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Would a business owner’s political viewpoint cause you to stop patronizing their establishment?


  • Make America Great Again - 8 years ago

    Maple Donuts has every right to express their political beliefs. We have a freedom of speech and any person or business reserves the right to express their beliefs. If a banner supporting hillary clinton appeared, there would be no controversy. The business obviously feels strongly about their choice and feels the need to raise awareness and support for Mr. Trump. This banner will likely 'offend' many people and is a perfect example of how society is today. People see something they do not agree with and spark controversy over it. If you are 'offended' by these signs, you have the same right to not shop here as the owners have to show their support for a candidate. In fact, I commend Maple Donuts for showing their support for Mr. Trump. At least they're actually doing something for society by raising awareness and support. Thank you again, Maple Donuts, for sharing your beliefs in a world that is as easily 'offended' as ours. Make America Great Again ????????

  • Joseph Wolfe - 8 years ago

    You should ALWAYS vote with your dollars!!

  • Sandy - 8 years ago

    A business owner's political viewpoint can also cause me to begin patronizing his/her establishment. My political view is based on my worldview, and I prefer to support like-minded people.

  • Vicki - 8 years ago

    I don't always agree with Maple Donuts political picks, but I definitiely respect their donut making ability :)

    In past years they have offered a free donut to anyone who would get out there and vote on election day, regardless of who they vote for. That's the kind of thing I think we can all get behind and this is the flipside of that I think. They actually take their civic responsibility seriously, so I don't begrudge them free speech on this.

  • Ginger - 8 years ago

    Flying a flag implies allegiance. Businesses should respect their patrons' rights to choose. I would not want to imply that I was supporting a candidate by supporting a particular business. Voting is an individual right and duty...not a commercial or corporate right or duty. Separation of commerce (i.e., undue influence) and state. Besides donuts and politics generate indigestion. Keep politics at home. One person. One vote.

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