What do you think of Michael Jai White's apology letter to his exes?


  • Suspence - 9 years ago

    I think this writer is full of shit and she might have her own issues....the man is apologizing in his own way and she finds critique?.... she is probably one of those women that he shitted on and is angry she couldnt help him come out of his cocoon! ..Congrats to him for growing up....sometimes it takes 47 years!

  • Glo - 9 years ago

    Why give him any attention.

    Ignore this lil boy.

    Who is he? I don't think I've seen him. I know you through reading your tooooooo long of a comment.

  • Sharon - 9 years ago

    We all dated before finding the one but he makes it seems like because he did not love them they were not deserving his time or respect .this makes women seem needy and stupid.

  • Sherri Etienne - 9 years ago

    ***PS - I'm on my phone and the text box is kind of small so please forgive any typos! I know how "petty" some can be... :)

    What's funny about this article is this isn't even the letter in its entirety! LMAO, the actual letter ended with the most heartfelt sentiments for his fiancée Gillian Waters and was sadly omitted here. What you're reading here has been dissected by someone who is obviously either looking to draw more readers to this site with negative bs or is in fact miserable with or without their own man/woman.

    And this picture! HA!!! Out if all the great pics of this guy and his fiancee with their children, you go out and try to find the one photo that makes him look like the biggest alpha male jerk ever. One that inadvertently corroborates your story and conveys a message to the readers that is totally opposite of what his letter is really all about.

    To all those who read the actual letter and actually understand, agree with or at least respect even if you don't agree, that's the level of maturity he was referring to, kudos to you! But to those who didn't read the actual letter, or have chosen to read this and side with the author, that's really too bad. Not only did you miss out on a great read, you missed the whole entire point all together! And FYI, his fiancee is a black woman, a beautiful brown one at that! So yes, contrary to popular belief, a successful black man can and does love a black woman to the extent of his letter and beyond.

    God Bless you all and have a beautiful day, smoochez!!!

  • Henry W - 9 years ago

    Everybody is human and we all makes mistakes. The man said he was wrong and his exes were right. Dang what else can he do? Its clear from how he wrote the letter that he was reflecting on who he used to be so we could get the gist of how far he's come and the level of enlightenment and respect he now has for women and on the subject of women and love. I'm happy that he now has someone to show him that. People can change and I'm sure madam that you've had some changes in your life to. Yo shit stanks just like the rest of us so fix yourself and kill all your demons and then and only then will you have the right to judge him. NO MAN OR WOMAN CAN JUDGE ANOTHER HUMAN BEING. DO YO JOB AND LET GOD HANDLE MICHAEL!!!

  • Keith - 9 years ago

    Sometimes the truth hurts, this alpha male agrees whole heartedly. Women go through the same growth process,

  • HHCassius - 9 years ago

    I think she's bitter. He was posting his honest thoughts and most recent epiphany about how he'd been wrong all those years. No need to jump all over him for being honest. He simply came to the realization about what love truly is. So many never get there. The author could have benefited from some understanding.

  • Belle - 9 years ago

    I can see both sides, the negative and the positive. I am a true believer in everybody is not meant for everybody and it takes a certain person to bring out certain things in you. He just hadn't found that one person that would make him want to change. But now he has.

  • Erica A - 9 years ago

    This is along the lines of Tom Damn Cruise jumping on Oprah's couch declaring his amazing love for Katie Holmes. Like his 10 year marriage to Nicole Kidman wasn't shit! Rude!

  • Annettia - 9 years ago


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