How would you describe your sexuality?


  • Black Gaytheist Pilot - 10 years ago

    You guys are right, sexuality is a spectrum, not binary. I happen to have zero desire to be with a woman, but not everyone is like that. i think that's why so many "straight" people say "it's a choice" because they don't understand or come to grips with their own desires. If people could accept that they can still be mostly straight but have the occasional attraction to the same sex or someone who doesn't fit the gender binary, then it won't be so taboo.

  • PrinceLeron - 10 years ago

    I have one more small thing to add related to sexuality. I almost dropped my phone when I read your tweet about Bruce Jenner because I thought I was the only person who was noticing how he was being treated. These liberals are not who they claim to be. Bruce is getting all of this slander just because he is related to the Kardashians. These super liberals pick favorites and have petty grudges just like everyone else. I read that Diane Sawyer just "won" the first interview with Bruce Jenner and I'm not looking forward to it. The amount of ignorance that will stem from that interview will to too much to deal with. I might have to opt of this one.

  • PrinceLeron - 10 years ago

    I think people constantly confuse their their sexual choices with their sexuality. Their are men that have only been with women that I would describe as gay. Dr. Manning might never have sex with a man but that temptation means something. I think the hardest part is that people, especially men, put such a negative connotation on the thought that you are anything than 100% heterosexual. To the point that if you treat alternative lifestyles with anything other than disgust, people look at you funny. But to label my own sexuality on a scale, I will go with 90% heterosexual. The 10% is the situation that if I met a bad transgendered woman, I hope that I have it in me to Cuban B the gender on her birth certificate. The funny thing is that I would have given a different answer about a week ago. I meet a woman at an interview had made a very masculine name but had on other "signs" of being anything other than female. She was also acting a little weird and that may be contributed to the fact that she may be fearful of people's reaction. So I had the internal conversation not if she was transgendered but if I cared because she was fine.

    Also, I didn't know that you lived in Vance Hall. I don't know about your day but when I was there is was the dorm for the savages.

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