Who Won the GOP Debate?


  • Kasich 2016 - 8 years ago

    In terms of potential GOP opposition, OH Gov John Kasich is Hillary Clinton's worst nightmare. When Cruz, Trump & Rubio are fighting and name-calling
    , Gov Kasich is keeping the argument constructive and POSITIVE. And of course either Gov Kasich, Cruz or Rubio may end up claiming the GOP nomination in Cleveland this July. At the convention, delegates are only required to retain loyalty on the largely symbolic 1st ballot. From there on, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc GOP delegates are free to be change thier minds. One of Rubio's people has asked OH voters to vote for Kasich because OH is winner-take-all state, and anyone but Trump winning Ohio helps Rubio. Florida is also a winner-take-all state. supporters in FL might consider supporting Rubio. i
    Trump is losing steam in the polls and most certainly will be deprived of reaching the necessary 1,237 delegates needed for GOP nomination.
    More ominously , if nominated, Donald Trump would be defeated soundly by the Hillary, who by all rights ought to be in Fed prison right now over negligence of Benghazi and gross mishandling of govt classified emails.
    Vote for the only Adult in the Room!!
    Vote for OH Gov John Kasich for US President!!

  • Kasich 2016 - 8 years ago

    In terms of potential GOP opposition, OH Gov John Kasich is Hillary Clinton's worst nightmare. When Cruz, Trump & Rubio are fighting and name-calling
    , Gov Kasich is keeping the argument constructive and POSITIVE. And of course either Gov Kasich, Cruz or Rubio may end up claiming the GOP nomination in Cleveland this July. At the convention, delegates are only required to retain loyalty on the largely symbolic 1st ballot. From there on, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc GOP delegates are free to be change thier minds. One of Rubio's people has asked OH voters to vote for Kasich because OH is winner-take-all state, and anyone but Trump winning Ohio helps Rubio. Florida is also a winner-take-all state. supporters in FL might consider supporting Rubio. i
    Trump is losing steam in the polls and most certainly will be deprived of reaching the necessary 1,237 delegates needed for GOP nomination.
    More ominously , if nominated, Donald Trump would be defeated soundly by the Hillary, who by all rights ought to be in Fed prison right now over negligence of Benghazi and gross mishandling of govt classified emails.
    Vote for the only Adult in the Room!!
    Vote for OH Gov John Kasich for US President!!

  • Big Daddy - 8 years ago

    Both republican and Democratic candidates suck! Congress and senate are nothing but a bickering springer show. But they all stick together In their GOOD OL BOY CLUB, they don't want Trump cuz life as they know it will change. Cruz and Rubio want to raise retirement age. Sure, it won't effect them cuz for being in the Senate they get an early retirement and lifetime (awesome) benefits even after they're done. Mine and yours end when our employment ends. They are all following Trumps script except they're lying and will never attempt to follow through. Do you really think that 2 guys with immigrant backgrounds are going to secure the border?? I'm sick of politicians. I'll take my chance with Trump, already know what we get with the others , more of the same! Oh don't worry Trump won't win cuz the politicians will pull a dirty shot if he wins without the full amount of delegates. That's how our politicians work.

  • Joey Thomas66 - 8 years ago

    Please people! Trump is by far the perfect match for our country. These other guys are your typical lawyers fighting and playing on words to win the depasition. There is a cancer in Islam sorry Trump bidnt cause it! It'sbeen there for years. He is very transparent on his views and that's what we need. The other candidates are soft and weak and afraid to say whats on their minds they say that we should stand up for yourself but not on this issue, that's proof they will say anything to get a vote. People, think about yourself and without influence from another candidate do you really trust someone from islam? Would you go over to the middle east to have this great life? How about send your children there for collage. Please their is a lot of them that hate us sorry it's the truth. Trump said we have to figure out why they hate us? He didn't start any of this! As for the economy let's see, Cruz when was the last time he created just one job or employed any one person? And the answer is, wait for it "0"!!! Rubio the same. Our country is a mess when it comes to the economy. The only jobs out there are part time at a store or fast food. That's not a career. The majority of people are driven and rugged Americans! These are the American's that are holding our country together, very proud and loyal. You will never see these American with their hand held out. So let's open our eyes more American's are voting then ever. The GOP should back the Trump campaign and it will gain the most loyal American people in the world. These people will be there for many years to come. If you fit in with the most loyal American's in the world vote for Trump. Let's Make America Great Again.

  • Welder 1 - 8 years ago

    Did any one else notice that the first 35 min of the debate every candidate used Donald Trumps Signature campaign promises in their speech !!! That was classic, It was like they were campaigning for him. TRUMP 2016

  • Kerry Sherman - 8 years ago

    I'm sorry but i just don't understand what is going on. Am I watching the same debate as everyone else? How in the world could Trump be labeled as a "potential" president of the "free world". Yes he is a successful businessman, but he's dealing with our lives people. Wake up! He sounds like a complete idiot, with no knowledge of anything involving our safety or even how he will make us great. Even I knew what was involved in Common Core. He is a great business man and great at speaking and telling you what you want to hear to make a deal and that is what he is doing with everyone that is supporting him. The difference between him making a bad business deal is him losing money, but as president the result will be our freedom. I think I will be voting for Cruz.

  • average joe - 8 years ago

    Cruz and Rubio are a bought by the elite. Both have say there constitutional but both have went against the constitution, now there trying to copy trump on things he's saying like the trade deals and common core. They both where for the trade deals to ruin this country. Cruz has the bushes running his campain, and rubio is just there to pull voters away to try n keep trump out the election. If you look at the numbersame and the polls they have no foot to stand on. But no lets not get a smart business man to to run this business. Notice I said business cause we're in dept 19 trillion bucks, and no one up there has created one job or helped the economy except trump. None of them can even make there on lives a success and you trust them with the country. You need to wake up out your dream. We don't give a cap about what all you whiny libtards want stop holding your hands out and pick up a shovel and work for yours. It ain't my job to give you stuff or to watch what I say not to hurt someone's little feelings life tuff get a helmet. Did all you people forget Hitler was a great socialist leader that everyone loved till the socialism brought down the economy so bad that he could start his real plan. Socialism sounds like a good idea till a couple years down the road when there's no rich to tax no business and no jobs then your forced to depend on the ruler for everything . All you people have to do is look at history aND the rest of the world n tell me if it can work. You give it a chance why not let someone who didn't have a job till he was forty run our country that will work. Or a criminal, or better yet one of the other two people who can't legally be president. How can Cruz or Rubio be constitutional when the constitution says they can't be president. Trump or death

  • Linda - 8 years ago

    Trump has said in 1988 what he says now. He will lower the deficit and social security will not be in danger. He will build the wall too. If he has a big ego that can only work for America. He will want to prove to everyone that He has made America great. Give me s break people. The others are liars. Wake up. The more the establishment wants to stop him the more every hard working American should be smart enough to vote for him. All the Trump haters act like the government knows what they are doing. They do not. Trump 2016-2024

  • jordan - 8 years ago

    Donald trump is the man for the job by far! Question asked by moderator on CNN. Quote, does Islam hate America. Trump said alot I mean alot of them over there hate us! And there chanting death to America in the streets. End quote. So TRUE! Also when 9/11 happened did you know that lots of places in the middle east people were dancing and praising Allah in the streets and praising the suicide bombers that hit the twin towers? And those were supposedly peaceful Muslims??? And it should come to no surprise that they have burned the USA flag in the streets and im sure you have seen it on the news in the past. I know I sure have. It is time the west truly understands the true power of Islam and what they believe and teach. Just look at how they treat there women over there. They follow the Koran. Donald trump has my vote on this single issue alone. I also agree on 99% of his platform. He is a multi billionaire and will take his money making knowledge and will make America great again. ***AMEN*** enough said!!!

  • TJ - 8 years ago

    Boom. Trump all the way. Every poll shows it, and I hope he faces hillary. I believe that a non established citizen, who loves his country, and is truthful to the American people about what's going on inside senate walls, is the man that gets my vote. We can be a wealthy nation with trump. Very strong armed forces and we won't let anyone walk on us... trump is setting new standards for the election, and it shows everyone in America, to love your country, be honest, and run for president not letting big money wall street scammers scare you out. He's going to create a new standard and put us back on track to be the country we were in the 70s. Long overdue of bad bad political correct leaders. TRUMP!

  • Tamara - 8 years ago

    Shut up!

  • mark - 8 years ago

    anon, why don't you just leave tonight? all of the politicians don't want change because they have gotten rich off the system just the way it is now, this country is a business it wrights millions of checks each month it needs a business man running it TRUMP FOR PREZ

  • Ara - 8 years ago

    A good líder NEVER can motivate or incite violence NEVER. We are selecting who will represent us not only in our Nation we are talking about the voice of each of us as Americans. Don't be a fool that someone who been supporting by years what today criticized will be able to fight for you, is the opposite. This is the time to be wise and smart and to end the comic shows that all us love and enjoy, the moment arrive it's time to select who will rise again with the good will and the work of all, bring back what we slowly being losing... A GREAT NATION, AMERICA. GOD BLESS AMERICA!

  • Cory - 8 years ago

    Trump's supporters, nor Trump himself, clearly don't understand what the role of the presidency is or the very fact we even have two other branches of government. Nevermind all the things Trump is advocating which go against the constitution, but his supporters, should he win, are all going to be disappointed when he is either unable to or unwilling to fulfill his untenable promises to them. I've never seen such an uninformed person running for office before. He's running a racist (yes racist. When you say racist things, you're a racist) campaign and courting the white supremacy vote as well as the starfu**er vote. But he doesn't realize that in a general election, that doesn't fly. And given the sheer math that just less than one in five registered voters are casting a ballot for him, he nor his "silent majority" don't seem to understand math, either. This is the year that the Republican Party goes the way of the Whigs: the brand is now forever tarnished.

  • Ara - 8 years ago

    Esta noche tuvimos la oportunidad de diferenciar cada uno de los candidatos y quien verdaderamente puede ser el líder de nuestra gran nación. En mi opinión mi voto se lo lleva Ted Cruz que con una preparación Inmaculada, valores profundos intrínsecos de respetar lo que hizo grande a América es capaz de restablecer la Constitución a un país que por sus líderes corruptos lo están llevando a la quiebra. Donald disculpa pero tendrás dinero y muchas Torres pero te falta el juicio y la sabiduría necesaria para ser el líder de esta gran nación. La ignorancia mata a los pueblos y por mucho que te quieras imponer no manejas muchos puntos importantes que son necesarios de dominar más en este momento, aunque tengas un buen equipo el hecho de no conocer o no saber definir tu posición que continuamente es variable, no creo que logres la confianza de los que claman una América prospera, integra con la excelencia de sus individuos. Por favor sean profundos y analicen bien y no se dejen confundir la demagogia con la realidad de poder rescatar a la América que por décadas a sido identificada como la Nación de la Democracia y de la Prosperidad.
    Confió en el buen sentido común de sus ciudadanos. Voten por quien pueda llevar su voz no quien desea aprovecharse de su vulnerabilidad.
    Si a CRUZ- No a Donald

  • Kg - 8 years ago

    Oh my God. How ignorant are you people. Trump is one of the worst humans ever. He has admitted he will say whatever to who ever to get what he wants. He stands for nothing but ignorance and hatred and it is growing around him. I hate what I am seeing. To stand by and not speak up in the face of this horrible man is unconscionable. He wants to win "this thing". It's all about him. He can't see beyond himself. He can't do anything for any of us. He has no clue of our lives or what we need.. Until very recently he didn't give a damn about us, but now he needs us to get what he wants. How convenient. Wise up America.

  • BC - 8 years ago

    Trump has the experience and desire to do well. He's not polished, but is learning the public service process. I believe Trump wants to add a better USA to his resume and that our Country can only benefit along the way. Despite all the GOP Elite efforts to control me, I've listened, researched, and watched all the candidates before deciding on my own choice. I'm a well-educated, Florida voter and Trump has my vote.

  • Richard M - 8 years ago

    To really understand what goes on over there, Study the Old Testament. many of those folks are still living as they did back then, There were some bloody and cruel times and Justice was often swift and cruel born of distorted beliefs. They believe what they believe and are willing to die for it as they believe it will bring glory to them and their idea of God.

  • Richard M - 8 years ago

    To really understand what goes on over there, Study the Old Testament. Those folks are still living as they did back then, There were some bloody and cruel times and Justice was often swift and cruel born of distorted beliefs. They believe what they believe and are willing to die for it as they believe it will bring glory to them and their idea of God.

  • The constitutionalist - 8 years ago

    People are stupid Ted Cruz is the best candidate for this race. Marco Rubio is wishy washy. Donald trump will do whatever it takes to win or get something his way even if it means war. John kasich well he really isn't even in this election but he supports common core which is stupid. Out of all the people Ted Cruz is the only guy that I have seen not change his mind he sticks to his ideas and defends our constitution now if that isn't a president then I don't know what is.

  • anon - 8 years ago

    republicans are fucking crazy my guy i cannot Believe anyone thinks trump is good like if he gets elected he's gonna send my ass to mexico and im not even FROM there im literally just leaving before he deports me Bye

  • Nah - 8 years ago

    Nah, technically speaking trump is right. A large percent of Islam folks do live in a very old school/lack of civil rights viewpoint about life. A lifestyle that doesn't play well with ours, and leads to aggravation between parties.
    There is a problem, maybe it's the more liberal folks who are the prob, but regardless it isn't a situation that's going away any time soon.

  • Robert Steven Schumann - 8 years ago

    There are radical Muslims. There are radical Christians. And there are radical, hate spewing GOP Presidential candidates that do not and will never represent America. And yes, there are even "practicing Christians" who are turning their backs on their beliefs to promote this type of hatred and stereotyping. Trump is a disgrace to America.

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