Who won?


  • EvieE - 9 years ago

    Bette Midler gives zero fucks and I love it but for all we know, Kim could have been wearing a bikini under those black strips. I only saw the picture because it was trending in the news. I think the people who are most bothered by her are the same people who follow her on instagram, facebook, watch her shows seek out articles about her. It's so strange that so many people who claim to hate her know so much about her.

  • Amani - 9 years ago

    Of course Kim won! The only reason I know anything about what she's doing is from people who "don't care about her" tell me in detail what she's up to. And she was feeling good enough about how she looked to take the selfie in the first place so it's a win-win. Like Rod said, your only job when that happens is to say thank you or no thanks, and move on. I really tired of freaking out every time there's a naked woman on the internet anyway.

    That said, Bette is a goddamn Savage!

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