are for legalizing than against.

  • Joel - 9 years ago

    It's exciting to read comments from so many educated and well-informed people regarding the legalization of medical marijuana. I still see a few comments from those who still believe the government's lies and propaganda about cannabis. This is truly sad.

    For those against legalization, please research the many cases and reports from independent scientists and doctors. Even many law-enforcement officers are learning and spreading the truth! What is the truth? For starters...

    Marijuana is not dangerous and you cannot overdose using it. There are no deaths caused by marijuana use alone (unlike tobacco, alcohol and many prescription drugs).

    Marijuana is not addictive. There is a small percentage of people who tend to be dependent on it, but stopping use has no harsh or dangerous withdrawal symptoms or side-effects.

    Marijuana is not a “gateway” drug. Over 90 % of those using cannabis don't use other drugs.

    If you don't believe these facts, I encourage you to do your own independent research. Don't only rely on what the government says or government-related studies.

    One more thing... Marijuana is not immoral. What IS immoral is the thousands of men, women and children being tortured and killed in Mexico by drug cartels. It's immoral to lie about a harmless plant in order to continue getting rich from big alcohol, tobacco and pharmaceutical corporations. It's immoral and criminal to break up families and ruin lives of non-violent people by arresting and putting them in prison for cannabis while real criminals are free and committing violent acts on innocent people. This is the REAL “Reefer madness”.

    And it's absolutely immoral to take money from the private prison industrial complex, and in return, promise to jail more people, mostly those possessing and using a harmless plant.

    Legalization doesn't mean children will be put at more risk. Certainly less risk than they are with illegal cannabis. Legalizing means regulation and licensing which includes forbidding sales to minors, like alcohol and tobacco. Legalizing also means “clean” cannabis; that which is free from harmful drugs being added. Only certain drug dealers add dangerous drugs to the pot they sell. They will also sell to minors. Minors are then exposed to those added drugs.

    More legalization = Less drug cartels and dealers, whose profits come mostly from cannabis. (Do you really think drug cartels and dealers want marijuana legalized?) If/when cannabis is completely legalized in the USA, the cartels and dealers will eventually fade away since there won't be enough money made from their other products.

    Be sure to register to vote – and then get out and VOTE! Let's make sure Mike Pence and others fighting to keep hurting the sick and innocent are not re-elected.

    Apologies for the ramble – thanks so much for reading.

  • kmoyer - 9 years ago

    This isnt about getting high for me. Its about watching my child have seizure after seizure sometimes 3 or many more a day. The CBD oil which does not have THC n it can help her, but the only way i can give it to her is for marijuana to b legal in Indiana. So for everyone so against it watch your child one time go through what some of us live everyday and u would grab onto anything that might possibly help. For my daughter and all the HOOSIERS like her lets help these people!!!!

  • Zayl - 9 years ago

    For all the people who like to think it's a gate way drug.. you make me laugh a 5 year plus smoker and I'm still only using marijuana and cigarettes and guess what.. cigarettes have some more damage than latter.. never been tempted to upgrade never plan on doing it.. it helps my back pain arm and ankle pains just fine.. focuses my mind to keep on track of the task on hand and helps with my insomnia.. so thats gout.. pinched nerve in my back and full joint replacement surgery thats its helped with pain.. and a steady mind with a full nights rest.. I say the benifits are well within the spectrum..

  • David - 9 years ago

    From a public policy perspective it just makes sense. Everyone who opposes this I guess has never taken an economics course. When I was under 21 it was way easier to find marijuana than alcohol. Drug dealers don't care about your age. By legalizing and regulating the sale and distribution of marijuana you take out the black market aspect. People are going to smoke it no matter what.

  • Cheech - 9 years ago

    Well after reading these comments I've realized Indiana consists of either God fearing, ignorance loving hill jacks or stoners who can't seem to grasp the concept of the English language. Regardless, it's time to face the facts. Marijuana is here to stay. It's a relatively harmless drug, excuse me, PLANT that can do absolute wonders for those inflicted with a myriad of medical complications. Sure, combusting anything and inhaling it into your lungs is not "healthy" but there are a plethora of THC alternatives that do not require lighting a thing (even though that's half the fun). Not to mention hemp would replace any and all timber needs. A world with more forests, wildlife, natural resources and where I can smoke a doobie because my back sometimes hurts or I have night terrors here and there. Sounds like a utopia for Generation Y. So anti-legalization supporters, drop the preconceived notions that were pumped into your head by that crook Nixon, roll up a joint, and toast to the future because marijuana isn't going anywhere :] (high smile)

  • Brian - 9 years ago

    it looks like 3% of hoosiers are ok with people getting hooked on Opiates. Or they work for big pharma.

  • Steve - 9 years ago

    It's about time!

  • Juanita - 9 years ago

    Even though this is ethically and morally wrong, it appears that more want pot legalized than don't. The Bible says in 2 Timothy 3:13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.
    We are living in the last of the last days. We do not need this in IN.

  • Jennifer - 9 years ago

    People will more than likely misuse it or their kids will end up getting it. All we need is more reckless drivers on the road!

  • Lisa - 9 years ago

    I too, would like to see medical mar. legalized. I personally suffer from stomach spasms and nausea that is uncontrollable. I take so many medications that really do not do much help and are so expensive. I know if it was legal it would help me be able to keep food down and relaxe my stomach and I get migraine head aches do to having chairi malformation, this would calm me. Please pass this Mr. Pence please

  • amy - 9 years ago

    They should legalize it for medical use. I feel sorry for the chemo patients they need something that wont harm their body even more but will take away the pain and calm their poor stomachs. It will be legalized for recreational use before we know it and it should. It helps me cope with my horrible periods and it gets me in the mood to clean. I know TONS of moms who smoke and say it helps them not get so stressed out with their families kind of like a Prozac but you wont get a addicted or possible overdose! It will save us money and free up our officers to worry about real crime! Our country could get out if debt fast if we legaized it. We could grow hemp and have another great source for our country to make money on! You can do soooooo much woth hemp! Maybe some people need to educate themselves on the effects of Marijuana and realize it has no side affects. Look at the prescription pills TONS of side effects then you have to take other pills to offset those side effects then if you get side effects from those you have to take more pills to set off those side effects and so on and so on. And most people cant even afford their medication because its so expensive and it dosent even work! Ya it should be legalized. I think the people of Indiana need to unite and march for what we want and feel it should be our right and for those who are sick and dint have a voice due to illness and could use marijuana to help them! We need to march Indiana we need to gather and let them know what we want!

  • smoky - 9 years ago

    the good loard said in the bible i give to you all seed baring herbs . its what was intended for the by the lord for his people there is nothing wrong with relixing with a good joint

  • Kyle cure - 9 years ago

    I really hope this bill passes..I suffer with major pains in my legs and hip and will refuse to take pharmacuticals..yes I went to Colorado when it became recreational and it help tramidously while I was there..this bill needs to pass, not just for me but for all the others who need it as well..

  • Antik One - 9 years ago

    96% of Hoosiers agree... And yet our governor refuses to sign a bill that will change canibus laws at all. Let's ask why. Could it be Ely Lily? Maybe the oil industry, or cotton, or corn (also tied to oil e85)....

  • Jeremy Wilson - 9 years ago

    According to Uniform Crime Reporting data for Denver, there has been a 10.1% decrease in overall crime from this time last year and a 5.2% drop in violent crime.
    The state has garnered over 10 million in taxes from retail sales in the first 4 months. The first 40 million of this tax revenue is earmarked for public schools and infrastructure, as well as for youth educational campaigns about substance use.
    There are renewed efforts to study the medical efficacy of marijuana within the state, making Colorado an epicenter for marijuana research.

    The marijuana industry has developed quickly, generating thousands of new jobs. It is estimated there are currently about 10,000 people directly involved with this industry, with 1,000 to 2,000 gaining employment in the past few months alone.
    Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper, who opposed Amendment 64, recently compared Colorado’s economy since legalization to that of other states by noting, “While the rest of the country’s economy is slowly picking back up, we’re thriving here in Colorado.” For example, the demand for commercial real estate has increased drastically, with houses in the state appreciating up to 8.7 percent in the past year alone.
    The voters of Colorado retain an overall positive view of the regulated marijuana market, with 54% of Colorado voters still supporting marijuana legalization and regulation, according to a recent Quinnipiac poll.
    By removing criminal penalties for certain marijuana-related offenses, thousands of individuals will avoid the collateral consequences associated with a criminal record. The state is estimated to potentially save $12-40 million over the span of a year simply by ending arrests for marijuana possession.

    This is yet another bullet in the coffin for cannabis propaganda. We are now at a point where the government has finally realized, or perhaps finally admitted what they’ve already known, how much money there is to be made from cannabis legalization.

    On top of that, there is undeniable evidence surrounding the use of cannabis as a means to treat disease. This is the real cherry on the cake. The fact that this widely available plant is showing results in eradicating cancer, today’s most prominent and insistent disease, is monumental when really considered. Could we be on the brink of a massive cannabis-health revolution? If positive economic and social stats keep on rising in Colorado, we could be seeing the beginning of this revolution very soon.

  • Jake - 9 years ago

    I agree that state of Indiana should approve And Legalized Marjuana for medical purposes or recreational purposes as help patients or pot heads to enjoy themselves and calm them down, or what ever they want to used it for, Come On Indiana, think about other 32 States are approve this POT BILL, my purposes Is that I have chronic pains, and I'm sure if I keep taking those crazy pills then I would be dead soon, I want to live longer and enjoy my time with my wife, I want to live and be with my wife,, Thank You and now it's time to IMPEACH PENCE,

  • jizzle - 9 years ago

    Is saying that this shit should have been legalized everywhere and you should be able to work anywhere even if you do blow kush .

  • perryfranze - 9 years ago

    I think they should it is the pine killer out their.

  • Jake - 9 years ago

    I have chronic pains as I should agree that state of Indiana should legalized Marjuana to help those needs for any medical purposes, However the Good Lord has reasons

  • Jeff - 9 years ago

    I have the WONDERFUL option of whether or not im going to have a SEIZURE at any given time of the day! Medicine DOES not work!!!!! The only thing that works IS marijuana!! Period!! So for all you ignorant people out there opposing, go ahead and drink your beer/wine and and believe your poison is better. Alcohol kills, oh wait, its the dumbass people who drink and drive that kill. Its all in the hands of the consumer. So much to say....not enough time.

  • Tash - 9 years ago

    As a person w/ chronic pain issues, I can't wait. I also now have liver issues due to years of pain pills!! Dang if I'll take them any more. When my Doctors ask me what I take, I tell them 2 bowls usually does it. They laugh at me and shake their heads. Then comment how stupid this state is for not legalizing for medical use at the very least. But legal or not it's my pain reliever/anti-anxiety "drug" of choice!

    If they'd legalize for recreational use.. the 'potheads' could be the ones to pay for the potholes :)~

  • Bonnie - 9 years ago

    Where are our morals and values. Drugs do nothing but put more people on welfare and there is no way they would be able to hold a job while using drugs. Look at Colorado. The governor of that state admitted it was a mistake. People flock to these states. Do we want to shell out more of our hard earned money to pay for more wefare. This is dangerous and irresponsible. Marijuana should not be legalized!! Protect the good citizens of the state of Indiana.

  • Andrea - 9 years ago

    YES! Legalize for medical use! PLEASE!

  • kevin Cassidy - 9 years ago

    We all know that pot for sure leads to other drugs, and if we could ask the world, should we make drugs legal, they would say yes. Everybody knows we have a bad bad drug problem in this world!! Just look at our world today!! I feel so sorry for our kids today, SO SAD.

  • Jarrod - 9 years ago

    Legal or not ill still smoke it, and im damn sure that is the same for a bunch more people than anyone knows. Legal or not you can still get your hands on it easy. Legalize it, its not a huge deal, go make hard drugs like cocaine and heroin a big problem instead of making a big deal over a seed bearing plant that God himself put on his earth for a reason. Medical marijuana can have some of the same affects as alot of over the counter (real drugs) minus the severe side affects. So many people can use it and get away with it and so many do and you dont even realize it.

  • Nikita - 9 years ago

    The benefits is legalization far outweigh the negative. Think of the tax revenue collected alone. We all know the government couldn't care less about the medicinal benefits but if they got their heads out of their assess long enough maybe they could at least see the green behind the green.

  • Samantha - 9 years ago

    the state should legalize it because help out adults and children who suffer from epilepsy.

  • Frank - 9 years ago

    all drugs and alcohol have negative effects its if the person allows it to control them those people that cause accidents those people who harm other people it's because they allowed something to control them and they had no control of them self. legalization can be effective especially for them that need it or have to have it for some reason that is medical or a reason that prescribed by a doctor should.who wants to sit around and say they stop people with cancer and MS and mental conditions from haven medication because someone thinks the medication is going to create effects or cause damage what is the medication that was given to someone cause them to snap and kill people. does that mean that we need to stop prescribing pills .are or should we say that it helps 90 percent of the people and only 1 percent of the people were affected negatively.they are created by man if something can help somebody should have not be judged with leniency not hatred because hatred is what one has when they think something negative will cause and effect when it could have such a positive outlook.if someone was to say the doctor says this could help me ease my pain of living 5 years with cancer but I can't have it because its illegal
    Will they go somewhere to try to find it.negative effects and positive effects can be waid in this opinion.would'nt it cause crime people going out looking for it trying to find it because they needed or should they seat at home and suffer. I mean is making it illegal or legal the only question or is actually the question is are we as people ready 4 the responsibility because it's not about what's right or wrong about what's good or bad we all have a million opinions for all going to disagree and agree that's the way the world is so the best way to ask is if we grown up enough for this responsibility.I am NOT meaning that there is no right no wrong I am meaning in sense that a million will say that a wrong a million will say that it is right everybody will always have an opinion so the million people say to legalize million say not to legalize that's the way the world is the thing of it is are we readu for this responsibility.

  • Heather - 9 years ago

    I agree with the obvious majority! Marijuana is a plant, grown from a seed by the hands of GOD. If left alone it will do what other weeds do, thrive! There has NEVER been a death related only to marijuana use. It has so many benefits for the sick and weak. It would take a lot of the other drugs out of people's homes. Children can die from the pills in your medicine cabinet, even over the counter, not from marijuana! It really helps MS. I personally know someone that was told by his Dr to stop smoking and take all the pills. Nothing got better, actually got worse. He started smoking again and could get out of bed! There is epileptic patients that benefit too. To anyone that is a skeptic, watch that show "WEED COUNTRY " you will see the people it helps. Simple and closed minded are the people afraid of this NATURAL HERB! Man made alcohol, GOD makes marijuana, who do you put your faith in?

  • Victoria Ditchley - 9 years ago

    I'm a 60 year old female. I've worked hard my whole life. I'm not a drug addict and never have been. I don't like people made medicines which have what seems to be 100 's of side effects. I prefer medical marijana which grows here on this earth. I have medical issues and I don't like the pain medication. Medical Mariana helps me to function and deal with some pain. Listen to the comments and legalize across the United States.

  • Matt - 9 years ago


    Do your research --- there is no 'the weed'. Marijuana smokers have actually been recorded as more cautious while driving. Of course there's limitations, it's a crime to drive under the influence of any substance -- and using state-managed facilities will make sure that other laced substances aren't included in the product. You're either a bad troll, ignorant, or just an idiot. Do some research and don't let your ignorance stop people from getting what they need.

  • Aaron - 9 years ago

    My mother is fighting cancer and marijuana is the only thing that make her eat and helps her keep her body weight up so those who think marijuana is so horrible do your research because it does a lot more good then the ignorant people who wanna bash marijuana and marijuana users it is prescribed to epileptics,cancer and aids patients. Bad huh???? How about all the prescription pain pill overdoses and heroin overdoses because people wanna self medicate although others don't but marijuana is way better then pills that don't do anything but make people build a dependency on them they r nothing but synthetic heroin..

  • Cindy - 9 years ago

    Smoking weed is the same as drinking too much! Both impairs your vision and causes slow reaction time when driving. Why endanger other innocent people in carelessness of others stupidity! If the government legalizes this, the only reason I can come up with is they are trying to lower the population. There are orher ways to do that! Besides, would you want your family members killed from someone else's carelessness??!!!! I wouldn't!! I would also like revenge for the State of Indiana being stupid for legalizing this weed! Plus they can also be laced with other drugs worse than just smoking the weed! Get real, impairment of vision and reaction time, this should be right up there with drunk driving! NOT ALLOWED in INDIANA!!

  • Scott - 9 years ago

    I.m a epileptic and couldn't be happier to see it come.
    I.m tired of taking all these prescription pills that don't even work on me to slow my epilepsy down.
    But when I used medical Marijuana it Controls me from having them.
    I have six years tell my house is paid in full and if Indiana is not legal by then I'm packing up selling my house and Moving to a State that is, so I can live a better and more FREE life from my epilepsy.
    The sooner it becomes legal here. the less I have to worry about leaving my state.
    Please vote YES to Help the ones out there in need for this Medication that works on epilepsy and Chronic Pain for people out there in need of it.
    If you where in my shoe's or seen someone have a seizure you would definitely say it should be legal especially how it works to controls them from having any more let us live a better life. Vote Yes.!!!

  • Kevin - 9 years ago

    I am voting yes to legalize Marijuana all together or they can make alcohol illegal, there has been more death & damage do to drinking & driving than anything .

  • Teresa - 9 years ago

    Yes, I think it should be available for medical use. I have had several surgeries that pills did not help with pain. I know some people from states where they have the medical marijuana and used it for pain. Have been told that it helped pain and did not have to suffer stopping use of pills after a few months of use due to body not tolerating stopping the pills. Also less expensive than the pain medications. Also I know others who would greatly benefit due to medical reasons.

  • Bobbisue ringham - 9 years ago

    I work in the medical field and im sick of doctors over prescribing pain meds or psychoactive drugs to people. Man made drugs come with a never ending list of side effects and adverse effects that require more drugs to control. Use marijuana for these things and what happens... people with cancer survive because they can eat. People with ms can continue to live their lives healthy and moving. Seizures stop occuring. Aids patients live longer because they to can keep a healthy weight. The mentally ill can control their state with a natural God given euphoria. The list goes on and on. We find it so exceptional to make a pill that will do god knows what 20 years after use ... trust God not man. Do i think anyone should use it... no because there will akways be those addicts that will find a way to abuse it and bring everyhing bad from it. But for medical use.. lets think outside the box for once people!

  • Jim - 9 years ago

    After this moron Pence is out of office it may happen but yes long overdue we are way behind and it's not because Indiana knows better than at least 32 other states but because of the dumb idiot Governor who bought into private prison and even making cannabis penalty worse which is the opposite of the other states lmao.

  • marie - 9 years ago

    Here is the thing that you either think of or don't but there are so many cures from it you can even remove the thc from it to treat and cure seizures ADD and cancer!!!!!! I am ADD and I would love a cure that doesn't make me lose my enjoyment or food makes me feel like my heart will explode or even the worst is the not being able to sleep and the nightmares! If this was legal I would have none of these side affects and could be normal with out the crash at the end of the day! We need this not just fir me but the thousands that suffer daily even worse than I suffer with school and work and kids!

  • Jeremy Wilson - 9 years ago

    I suffer with some medical issues mentally and physically that I would benefit from it. This is not just my opinion it is a medical fact... I would have done moved to a medicinal state but my children are here and I would never leave them. I also hate pills which i have a list of them I presently dont have a choice but to take. If became legal this list of medications would not exist in my home. It is my opinion though that since Ely Lilly is a major player in this state that we will more than likely be one of the last states to go legal unfortunately. Its time to stop pretending this is the devils plant and accept it as God's Gift...

  • Mel - 9 years ago

    Why yes? So many people out there suffer tremendously from chronic pain that treated with any narcotic medicines (which become addictive to most) seem to not help them at all. Living with someone that is in the secondary progressive stage of MS, I have watched countless years of chasing doctors to try something different in medicines - whether it be for neuropathy pain, mood elevation, depression, surgeries, nearly every MS drug available - only to find that something different made no impact on anything except more depression and anxiety which only makes the symptoms worsen. Many studies have been documented as to the affect medical Marijuana has on patients with MS with great results. There are many strains of medical Marijuana available in those states that allow it for nearly every ailment out there. For the people who have lost hope before and continue to do so every time a new medicine or procedure is not effective, give them a chance with passing a bill to legalize the medical use of Marijuana. Ease of pain makes a total turn around in this person - but it can not be pain killers in narcotic pills! From the spouse who doesn't want them to loss hope and loss hope as well.

  • Cricket - 9 years ago

    I think this is great. Imagine this, pot holes could be truly taken care of. It could put money in our judicial and get more equipment /training and numbers on the police/NARC squads to clear out the real crime in this city. Maybe put some money into our state. But the even bigger bonus are the ones that use this plant for medical use and are criminalized for using it. I can't wait as I hate all the drug pushing pharmaceuticals they throw at you. Those are our real drug dealers. Time to put God back in control. Natural remedies work best.

  • Surfernaut - 9 years ago

    Industrial Hemp was signed into law in March of this year, next step is medical. Think we can round the corner to recreational before the New Year? It would be of great benefit to Indiana's economy.

  • Peter - 9 years ago

    I could not be happier to see this coming. As a chronic pain patient, who doesn't drink or use narcotic pain killers (3yrs. without), and is homebound 95% of the time, I can't wait for some relief. Until you suffer a serious debilitating problem, and actually use marijuana, you can't be against something like this. When my wife passed away 5yrs. ago, she wanted me to stay in Indiana home of 22yrs. instead of going out west for my care. I've stuck it out to see where the State lands on this issue. Otherwise I'll sell my home and go where Politics stays outta my medicine cabinet. Which the DEA already monitors. And the Republicans need to step back, despite my conservative views.

  • Dave - 9 years ago

    Indiana should be more progressive than to make its first move legalizing MEDICAL marijuana. Decriminalize small possession and home-growing(NOT selling!!) first, and see how that goes. Last thing we need is another vice-based industry like gambling.

  • Jim - 9 years ago

    The state would better the economy help the criminal justice system and also cut back on dui and oui this is why I dont thank it

  • Anthony - 9 years ago

    just earlier today or this week they removed medicinal marijuana from being a federal offense , it's coming sooner or later might as well embrace it with open arms . It will create jobs for many , and hopes for something in life that they actually find fun or attractive. It's nice to see all these positive comments especially from the older generations that actually have appreciated the medicinal / relaxin effects of it . Please vote yes , hemp is a very useful product , I'm ready for my first medicinal brownie LEGALLY

  • D-Ray - 9 years ago

    Indy needs to worry about the real drugs on the street's like meth, heroin, and crack and not make such a big deal over a natural plant that can help people with real issues and people that criticize it need to do research on it before they knock it...

  • Steven - 9 years ago

    I am voting yes due to a less crime percentage plus our government would make a killing on taxes! I agree that it should be legalized! Comment all you want but my opinion stands! I used to smoke marijuana and I have to say, I could function better and have a smarter state of mind in school, work, and any other activities deemed. So for all you people out there that are voting no and/or have bad comments, you my as well keep it to yourself!

  • Anthony - 9 years ago

    Only gotta have 56% or 58% for it to pass , this vote is at 94% with about 300 votes , I see promise

  • chris - 9 years ago

    Because we all know Indy being crowned the "meth capitol of the nation" is just a minor setback.

  • John - 9 years ago

    That's your opinion Tiffany, but unless you can give factual reasons for why it would be the worst thing to happen to Indiana, then your opinion is invalid. Heck, just give me 2 reasons why it would be bad... I'll wait.

  • Tiffany - 9 years ago

    Dont legalize Marijuana! Worse thing that could happen to Indiana!!!

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