Who 'Won' the GOP Town Hall?


  • David Tillman - 8 years ago

    I felt the same way about Cruz. All he does is name drop, praises himself & I caught him lying about Rubio. Cruz said Rubio will let illegal criminals stay in the US. I know this is an absolute lie. Marco Rubio is for Kates's law. Cruz talks all about himself & not about ,we, the people, or his vision for the country. He just puts down the other candidates & drops names of people Ted thinks are important. He talks about Jeff Sessions and all these names. None of these people like Jeff Sessions endorsed Ted for President. Makes you wonder what they know about him?
    Dr Carson and Marco Rubio were both great. Dr Carson is an honest, likable, honorable,neurosurgeon who has an unbelievable life, history. He believes in this Country and wants to empower young people to rise up. He is dignified, humorous and a man with a strong moral code. His faith guides him..
    Senator Rubio, whose parents were immigrants, like the Gov of SC, wants to give back to the Free Country, the USA, which took in his family from Castro's prison of Cuba.. His knowledge of foreign policy is comforting in a time when anything could happen. He showed tonight, that he is prepared and has the knowledge and judgement to be commander in chief. He spoke of economics, growing jobs, plans for student loans,education, things that will attract younger voters in the general election. Senator Rubio has a contagious vision. It is not about him. It is about making our USA thrive after all undoing all the damage done during the last 7 years,, making us proud to be Americans again. taking the US into the 21st Century. Marco Rubio was very specific in his plans to grow the military, something Ted Cruz had voted against 3 times. He spoke about life and family. His vision and love for his country is sincere and passionate. Marco Rubio does not make it about him at all. It is about leaving a better country for our children.
    The difference between Dr Carson, and Senator Rubio's first 2 town-hall hours , which were so inspiring,, and then to see Senator Cruz's, negative ,untruthful, self serving talk with, not one mention of the American People, I hope voters of South Carolina are as smart as their Governor .And ask themselves why, Ted who, after all the "wonderful" work he has done, with Sen Sessions, and various other names he drops ,why didn't Ted get their vote???

  • Dean - 8 years ago

    I was undecided. But, Ted Cruz now I don't believe in and annoys me, he is mean spirited. His true colors showed on CNN.

    Marco Rubio and Ben Carson were Presidential material.

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