Was Patton Oswalt's Tweet Wrong?


  • PrinceLeron - 10 years ago

    I agree with Patton's commentary because it hit the bigger issue in all of this. The problem is not people criticizing jokes, the problem is what they expect for being offended. I don't think that you will find many comedians that would not like to go on a radio show or whatever to discuss a bit that some people found offensive. The problem is that it seems the offended groups don't want any discussions, they want an apology or the "culprit" to suffer some sort of monetary loss. And sometimes these people/groups disregard how disrespectful they are being when addressing comments they don't like (i.e. recent TBGWT feedback). Comedians have noticed this trend and decided that defending their jokes are not really worth it so now they just get ready to fight anyone that has a problem or don't say anything at all.

    Also, people need to understand that you being offended doesn't mean shit. Sometimes you just need to sit there and be mad, it's okay.

  • Michael T. Ford III - 10 years ago

    I actually don't think Oswald was making fun of marginalized people as much as he was making fun of the idea that people mobilize on behalf of being offended. He knows, like many people do, that The Daily Show has become more than merely a comedy show, so everything its host says is going to be scrutinized. And his 53 tweets were basically a thinkpiece in tweet form, or at least a satire of one. (Problematic.)

    That said, obviously it would be an oversimplification to say that "hypersensitive people are ruining comedy," which is a sentiment that seems to be constantly expressed by comedians, many of whom are white and male and not used to having their sensibilities challenged. If there's to be real reciprocity, then comedians have to hear the critics just like they want people to hear their jokes. They're free to ignore them, but like with Louie's gay comedian friend in Season 1, it's a good thing when they listen to people who tell them that certain jokes affect them differently.

    I have no doubt that Trevor Noah will be listening to critics, just like Oswald does. But what they do is a tightrope walk that requires a lot of skill, and navigating that tightrope is what garners respect. If it were easy, there'd be no art to it. But at the end of the day I think you're remembered more for the jokes you land than the ones you don't, because even people who are easily offended WANT to laugh. If you can do that consistently, you're golden.

  • Bobby K.W. - 10 years ago

    I said yes. I don't think it was anything to really be upset about. I just don't fuck with Patton Oswalt.

  • Cappadonna - 10 years ago

    The Patton Oswald Twitter Joke wasn't the best joke - but it was on point. We're at a point where we not only over analyze comedy, but tend to nitpick every statement in media, particularly on the Left. It's the reason why I can't go in too hard on Common, Starbucks (yeah, I know shocking for me) or Patricia Arquette - they screwed up but their not the enemy.

    There are times where I all but check out on Twitter & Social Media in general, as someone's going to be petty and overreact and not see the forest for the trees.

    Also, to be honest, I think these kings and queens of perpetual outrage would be angry with anyone who wasn't a woman. It was Jessica Williams or no one. The tweets, as corny as they are, are secondary.

    I think social media has turn a lot of people of Conspiracy Brother from Undercover Brother, you say "Good morning" and ninjas are pulling glocs and going on a diatribe the German roots on the word "Good".

  • Dr_Doughstax - 10 years ago

    So, I do think that some critics of comedy can go too far and while I thought that Trevor Noah's joke were pretty hacky and lazy, my problem with Oswalt's argument is that it is full of straw. Oswalt's first tweet wasn't offensive and his ensuing 52 tweets of trying to find offense in the joke? Eh, I think that he has a bit of a point but he went about it wrong. If he had tweeted something in the vein of Noah's jokes (which were offensive to some folks) and spent 52 tweets breaking down why those were okay then I'd be alright with his screed.

    But since that ain't what happened, Oswalt's efforts seem less like an effort to point out how people are hypersensitive and more like he is trying to insulate himself and comedy as a whole from any criticism. It reminded me of an article he had written earlier this year in the same vein as a Johnathan Chait's I'm A White Liberal Ally, What About My Feelings think piece. Saying that all criticism is absurd means no critic is valid because everything is absurd. If he had come out and said "Yes, I know these jokes offend people but I'm going to keep telling them" then I'd be alright with him. Sorry for the long ass response.

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