People who have these stereotypes about black people will have them regardless so you might as well just enjoy the chicken. My grocery store has some banging fried chicken and I was eating it on the way home and this woman looked at me while we were at a stop light and I held my drumstick up to her and then continued eating. I don't give a fuck.
Allie - 8 years ago
I'm a black woman and I was on a date with a white man when we started talking about how we both like to cook. He asked me what's my most requested dish and I hesitated to say "fried chicken." It went smoother than I thought because he jumped right in and said he loved fried chicken but he doesn't know how to make it and only gets it from Popeyes. Since he didn't say he gets his fried chicken from KFC I knew I could work with him and he got a second date. LOL! But that awkwardness is real when dating interracially with things like that because if he were a black man I would have had no qualms about my bragging on my fried chicken.
Will in Toronto - 8 years ago
I'm not conflicted but I do make sure to give them the look like "you better keep whatever comment you had in your mind to your damn self!!"
People who have these stereotypes about black people will have them regardless so you might as well just enjoy the chicken. My grocery store has some banging fried chicken and I was eating it on the way home and this woman looked at me while we were at a stop light and I held my drumstick up to her and then continued eating. I don't give a fuck.
I'm a black woman and I was on a date with a white man when we started talking about how we both like to cook. He asked me what's my most requested dish and I hesitated to say "fried chicken." It went smoother than I thought because he jumped right in and said he loved fried chicken but he doesn't know how to make it and only gets it from Popeyes. Since he didn't say he gets his fried chicken from KFC I knew I could work with him and he got a second date. LOL! But that awkwardness is real when dating interracially with things like that because if he were a black man I would have had no qualms about my bragging on my fried chicken.
I'm not conflicted but I do make sure to give them the look like "you better keep whatever comment you had in your mind to your damn self!!"