Just wanted to check in and let y'all know what Norms is. Norms is a restaurant chain local to the Los Angeles area, but the reason Iyanla laughed about going to Norms is that Norms is basically a local Dennys. So basically Chris Brown took her to Dennys for their first date.
Terrahawk - 10 years ago
Where's the baller alert answer: "Chris Brown is single!?!?!"
Anyway, i voted yes since a reality show is the only thing that could save her now.
Cappadonna - 10 years ago
I voted no - primarily because I think she's gonna snatched up some young cat in the game soon enough.
Olivia - 10 years ago
I chose "yes" with the necessary addendum: "if he'll have her." For some reason I feel like the only reason they aren't together is because he hasn't asked.
Just wanted to check in and let y'all know what Norms is. Norms is a restaurant chain local to the Los Angeles area, but the reason Iyanla laughed about going to Norms is that Norms is basically a local Dennys. So basically Chris Brown took her to Dennys for their first date.
Where's the baller alert answer: "Chris Brown is single!?!?!"
Anyway, i voted yes since a reality show is the only thing that could save her now.
I voted no - primarily because I think she's gonna snatched up some young cat in the game soon enough.
I chose "yes" with the necessary addendum: "if he'll have her." For some reason I feel like the only reason they aren't together is because he hasn't asked.