Did you already know the story of Typhoid Mary?


  • PrinceLeron - 10 years ago

    I knew the story of Typhoid Mary and think people are way too hard on her. People would like to think they would act differently but a lot of you would not. it was the fucking 1920's and they were trying to tell her that she was giving people a discuss that never made her sick. Compound that with the fact that they were telling her she was the first person to every do it with that disease. You would find a way to convince yourself that all those people dying and getting sick is a coincidence. And people are mad because she didn't want the surgery. There is a chance that removing a gallbladder may not have been as "routine" of a surgery that is now. And remember she was never sick and they wanted her to have the surgery. And for washing hands, that still has to be enforced because we know a lot of people don't wash their hands after leaving the restroom.

    This is why shit is needs to be mandatory because a lot of people will act this way, especially for some new shit. People were slow to get on the vaccine movement back when they were first introduced. They were telling people "they way to protect you from Polio is to inject a little bit of Polio into you." People only started is out of desperation. The majority of the population thinks differently of vaccines now because we have decades of proof that they work. Also, I would like to know what percentage of people have received the optional vaccinations as well. those can save lives too. And I'm not being judgmental because I lied about have the required Massachusetts vaccines for a over year. I wasn't doing it for any belief, I just didn't want to pay for them.

  • Typhoid Mary - 10 years ago

    What a wonderful show you have here! Would you mind if I sent some dishes to you guys as a gift?

  • Gem - 10 years ago

    i learned about Typhoid Mary when i was younger, but was reminded about her last year when i was listening to NPR's Radiolab episode entitled "Patient Zero" (http://www.radiolab.org/story/169879-patient-zero/) - def worth a listen if you get a chance

  • Cappadonna - 10 years ago

    First of all Rod, I'm disappointed in you man. Of course we know who Typhoid Mary is - she's that crazy telepathic chick who used to mess with Daredevil in the 80's Frank Miller run. And sir, she now goes by Mutant X.

    Okay, on a serious tip - Typhoid Mary is a perfect example of what happens when some jackass thinks they know more about medicine & science than people who actually study medicine & science. That woman's dirty hands and disease infested bunt cakes an act of germ warfare - an IDE in the form of a homely Irish maid. So, TBWT fam - the next time some granola crunching, Whole Food loving Crossfit enthusiast wants to rail on about so-called "natural healing" and how we don't need vaccination, you can just remind these folks that one dirty old broad killed almost 50 people because she wouldn't go to hospital and get treated or simple wash her hands.

    Oh, and if you want to read some serious fun of people getting in that anti-vaccination behind, check out the comments on Amazon for "Melanie's Marvelous Measles". Watching people go HAM on this hippie is almost as fun as Group Tales comments.

  • JonJon - 10 years ago

    PBS did a documentary on her on Nova, "The Most Dangerous Woman in America."

  • blktai - 10 years ago

    The story of Typhoid Mary was a story line in Cinemax's show The Knick with Clive Owens and Andre Holland. She was nasty as hell.

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