Who do you want to see die on The Walking Dead?


  • Will in Toronto - 9 years ago

    And if anyone votes for Michonne they can meet me in Temecula to catch thesee hands.

  • Will in Toronto - 9 years ago

    I tried to meh the vote but I honestly couldn't choose anyone. If you asked me a month ago I woulda said Gabe and Morgan need to get the hell outta here. But Gabe has turned a corner and is ready as hell to let that AK spray when necessary. And Morgan needs to stay because he is going to be the alternative voice of reason for when Rick is wildin' out. I can see Morgan being the Dare Devil to Rick's Punisher

  • EvieE - 9 years ago

    Sorry but Morgan has got to go. He's a cancer and he's spreading.

  • I'm Just Sayin - 9 years ago

    Personally, I think Daryl would be the most impactful death if it were to happen. While Glenn may have been the moral compass of the show during the 5th season and people who are moral and good always bite the bullet, I feel like Glenn's story has taken a backseat during the 6th season, particularly the second half of the 6th season. I feel like, if Glenn died, people wouldn't care as much. The way they have taken his character this season, I feel like people would be indifferent. And the fake-me-out death in the first half of the season really soured people to Glenn. Whereas, if Daryl died, people would care. They would be angry, sad, mad...they would feel something.

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