Should '19 Kids' be cancelled?


  • JoAnn McKnight - 10 years ago

    No, don't cancel the show. Leave Josh and Anna's life off of the show if necessary. The rest of the family is entertaining. Everybody makes mistakes. JimBob and Michelle are no different.

  • roseanna - 10 years ago

    Why cancel the show we don't know the whole and full true story the only people that knows what really happened is Josh and 5 victims since I don't know what really happened I'm not going to judge until Josh or 1 of 5 victims say what really happened then once the 100% story is out then I will give an opinion of weather to cancel beside if they cancel the show on them without bieng proven guilty is just wrong

  • doug - 10 years ago

    I mean "really" an apology from duggers! Friday night on TV why now because its judgement day,forced to,how sincere. Really thoughtful of them Now to do such an honorable deed.Josh is not going to even be there,on interview.Again he's hiding behind mom and dad .iam not going to even watch the hipicritical apology.

  • Shirley - 10 years ago

    We are not his judge-GOD is!!!! The show should stay on the air!!!! They are a wonderful family---and for you who say it is about the money--Jim Bob was supporting the whole family very well---when the show started they had 14 children. All the trash that is on the TV and even commercials should be off the air. These type of stories are always blown out of shape.. and Oprah is a joke-- all the things she has had on over the years and she -so rightous PLEASE------------

  • Katelyn - 10 years ago

    In my opinion, the Duggars have not ever claimed to be perfect. God died on the cross to save us from our sins! Yes, what Josh did was wrong, but the Duggars did take action and do something about it. They may not have done it the most "conventional" way but at least they did something about it. TLC talked about how the show was based off of "good Christian family values and how to raise a family" how is the Duggars making Josh go to the police and report what he had done and then seeking councling is not Christian like? Josh said that what he had done was very wrong and that he was very sorry. The Duggars, unlike every person on this earth are not perfect. I fully support the Duggars, I think they handled the situation as well as it could be handled. I was shocked to hear this has occurred but at least they have been honest about it. TLC, please don't cancel 19 kids and counting. Everyone messes up, yes this is totally against what they stand for but like I said, no one is perfect and everyone sins. This is MY OPINION! Feel free to agree or disagree.

  • Janet - 10 years ago

    Get real--cancel. The Duggars have no one to blame but themselves for this firestorm. Handling Josh's issues back in 2002 with professional therapy and professional council would have made a difference. Church elders? Whose idea was that? Unbelievable. What planet do these people live on? Since Josh violated four of his sisters and one family friend, supposedly, why didn't the parents of that female press charges at the time? The sisters did not have to be part of it but at least it would have been settled. Did TLC know before putting them on the air? So sad.....

  • Lulu T. - 10 years ago

    I have watched this show many times. The main reason being. I could not believe there were people out there who lived the life style they all do. Breed like rabbits, no public schooling, do not watch TV. (oh, but let us be on tv to make plenty of money!!!)
    Jim Bob has always seemed to me to be not quite right. There is just some thing about him that I do not personally like. Now he has proven me right by hiding what his son did to his sisters and also a family friiends daughter.
    Josh did this for an entire year to 5 young girls. Some being as young as 5 years of age. While he was 14 through 15 years of age. Who knows, it could have been longer or more girls involved. None of us will really know.
    For Josh to admit he did this, Jim Bob saying he did this, and Michelle saying he did this. Makes me want to vomit!!!!!!!! The parents knew this and still let him live in the house with the girls he molested.
    They say that god has forgiven Josh. He made a mistake. Are you kidding me?!!!!!!!!! This is not a mistake when you do this to numerous children for the amount of time he did this.
    His victims were young and innocent children. What about their rights. I am sure the entire time these horrible things were happening to them. Each and every one of these girls were begging their god to make it stop!
    I know I begged for god to make it stop when I was molested at a very young age numerous times. He never did. The damage this does to the victims most of you will never know.
    Now the Today show is talking about people saying TLC should leave the show on to follow the story and how the family will handle the scandal.
    Absolutely NOT!!!!!!!!!!! If any thing we have learned already by this so called religious, high moral, self righteous family is. They sweep every thing evil in their own family under the rug. They hide behind their GOD!
    God may be able to forgive those who sin. When it comes to hurting any child in any manner most people can not and will not forgive. You have destroyed the innocense of young lives. For me that is in-excusable!
    I for one never want to see that family on TV ever again!
    TLC, this is not learning material that needs to be on your networrk. It will only teach other teenagers that this type of abuse can be tolerated even excused.
    The Duggar parents failed to protect the girls that were abused. For that, that makes them just as accountable as Josh.
    My mother took immediate action to protect me from the family member who abused me once she found out. That is what all mothers or fathers should do.
    General Mils already has pulled their sponsorship from your network. I certainly have to agree with their decision. They see this story for what it really is. Not a mistake he did this.
    Most of you who stand behind him keep mentioning he was only 14. He was 14 through the age 15. This went on from 2002 through 2003.
    You can get your learners permit to drive in Arkansas at age 14! Most states it is age 16 to aquire a learners permit. If he is old enough at age 14 to get a permit. He was old enough to know this was not a mistake.
    Those girls who were affected by his perverted actions. I truly hope you all understand you were not at fault by any means. My heart breaks for what you went through. Please believe there are people out there that really care for your well being.

  • P.P - 10 years ago

    I agree with ALL of you who say it SHOULD "NOT" be canceled. I to have watched it from the start of the show and he is a good person through and through. I am not saying what he did isn't a bad thing but how do you all know the girls were all against it. YOU DON"T it said they weren't always asleep. Your blaming it all on him you don't know the whole story yet. It is a Reality Show Correct? Well isn't there hard times just as important as the good ones. you all what to know about their lives and this happens to be a part of it right now. They need to work threw this as everything else. All of you who are BITCHING AND MOANING about Josh aren't fans in the first place. your just on here BITCHING AND MOANING T See your name in Black and Whit. You ll sound like a bunch OF CACKLING CHICKENS ....You BITCHERS are NOT fans so why do you care weather it is on or not? You don't watch it so Why would you care one way or the other. I want it to stay. many wants it to stay. I bet if I took each Person that is BITCHING about the Duggers and went to get your records you ALL would have SOMETHING you are hiding. You sound like a Bunch of Kids who think you are so much better than the next person. Non of us are PERFECT. Let see how many of you do have a RECORD... You can say you don't all you want but I am here to tell you i know each of you downing the Duggers Have something to hide. OR MANY THINGS TO HIDE. you are all just BITCHING AND MOANING TO HEAR YOUR HEADS RATTLE. LEAVE IT ALONE ALREADY LEAVE THE POOR FAMILY ALONE. THINK OF THE LITTLE ONES IN THAT FAMILY WHO ARE SO INNOCENT AND NOT KNOWING WHAT IS GOING ON AND WONDERING WHY EVERYONE IS BEING SO MEAN TO THEIR FAMILY. THINK OF THEM AND QUIT THINKING FOR YOURSELF. PUT YOURSELF IN THOSE LITTLE ONES SHOES. OMG LET IT GO IT IS OLD NEWS ALREADY IT WAS OLD AFTER THE FIRST HOUR OF THE FIRST DAY. GO MIND YOUR OWN FAMILIES AND LEAVE THEIRS ALONE ALREADY. YOUR ALL SICKENING TO LISTEN TO ALREADY. I KNOW I AM SICK OF IT AND I DON'T CARE ONE TINY BIT WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY ABOUT ME AND THE FACT THAT I LOVE THAT SHOW AND THE DUGGERS. I'M NOT GOING TO LISTEN TO YOU NOR READ A WORD YOU HAVE TO SAY ABOUT ME NOW. I HAVE HEARD ENOUGH I HAVE BEEN AROUND PEOPLE SUCH AS ALL YOU IN MY LIFE TIME TO LAST ME A LIFE TIME. I JUST LAUGH AT YOU ALL YOU CAN'T HR T ME. NON OF YOU. SO GO AHEAD PICK ON ME IF IT WILL MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER AND IF IT WILL MAKE YOU STOP BITCHING ABOUT THE DUGGER'S FAMILY.THEY CAN'T ALL BE PERFECT. 1 OUT OF 19 IS PRETTY DARN GOOD I WOULD SAY. LOOK AT YOUR OWN...CAN YOU SAY THAT ABOUT YOUR OWN FAMILIES???????? NOT!!!!! I KNOW I CAN'T NOR WOULD I EVEN TRY TO. WE ARE ALL HUMAN. AND SO ARE ALL OF YOU WHO LIKE TO BITCH JUST TO HEAR YOURSELVES BITCH. LOOK IN THE MIRROR CAN YOU HONESTLY SAY YOU NEVER DID ANYTHING WRONG AND MEAN IT????? AGAIN NOT..... YOU ALL HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY NOW YA HEAR. AND FOR GOD SAKE SHUT UP ALREADY EVERYONE THAT IS NORMAL IS SICK OF LISTENING TO YOU ALL.... AND THAT IS THE TRUTH. BYE NOW...

  • Maddie - 10 years ago

    I'm alittle supprized that this has happened but I have been watching this show ever since it first starred on tlc he made a mistake when he was younger I'm pretty sure all u guys that are giveing hate has done some type of mistake

  • Cina - 10 years ago

    Making comments that he exhibited NORMAL 14 year old behavior is ludicrous. It is not normal to sneak and physically violate your sleeping female sister/sisters over and over, where part of your expectation was to not get caught. Canceling the show is appropriate. Why cast a shadow over the victims who need privacy. Eliminating the abuser, really! He will always be in the background. There are plenty of families who don't have to hide a tainted criminal past and aren't the subject of offending bigotry.

  • cookie - 10 years ago

    My new screening question: should the Duggar show be cancelled?

    There are some truly disgusting opinions on this. "He was just a kid and so were they", etc. Never mind these were his sisters.

    Anyone who chooses to express themselves this way is an extreme danger. Kid was probably angry about so many others born after him, can't get mad at Dad, Dad protects Mom, so he goes after mom lookalikes. Men molest children they don't believe were theirs out of anger, not all acts are sexually motivated. It's a handy way to really do harm.

    Get them off the air. I'm glad mama June plans to sue if they are kept on. Duggars are emotional porn for wolves in sheep's clothing.

  • lisa - 10 years ago

    I always knew something would come out about that bunch.They come across as "squeaky clean" to the public and I bet there's many secrets they're hiding that could quite possibly surface as well!!

  • Isabella D - 10 years ago

    This show should not be cancelled. Ok he made a mistake a bad one yes, but that is how we learn I will keep them in my prayers I feel terrible for who ever this happend too and for the family but this show should not be canceled I'm sure he learned is lesson and this will never happen again. He is a great father and husband, son, brother, cousin, and freind, and best friend he is a good person who made a bad dission

  • Mary - 10 years ago

    OH MY GOSH!!! First off.. How can you all compare Honey Boo to this??? Josh was a child not a ADULT when this occurred. If you all kept up with the news and did your research this came up months ago.. For some reason it has reared again.
    HERE IS A STONE -- Please, if you are without sin, throw it... Call the names, shun them, degrade them. whatever you need to do...
    What needs to happen is lots of prayers for this family and his sisters. Prayers for forgiveness and healing. Prayers that this family received counseling and prayers that Josh received lots of help with this as he is now about to be a father of 2 daughters.

  • crystal Gail keeler - 10 years ago

    I wish that you can keep this show on TV right now because people make mistakes in their lives and I know that become I make mistakes all the time

  • Sandy J - 10 years ago

    Every Parent is responsible for his or her child I hold the parents accountable for what their child has done. If they were not making babies every five minutes then they could have been watching their kids like responsible adults this would have never happened. And as far as the comment Brittany P. made the why didn't the family say something years ago why wait until now? I will tell you why they wanted to wait until the statue of limitation was over. You know for a fact that you would not be so understanding if this had happen to your daughter would you so shut the H*** up. Stop feeling sorry for him and feel sorry the young women. This just did not just happen to one child it happened to five young girls that alone should tell you something. He didn't stop and he wont stop you will see mark my words there will be other parents coming fourth just like all the women came fourth after what Bill Crosby did. Shame on you and Shame on him he is a devil in sheep clothing don't be fooled because he says he is a christen he needs to PRACTICE WHAT HE PREACHES.......... and you are preaching it's ok you are screwed up as much as he is

  • Heather - 10 years ago

    OK first of all I love the diggers like I love my family...especially josh dugger ...cmon guys get real we all experimented when we was a young age and if you say no I call you bluff. He was14 for god sake not A child molester what so ever..if you don't like 19 kids then simply don't watch it bit don't ruin it for the rest of the ppl who love them I think this this is all childish and who cares about fatty mama boo boo she is the one who dates a man who raped herchild big big diff please TLC don't cancel show

  • Bonnie Overfield - 10 years ago

    I have watched this show for years, and feel completely deceived. To make matters worse, their beliefs that (during courtship) there should be no hand-holding, and no frontal hugs, and no kissing!!!!! How on earth can you get to know ho you are marrying? It could be a real surprise on the wedding night! What a complete let-down about who I thought they were..

  • Pam - 10 years ago

    The parents are irresponsible for their children's welfare. They keep having babies while the older children raise the younger ones, not the parents. Jim Bob has always seemed a little strange and Michelle has no backbone. Animals in the wild, reproduce like they do, and maybe not even that much. The show is watched by children and should be cancelled ASAP. Child Family Services need to do an investigation on this strange family relationship, they will probably find more inappropriate behavior ongoing. This is just wrong and against God. They act as they live by the bible, the parents need to read it and teach it to their children the correct way. God help the innocent. The young girls left in the home need to be removed.

  • joan - 10 years ago

    Glad to see TLC wised up and got this stupid show off the air. Who ever heard of a family getting a show because the Mother got Knocked Up 19 times. Really, this Billy Bob or whatever his stupid name is pretends to be sooooo goooody. It always that type that is hiding something. Maybe now with no show income, they will stop have "J" Kids. But I doubt it they are too dumb.

  • Brian - 10 years ago

    I bet there is more than five girls. Look at Bill Cosby. I would not be surprised if the molestation has continued as an adult. They did not go to police. They tried to sweep it under the rug. They only admitted to the crime after the story broke. With that many kids, I knew some problems would surface. I would not be surprised if thier other boys have done this, too. I would not be surprised with one is gay, has premarital sex, drinks, does drugs or other things they preach about. What hypocrites! They are religous, but don't go to church. They are on a TV show, but do not watch TV. Michelle and Anna need to learn to talk like an adult, not baby talk. They have developed a cult with their children as the flock. Jim Bob is the leader. I only watched the show because they are odd. I knew something like this had to happen.

  • Mel - 10 years ago

    Do Not Cancel The Show! No one is perfect... I feel that I'm to share my thoughts about this because I went through this type of incident with my cousin whose a few years older than I. I was just 6/7 years old and no I don't think it was my fault. I don't believe I deserved it or that I asked for it to happen. I don't resent my cousin, I forgive him. It was an issue that needed to be discussed about...and no my family didn't call the police because we were both kids.
    I took from my life incident and decided it was my duty to be a very open parent to my kids because keeping kids in a bubble isn't reality.
    NOTE: I went to the same grade school from 1st to 6th and it was the same group of kids in a decent middle-class neighborhood. My class size was 28 and it was about 1/2 boys, 1/2 girls....from the 14 girls in my class there was a total of 4 girls who had been molested by their own brothers/cousins. I knew this information about the other girls because since there were so few students in this school we were a very tight group of friends. I think my point is that molestation within families is more common than people think.

    I believe that "The Duggar Family Secret" was leaked but every family has a secret. The secret was disclosed but it lets the viewers know they are not perfect and deal with real struggles like the rest of us. Let's just hope that people watching don't tell their kids that what they see on TV is perfect reality.

    I'm sure the Duggar's would have not preferred this type media but they are handling it all so appropriately. If Josh was only 14 years old when he committed these acts he needed to be taught to deal with his hormones appropriately. The family put an end to his inappropriate behavior with counseling so he wouldn't grow up to be a rapist or molester. Great job to the parents for taking that step to get counseling because I think most families would have swept it underneath the carpet.

    They are such a great show and maybe just perhaps this lesson is something that will assist parents to open up discussion and speak to their kids about raging hormones. Let the publicity on negative turn into a great opportunity to discuss what's appropriate and what's not....majority of kids don't get that kind of discussion. Or maybe this will allow the girls watching learn to speak up about something that's not appropriate happening to them. It's a window of opportunity for discussion on both sides of the fence.

    I'm sure not everyone will agree with what my thought's are especially the people that are HOLY ROLLERS but that's just being so closed minded. Let's punish all the kids for the rest of their lives and not learn to cope, forgive, move forward, make change....yeah that sounds great. Let's pass out more anti-depressants to kids. Better yet let's stone the kids to death for not being perfect...I think that's what GOD preaches...right??

    Prayers for all the Duggar's during this time and especially all 5 girls who were affected by the incident...hopefully they all are healed emotionally and dealt with the molestation appropriately and don't hold pain or embarrassment.

  • Scott - 10 years ago

    I want to watch how the "perfect" Duggar family handles this situation. This is what happens when you isolate your kids, when you don't let them date, when they "court" with a chaperone, etc. Josh would always give marriage and parenting advice. I don't know why it thougt he was an expert on these subjects. He has only been married an a parent for a few years. Keep them on the air. Let's watch the hypocrites crash. To the people whom think Josh and Jim Bob should be left alone, what if he molested your child?

  • L - 10 years ago

    They shouldn't cancel the show just because of one thing that josh did when he was 14! He said he was ashamed of himself and all the people that say "cancel this dumb show!" You're just making him feel more bad then he already does! They are barely ever on this show anyway! So why would they cancel the whole show?! Goodness

  • JC - 10 years ago

    Everyone has a ghost in their closet. Josh is no different than any other children experimenting at that age. His parents stepped up when needed and held Josh accountable. I don't think the show should be cancelled. Obviously none of the children have come forward before now to make accusations. Sometimes people make a mountain out of a mole hill.

  • Carolyn Cole - 10 years ago

    I believe the show should stay on, everyone makes mistakes but not all admit them and Josh did. What kind of world do we live in that wants to just downgrade folks rather than stand up for them, I realize what he did to whomever was a traumatic thing but he was only a young boy and has definitely made a change in his life, do we not want to forgive people.

  • Amy - 10 years ago

    Everyone makes mistakes!! Please don't cancel this show! It's the only good show on tv!! No one is perfect.

  • Anyaija - 10 years ago

    Nope nope nope. First of all, this show should definitely be cancelled. Just like Honey Boo Boo was cancelled because she was dating a sex offender (not even on the show), 19 Kids and Counting should also be cancelled. Josh did this to his SISTERS, and no matter how later in the future it is, you can't take it back and you really can't fix that. He violated their bodies without permission. Jim Bob (a year later) then went to someone (maybe some sort of low key police if even) and got a talking done with Josh. Guess what, now that guy is a creep that went to jail for 50+ years for child pornography. Now, I'm not even saying the show should be cancelled because of him (even though it definitely should be, bless those girls who had to live with him for years after that), but this behavior obviously had to sprout from somewhere. This shows the effects of the parents on their children, and by not letting them basically touch anyone in any way until marriage, let's just say I'm not that surprised this happened. If someone thinks the duggars are good parents and are good followers at religion, then they need to reevaluate. Sure, teenagers get curious!! That gives NO ONE a free pass to molest anyone, even their sisters. How could you watch this show, when you've seen the obvious direct effect of these parents!! Jim Bob is a creep himself so I'm not surprised they did nothing. Like someone said, they could have been saving the stories and the victims from the press, but now it's out and it's not leaving. For the safety of these kids CANCEL THE SHOW, I know I wouldn't be able to live with that creep in the house, and if I was his mother I would've possibly kicked his ass out of the house and made that 18 kids and counting. Just sick.

  • Mariah - 10 years ago

    I believe that they are just mad that they are making all this money and same with honey boo boo I mean honestly why does this happen after a whole bunch of shows. I mean if this actually did happen then why didn't they stop it as soon as they possible can instead of years after this so call "molesting" happened!!! I just believe people are jealous of them because of how far they made it in the TV world!!!

  • angel - 10 years ago

    Really he was 15 that is NOT molesting. At least on this show there was no cussing and nasty acts like here comes honey boo boo. Everyone is so judgemental. So if your 15 year old has sex with a 13 year old he should be charged? If you say NO then your being hypocrites let 19 kids and counting continue. And to The person asking if Michelle was loose shame on you. You are a nasty person. The duggars ROCK

  • angel - 10 years ago

    Really he was 15 that is NOT molesting. At least on this show there was no cussing and nasty acts like here comes honey boo boo. Everyone is so judgemental. So if your 15 year old has sex with a 13 year old he should be charged? If you say NO then your being hypocrites let 19 kids and counting continue. And to The person asking if Michelle was loose shame on you. You are a nasty person. The duggars ROCK

  • cherie - 10 years ago

    I believe that CPS should investigate this family, and speak with the children involved.
    In my opinion this is not something that you can just "let go", saying that they have had counseling
    and that everything is fine. I think the girls involved should be able to speak with Social Workers outside
    the family.
    This is not something easily gotten over...
    They are NOT the role models they "pretend" to be, and their loyal viewing audience, should be aware of this...

  • Karen - 10 years ago

    For now, until further investigation,production should end, including airing prior episodes. I do not see how Josh or his family will ever be trusted again to air their lives honestly. They ha r chosen to film for many years and be paid lucratively for doing so. TLC has financed many elaborate trips and other benefits that the family should no longer be allowed. I feel for the family because I believe they are basically loving people, but their ability to use the show as a platform to share their values should end. They can find other employment to raise their family and find out that it is not financially wise or feasible to have so many children. Most parents cannot afford to live as the Duggars do, Chrjstiian or not. The show has run its course.

  • Ann Gray - 10 years ago

    Josh's behavior was horrible. I hope the girls are alright and got help. The show should address this problem; and not have Josh and Anna on after that other than mentioning them now and then. Everyone has sins that they would not want made public. It is about forgiving and correcting horrible behavior. I hate to see the whole family pay for the sins of Josh. If Jim Bob and Michelle covered this up to protect the innocent is ok.

  • Brittany P - 10 years ago

    I strongly believe this show should NOT be cancelled! I understand what he did was wrong but he went to the police and admitted and he asked his parents for help and he asked for forgiveness. My honest opinion is if ya'll are so worried and upset that he's on the show then he doesnt have to be on it. Don't punish the entire family and take away their series because of a mistake that had taken place 13 years ago. I know that the amount of time doesnt help any but still. If he wasn't famous and well known then nobody would have known or cared. This is a nice, caring christian family who shares their life with the viewers. This is the first and probably the only mistake you'll ever hear from or about this family. I love this show and hopes it continues to air. For the rest of ya'll who want it cancelled the solution is simple, JUST DONT WATCH IT! Besides the mistake he had made you can tell he is a wonderful husband and father. Whoever had reported and released this information should be ashamed, just think about his children who will eventually have to learn this about their father! What had happened is between Josh and God, NO ONE else! Everyone needs to leave Josh and the rest of the Duggars alone.

  • Sandy J - 10 years ago

    Most child molesters start out at a young age, troubled teenager as you put it has had no professional help. I do believe if it was to happen to one of your sister or daughter you would not want some one to just forget about it. He has an addiction and you just don't get over it just like that and now he is exposed to more little girls than ever now. I would say to all females don't believe because they are well known that they are above GOD because they are not. "Curiosity killed the cat satisfaction brought it back" . In my opinion excuses are like donkey holes everyone has one and they have four of them. The little girls he disrespected did not deserve that. This was not two 14 year old kids involved in this it was him and much younger little girls.

  • Robin - 10 years ago

    For all of you who think the show should be canceled Get over it.Have any of you lived your life without making some kind of bad decision.He was only 14 and totally turned his life around because of that,so yes he did learn from his mistake.If he wasn't famous and on tv nobody would have even heard about this.The Duggers show should continue on.Why should this destroy the family or the show.

  • tiffanie - 10 years ago

    because you make one mistake in your life that doesn't mean you have to you know canceled shows or do anything you admitted it you owned up to it screw everybody elsethey are just jealous keep your shows going don't listen to nobody

  • Elizabeth - 10 years ago

    What he did wasn't a "mistake" he knew what he was doing and to make it worse he did I it to his own sisters!!!! And people complaining about how long ago he did this makes me mad you think those innocent girls forgot about that gross feeling go being touched inappropriately by their own brother he should be in jail!

  • Karen - 10 years ago

    This show should 100% be canceled! There is nothing that can be said to excuse Josh's actions and the cover up done by the Duggar Family. TLC canceled Honey Boo Boo after a sexual abuse scandal, this should be NO different.

  • Mary smith - 10 years ago

    I feel this show should not be cancelled. I know what Josh did was wrong but he has been forgiven by Our Heavenly Father. None of us are perfect and would not want the bad times of our past be revealed. I thank God everyday for His forgiveness to me. This show, shows that lives are changed everyday. We need to give God the glory for His forgiveness for each of us. We need to pray for the Duggars not condemn them.

  • Miracle - 10 years ago

    Excuse my spelling, I wrote too fast

  • Miracle - 10 years ago

    the show should be cancelled, not only because of what he did, but becsuse of what his father did. He didn't do the right thing covering him, soecially when his own daughters were involved. It id disgusting!! And now they don't allow the girls to hug and kiss their boyfriends??? COME ON!!! What moral hi has to do that now? Or he doesn't want them to do to his daughters what his son did to those girls??? Here the guilty one is not Josh, he was ignorant (that does not excused what he did), the guilty one is Jim Bob, the same that is getting pay for the show and has been hypocrite with his "rules". I can't imaging those girls watching their show as s "perfect family", or his daughters following hid "rules" after he covered the crime Josh did to them. HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!

  • Alisha w. - 10 years ago

    Forgives not Formica lol autocorrect.

  • Alisha w. - 10 years ago

    Josh has obviously proven himself to be repentant and has gone on to develop into a healthy adult with a lovely family. The past is in the past and God Formica those who confess and truly repent. The Bible says judgement is not for us to give it is for Him. I don't think they should cancel.

  • Remi - 10 years ago

    This show should not call for cancellation right away, those calling for cancellation are one time or the other offenders themselves, he already apologized, what more? He is raised well but we all make mistakes, he made his and realized it, with God he is free from that sin, those calling for the end of the show have done worst things and have not even stopped, so if yours is not out yet, nemesis will still catch up with you,
    Confess and renounce your sins now and let the blood of Jesus make you clean and stop being a judge to someone else when you are not free from God's judgement

  • Mikayla M. - 10 years ago

    I don't know why everybody says it shouldn't be on, first let it go obviously whoever got RAPED is FINE it was like 12 years ago get over it and two you shouldn't take away everybody else's fame or even entertainment because of this..... I hate how people try to make famous r people or well known people feel bad about themselves or what they did.. You weren't there to know what was happens only they do you not suppose to judge maybe you should get to know them before you talk shit excuse my language but it's true!! ☝

  • Fran - 10 years ago

    I don't think that it should be cancelled. What he did was wrong, but how many people do things as teens. What happened when he was a teen was in the past and does not affect what happens now. He should not be punished for the rest of his life.

    And for the people that want the show cancelled are you telling me that you did nothing wrong as a teen. We all did are we still be punished for it.

    Leave the family alone and let them live the life they live. Everyone has their own way of living.

    Me for one I enjoy watching this show and hope that I can continue to watch it until all the kids are grown.

  • Trudy J - 10 years ago

    I hope the show isn't canceled. What Josh did was very wrong, but he admitted to it and his parents got him, as well as the victims, help. They didn't sweep it under the carpet, they did what they could to help their son and his victims. I hope we get to witness how this family comes through this, and see how, one day, they will be able to use this experience to help others.

  • iris - 10 years ago

    for those of you who think it's OK to keep the show? your a real bunch of DIRTBAGS!!!!!!! he knew right from wrong! and that is RAPE! they have NO business on TV, and the offender needs to pay! if this had been a priest, he would already be in jail! your a scumbag, and get the hell off the air!!!!! throw his ass to jail, rightfully so!!!!!!!!!

  • Jodi U. - 10 years ago

    Typical 14-year-old bad behavior to be forgiven: smoking, drinking, looking at Dad's Playboy magazine. Not every 14-year-old boy molests minors though.

  • Diane - 10 years ago

    This is a horrific crime and no apology will ever justify the crime! Those little girls will live with that for the rest of their lives and it has been proven that victims are NOT ok after such an inexcusable act! This is not ok and the tv show should be cancelled! Immediately!!! 5 times? That's a pedophile!! He knew right from wrong at 14!

  • Jay - 10 years ago

    Absolutely cancel. The little monster raped these little girls as they lay asleep.

  • Sue - 10 years ago

    Life in the spotlight was never meant to be. What TLC family has been able to survive the train wreck of fame? Time to call it a and leave with some dignity while they can.

  • Terri - 10 years ago

    He made a mistake as a young kid. God has forgiven him so who are we to judge? This in no way compares to Honey BooBoo. He admitted his mistakes and his own dad turned him in. They did not try to hide it. They also paid for counseling for the girls. TLC please do not cancel this show.

  • jessica - 10 years ago

    To whoever thinks this show should not be cancelled are complete idiots!! What kind of example is this setting for young children especially boys! Ita absolutely sickening if this goes un noticed!!! If TLC has any sense they would cancel this right away!!! Completely disgusting how ppl think cuz he was 14 its ok!! No 14 year old boys no the difference of right and wrong! Those poor victims that have to re live this everyday! More ppl need to start thinking of them and those crazy ppl!!! They have way more rights then the whole damn gang!

  • Jane Shaw - 10 years ago

    I definitely do not think the show should be cancelled. He has repented and is a good son, father, & husband. The Lord forgives those who confess their sins and asks for forgiveness. He was 14, a curious teen ager.....................wrong, you bet, but which of us has not done things that were wrong and asked forgiveness, from our Heavenly Father and been forgiven. One person should not determine that a good, wholesome show be cancelled. I love people that are so judgemental.

  • Christianity is a Money Making Scam - 10 years ago

    Michele Dugger should be legislating against child molesters & not worry about Transgenders.
    What an ugly disgusting lying bunch of hypocrites. The Dugger Show should be removed from TV.
    They have made enough money scamming people into believing they are "godly". They are expl;oiting their children & the Christian Faith for a big fat bankroll.
    Who can honestly ever watch their show again without recoiling at the thought of the molesting son, hidden from view while they preached against the faults of others.
    God Thank You for showing the truth of these disgusting people.
    The sight of them on air, parading themselves around to be holy & righteous is a blasphemy to our Lord.
    Real true Christians do not do nor speak as they do.
    Thy need to disappear into oblivion and get out of sight of the world.
    They hid the lie while preaching to the rest of us for a handsome fee.

  • Heidi W - 10 years ago

    Everyone makes mistakes and the show should not be cancelled. This is ridiculous that it's even being brought up all these years later.

  • Jackie Mccrorey - 10 years ago

    he has sined and fallen short of the Glory of God. Has asked for forgiveness and repented and as Christians we need to forgive him. God go and sin no more

  • Michaelle - 10 years ago

    I don't want the network to cancel 19 Kids and Counting. Josh already paid for what he did and his family did not cover up what happened. Josh is now a different person and has done his time. He now cares about his family and God and will not do that mistake again.

  • Rhonda Walker - 10 years ago

    Absolutely do not cancel this show! If these things aren't brought to light and discussed how are they going to get better ? How are teenagers going to learn how they should behave and how to controll there urges and emotions? We are all human and we all sin and fall short of the glory of God!!

  • lorri - 10 years ago

    Why would you allow this show to continue and represent your network! Please look into this issue and not allow them to mis-lead the people with their values.

  • laurie jasinski - 10 years ago

    i think show should be canceled and why do you think the girls r in a hurry to get married so this dosent happen john david is gay too

  • Ray Y. - 10 years ago

    Josh Dugger is no different from a lot of young people out there. He was 14 years old. How long does he get punished for a bad decision. Seems to me, he is a good father and husband who made a bad childish decision.

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