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If the Rocks Green supermarket is approved, which retail operator would you like to come to Rocks Green? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 403

  • Ruth - 10 years ago

    I only just discovered this site and its forum, nobody told me that I could make a comment about the proposed new (fourth supermarket!!!)
    When I came to live here I was surprised to find so many large stores in such a small town - how did that happen? There really is no need for a fifth store, with an Aldi, Tesco and two co-operative stores even though I can understand the debate about more jobs, Ludlow having a fair amount of poverty.. But the question was if there had to be a store which would my choice be. Well for sure it wouldn't be Morrisons who sell halal meat, which is produced in such a violent and awful manner, that I nearly got sick when I watched the video online - I think I would ask for a Waitrose, it is expensive but has a wide range of foods of quality - but hopefully there is NOT going to be a fifth supermarket for such a small population of people. It is sheer madness, which wise guy (or gal) decided to go ahead with this, was it anybody who lives in Ludlow? Is it about money? (answers on a postcard please!) Ruth

  • fran joyce - 10 years ago

    I live in Rocks Green Estate and find it difficult enough to get out of the estate on to the main road at the moment without the addition of more traffic. I am also concerned about the impact of all this extra traffic and the children on the estate who walk to and from schools/college.
    I would also like to add that I have never been asked my views as a resident, I work shifts so have not been able to get to the public meetings. Maybe the Planners and proposers should actually ask the views of the resident this new development will affect most, send every resident a pack containing all the details of the proposed development and allow each of us to put our views forward.

  • Julia Ionides - 10 years ago

    We need overall planning for Ludlow's infrastructure so that we do not have to constantly challenge these applications. The developers probably hope that we will all get tired of opposing them if there are more and more. Waitrose is a good shop but probably the most expensive and 'upmarket' on the list so will do most harm to the traders in the town centre and be unaffordable to many people in the area, including ourselves. The trend is back to local shopping with local good, not goods brought in from miles away. Tuffins on Sheet Road, now Co-op, was the only supermarket we have shopped at which put how many food miles some goods had travelled - cream, milk, eggs, meat, yogurt etc. Now the Co-op, which should have a very green policy, has dropped this. Are we going backwards?

  • Val Quinn - 10 years ago

    We have enough supermarkets already. This proposal is in line with all the recent changes to Ludlow. Someone somewhere is trying to produce a standardised Ludlow. If we once let up on our efforts to resist that, they will have their way, too.

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