Should Side Chicks Have To Pay Wives For Gifts Given By The Husband?


  • Bonnie Bach-Mitchell - 9 years ago

    Old men hooking up with very young girls-young enough to be their grandchildren? that is where old men go too far. If he is still married & wants to play -he needs to talk to a divorce lawyer . He must declare himself separated-that way -when court time rolls around -he can say that they were separeted. He really owed his wifey that respect ,because they live in Callie -it is a whats mine is yours state.The older couple probably had many business ventures together & he went beyond his means to give Ms' Stivianni those money amountsn & lavish gifts-it must've gotten good to him -BUT-he had no real right to do that. Legally he sunk his own boat. He has most likely killed all feelings from his real family-and that leech probably has lost interest -since this cat is out of its bag. No more good X!

  • dee - 9 years ago

    Correction they should have to pay

  • dee - 9 years ago

    They shouldn't have to pay back at least half of everything she recieved because what's his brlongs to the wife as well and the wife didnt agree to give her anything

  • mrspl - 9 years ago

    No. If I don't take care of all my mans needs and another woman does and buys him gifts. Can she sew me for enjoying them. No "that is ignorant as hell". Move on

  • Tarynn Hines-Cureton - 9 years ago

    it is called the alienation of affection law, yes to side the side chick should definitely have to pay for failed marriages involving them. It says a lot about that side chick, what makes them believe that they are so good as the, "other chick" that they're going to actually have a more permanent stand in this mans life than the actual wife? The woman he stood before God with and vowed his life to that he married, this tells me that other woman does not know who she is as a woman, or her worthbecause she needs another woman's man to take care of her. And then when you go as far as to let this man establish you house car bills,excetera excetera it tells me your okay with being a modern day concubine.You're dumb enough to relinquish your own power to someone else's man that does not have an obligation to you or think enough of you to respect you enough to not buy your side ass. And if the married couple had children the side chick should help pay child support since she helps spend the money

  • Stacy - 9 years ago

    Ok so what if the side chick gets pregnant and therefore the husband has to give her funds what should/can the wife do then? Can she sew for that?

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