Have you ever been stung by a bee?


  • African Bees - 9 years ago

    Still talking that shit playboy? Bzzzzzz Bzzzzzz Bzzzzzz WE OUTSIDE YA DOOR! WU TANG KILLA BEES WE ARE THE SWARM!

  • Kyle - 9 years ago

    Never got stung before, bees like me I'm special.

  • TheWoundGod - 9 years ago

    Fuck bees.

    I ain't got no long deep story. Bees stung me when I was a kid, shit hurt. Fuck bees

  • KJ Dolla - 9 years ago

    Yes I have. Happened in elementary school. Don't remember exactly how it happened, but I do remember being stung and then going to the assistant principal and letting him know , and his response we "well you should have stung it back" no lie that was what he told an 10 year old kid. Next thing I know I was not feeling well and was delirious. I went home early that day I believe but I didn't have to go to the hospital. Still gives me nightmares thinking about it. I'm with you Rod I'm a bee racist too. Fuck bees!!

  • PrinceLeron - 9 years ago

    Free bees, wasps, yellow jackets and every other insect in that family. I got two stories that explains my hate.

    When I was 17, I was outside and got stung by a something on my ear. I lived in the country so I was a little more used to being stung by insects and this particular one didn't hurt that bad. I walked into my house and my oldest sister look at me and yellowed what "what the fuck happened to you?" I didn't know what she was talking about until I looked in a mirror. My left year had almost triple in size. I have little ears so the change was super noticeable. And the next day was the first day of school and my mom still made me go. I hid it for as long as I could but ended up getting roasted so hard. Niggas was doing that Hulk Hogan hand wave to the ear every time they saw me.

    When I was in elementary school my favorite NBA player was Shawn Kemp, so I used to imitate dunking on any thing that I could find. One day I decided I was going to dunk on the clothesline behind the house. I did my weak ass windmill dunk and a gang of wasp flew out of that motha fuckin pole. I got sting about ten times. And to make matters worse, I got a whooping from my mom because so done told us about hanging on her clothesline. She had no sympathy for your boy.

  • Tiffany G - 9 years ago

    I HATE WASPS!!! ! My first encounter with those asshole was when I was 12 and was outside during PE class. A mothafucking wasp flew in my shirt and stung me on the titty!! When I was 30, a wasp was in the house and on my couch without my knowledge. I sat down on my couch and got stung on my ass!! Wasps are the Damn Devil and deserve to die!!! Fuck Wasps forever!!

  • Rae - 9 years ago

    Interesting fact: When a bee stings, they release an alarm pheromone to alert others to the danger. Therefore when they attack you and there are other bees around, the others will find you and sting you...out of revenge...so yes I agree that bees/hornets/wasps are the BIGGEST douche bags in the ecosystem.

    The first time I was stung by a flying asshole was about 10 years ago. I was moving some things out of my mother's house. I was out on the balcony removing water from a free standing punching bag base and I didn't see or notice a hornets nest nearby. One hornet flew by me and I swatted at it and ran in the house. Not only did the hornet follow me, but it flew into my hair and stung my head and the back of my neck numerous times. At this point I ran in the living room were my younger cousins were and began flailing trying to get the hornet out of my hair. The punk stung my hand three times and went to attack my knee. Thankfully I was wearing jeans and I was able to knock it to the ground where I proceeded to stomp it with the vengeance of Nat Turner.

    Oh and the kicker...my cousins who were 3, 7, and 9 years old laughed and clowned me.

    Fuck bees.

  • SkyJammer - 9 years ago


    Rob and Karen - I am outraged!!!! How dare speak so flagrantly about the destruction of the WASP race. Don't you know WASPs are some of my best friends. All these years I have been listening to what I thought was cool headed and even handed commentary from TBGWT. But Dammit the truth is out.. the hood is off .. Your WASP racism is now exposed... #WASPPower #WASPGenocide

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