Should the UK leave the EU


  • Ging3rbreadgirl - 8 years ago

    Live in the Netherlands but have also lived in the UK for a number of years. It just seems short sighted to leave the EU and sensible to stay. Much more stability and if you want to have any kind of trade/work/travel agreements with the EU you're going to have to abide by most of the EU laws and regulations anyway. I think John Oliver sums it up pretty well on his Last Week Tonight segment on Brexit ( ;-)

  • Ron - 8 years ago

    From Canada, I think you should remain part of the EU. A more united Europe is an asset to the planet. However, I'll will support whatever the British People decide. :)

  • Dee Gilbert - 8 years ago

    I'm from the US. I believe the EU is good for Europe, and I view the UK as a strong leader and a strong voice in the EU. An EU with the UK as a member is a strong EU.

  • dodgyknees - 8 years ago

    Basically looks very close so clearly it's up to everyone to picture themselves as the last one to cast the deciding vote to and to ask themselves would they prefer to live in a country divided into two (or more) warring camps for a very long time (if we are all leave-it-outs as Mr & Mrs you-can't-come-in's leanings are) or in one where everyone muddles along as usual (you're welcome-ins!) even if they still carry on disagreeing fundamentally about the nuts-and-bolts cash side of it all (something that is reviewed, as always, given five-year forecasts/plans of input gross or net into EU budget with monies disembursed towards various etc - not that this tedious detail affects the 'here and now' 'stay or go' mentality adroitly conjured up and finessed by the persuade-you-otherwisers - now which cup is the ball under now I wonder?). I know what I'm going to do, and it's a judgment Solomon would make: so, do you care? That's the question really, isn't it?

  • Gah Learner - 8 years ago

    I'm from Germany and I hope you will stay for several reasons.
    1. We like you and want you to stay.
    2. You bring impulses for change and have the power to demand changes. Changes in the EU administration are very necessary. Many other countries agree with that, too. But the EU is still the better option compared to isolation.
    3. The problems are only just beginning. The little bit of water between the isles and the continent won't stop people from coming. If they can't come legally, they'll come illegally. We all need to face these problems together.
    4. Cultural and scientific interaction (not to speak of the economy) will be a lot more complicated if you go.
    5. The EU has been the best thing for peace and freedom in Europe. We never should take these things for granted.

    And: we'll still like you, no matter what. :)

  • Neil Daniel - 8 years ago

    We have nothing to fear but fear itself. I live in the US and here too, people are facing profound changes in the way we live and how the world works. It is natural in such times to retreat deeper into our caves. This would be a mistake.

  • Juste Words - 8 years ago

    My vote is based purely on emotion. I have never viewed Britain as European, bit as its own tiny and separate bastion of civilization. From a larger perspective, the entire attempt known as the European Union seems like a mistake to me, one that will inevitably blur cultural identities.

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