Will Jon Snow Stay Dead?


  • ProfessLCH - 9 years ago

    #DemThrones byke!

    No better way to open the Season's Opener than with Nicju! Karen's laughter is legendary in these podcast streets. Might I also note for the record: Nicju's exclamations after Rod says something outrageous(ly funny)? I was in rush hour traffic, showing ALL my teeth, guffawing!

    And of COURSE the #DemThrones hashtag was #2 with a bullet. Where ELSE can you hear references to, e.g., Boyz in the Hood, Friday, Bey references (#Lemonade and "Put A Ring On It"), Trader Joe's, Scandal, Underground, and Twitter memes and themes ALL WITHIN ONE EPISODE?

    Only here.

    Reunited and it feels so GOOOD. #DemThrones recaps: it doesn't get any better!

  • Uncle Bob - 9 years ago

    I went to Morgan State University and I loved my HBCU experience. My professor looked like me, the Dean looked like me, the President of the University looked like me. College Football and Basketball games were always lit because of the band and I met my Wife there.

    I have no qualms with anybody that attends a PWI but I can't stand folk shading HBCU's. At the same time, the shade thrown toward PWI's can get out of pocket, just because you go to a PWI that doesn't mean you deserve to be discriminated against and etc.

    Go to whatever university you can get into/afford.

    Oh and Jon Snow coming back and gon f*ck up White Kenard!

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