Listen, me being gay is as indelible to my identity as being a cis male and being Black. And I know people will say "well, we're against the ACT of homosexuality"...well I don't stop being gay just because I haven't had sex in awhile, anymore than someone who's still a virgin is somehow in "sexual identity limbo" until they have sex for the first time. saying "hate the sin, love the sinner" sounds good until you're the target of this passive-egressive bigotry. It'd be like my white friends saying "look, I love black people, but I just hate the way black people talk, walk, act, I mean, why do you have to be all black in front of me? Keep that black shit to yourselves!" And sorry Cappadonna, that comparison to someone doing base...I don't think you meant any harm, but that was ignorant and offensive AS FUCK.
Olivia - 10 years ago
How "loved" do you think I feel by people who feel entitled to explain to me exactly how I am violating their beliefs by existing as a gay person?
Cappadonna - 10 years ago
Theoretically, yes - you can hate that your brother is doing base and stole your TV and still love your brother. And you don't have to understand someone's lifestyle to treat them like a human.
But most religious people are so inconsistent with this policy that I had to vote 'no'. I've seen the ugly side of homophobia in my own family where people preach that nonsense but don't talk to their gay kid in 15 years. You'd think my cousin was in witness protection after he came out.
Sadly, in my Lucius Lyons voice, "Nay!" I'll say it as a deacon, we Christians suck sometimes.
I voted "yes", but the more I tried to articulate why, the less I could actually defend the answer. Yeah, we all know someone who says they live by "Love the sinner, hate the sin" but how many of those people can actually say they show love? We all know that Saved™ aunt or cousin who "shows love" at the other aunt/cousin/sister with two kids from different daddies (The Bible says more about Adultery than Homosexuality, don't forget), but throws all kind of shade while showing that "love." Who says she loves Cousin Bo, but mutters shit talk under her breath like Popeye. I guess I'd have to say it's maybe possible, but I've never seen it done. I can't really wrap my head around telling a loved one that you love them, but they're going to hell unless they repent who they are, and claiming that's real love.
I really should think about these things before I hit "Answer Poll".
AGGRESSIVE, not EGRESSIVE, damn my fat fingers!
Listen, me being gay is as indelible to my identity as being a cis male and being Black. And I know people will say "well, we're against the ACT of homosexuality"...well I don't stop being gay just because I haven't had sex in awhile, anymore than someone who's still a virgin is somehow in "sexual identity limbo" until they have sex for the first time. saying "hate the sin, love the sinner" sounds good until you're the target of this passive-egressive bigotry. It'd be like my white friends saying "look, I love black people, but I just hate the way black people talk, walk, act, I mean, why do you have to be all black in front of me? Keep that black shit to yourselves!" And sorry Cappadonna, that comparison to someone doing base...I don't think you meant any harm, but that was ignorant and offensive AS FUCK.
How "loved" do you think I feel by people who feel entitled to explain to me exactly how I am violating their beliefs by existing as a gay person?
Theoretically, yes - you can hate that your brother is doing base and stole your TV and still love your brother. And you don't have to understand someone's lifestyle to treat them like a human.
But most religious people are so inconsistent with this policy that I had to vote 'no'. I've seen the ugly side of homophobia in my own family where people preach that nonsense but don't talk to their gay kid in 15 years. You'd think my cousin was in witness protection after he came out.
Sadly, in my Lucius Lyons voice, "Nay!" I'll say it as a deacon, we Christians suck sometimes.
I voted "yes", but the more I tried to articulate why, the less I could actually defend the answer. Yeah, we all know someone who says they live by "Love the sinner, hate the sin" but how many of those people can actually say they show love? We all know that Saved™ aunt or cousin who "shows love" at the other aunt/cousin/sister with two kids from different daddies (The Bible says more about Adultery than Homosexuality, don't forget), but throws all kind of shade while showing that "love." Who says she loves Cousin Bo, but mutters shit talk under her breath like Popeye. I guess I'd have to say it's maybe possible, but I've never seen it done. I can't really wrap my head around telling a loved one that you love them, but they're going to hell unless they repent who they are, and claiming that's real love.
I really should think about these things before I hit "Answer Poll".