Were you a fan of Prince?


  • DeeDubb - 9 years ago

    My daughters, a friend of my daughters, friends, and family texted/called me last Thursday when the news was announced that Prince died. I closed my door at work and was in shock, disbelief, and denial all day. I kept waiting for the news that his body was frozen and would be thawed out in the future according to his wishes. My kids grew up to Prince - he and Michael Jackson were my contemporaries, and they showed me the complete beauty and genius of Blackness.

    Although I loved Michael, Prince has always done it for me. His music, his dancing, his lyrics, his genius. Prince has gotten me through every difficult period of my life. The funk and rock and sex of that man. I regret that I never got the chance to see him perform live.

    I raced my Black azz to Tidal on Friday to sign up with a family account to stream his music. (Now I have Tidal, Spotify, and Apple Music -I believe in paying artists for their art, which is why I am a premium member of TBGWT.) Best money I have ever spent. And after signing up on Friday for Prince, on Saturday I got Lemonade. Lemonade is healing the hurt of Prince leaving us.

    Rest in Love, Prince. You sexy mofo.

  • I'm Just Sayin - 9 years ago

    Real talk, when my sister sent me a text about Prince being dead, I didn't believe her. And when I saw it on a website, I didn't believe it there either. I was at work. It was hard for me to get through the day. I had to leave early.

    Prince was just otherworldly. He wasn't from here. And if aliens came down one day and said that Prince had been their representative they sent to live among us, I would believe it.

    I often say that there was before Michael and Prince (B.M.P) and then there is after Michael and Prince (A.M.P). These two figures have completely shaped the way pop music sounds. And there is NOT a single R&B male artist that has gotten famous after them that don't have them as an influence.

    2016 has been brutal.

  • sugahbabe - 9 years ago

    I'm with you Rod, I told all my friends that I'm choosing to not believe that the Purple One is no longer with us. I haven't processed it yet. Dis tew much.

  • unknown unknown - 9 years ago

    Man look, when I was a kid, there wasn't a broom or baseball bat that was safe from me acting like I was Prince strumming on a guitar. Although I wasn't a fan to a point where I followed all of his music, his music has always been around me. Sad to hear that he passed on. Total and complete shock.

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