Who do you think won the final presidential debate?


  • Chrlsea - 8 years ago

    Please watch the documentary "Body Count" about my parents and vote Trump before I have to live another minute in this nightmare.

  • Laurie - 8 years ago

    I was interviewed today at the Ivanka Trump event by Fox News 6. Many attendees told me that the media would not be fair, but would twist what I said by only playing an excerpt of what I said. Guess what???? They were right!!

    When asked about my reaction to Mr. Trump's comment to wait until after the election to decide if it was fair or rigged, I immediately reminded the interviewer that Al Gore did not concede in 2000 and made us all go through a month of recounts - Bush Won! Then Al Gore, with Bill Clinton's encouragement, again did not concede, but made it go though the State of Florida court system -- Bush WON Again!! Al Gore still did not concede, but took the election results all the way to the Supreme Court, allowing our citizens to worry about what would happen if we did not have an official newly elected President on January 20th. It was not until late December that the ruling was made and BUSH WON AGAIN!! Thank God!

    How come the only portion of my answer, which was at the very end, "if we continue to hear about additional voter fraud, we should question the election", was the ONLY part you aired? Seems you intentionally don't want to remind the voters that it was the Democrats in 2000 that would not concede and put our country through that nightmare.

    Where's the Fair & Balanced reporting that we find on Fox News Channel 48?

  • Scott Bujak - 8 years ago

    Just watched your Reality Check segment -- when do you air your Reality Check on Clinton? How is it fair to only Reality Check Trump? How about her statement that she dreams of Open Borders? It was false that she said it was in regard to energy and not people, crossing our borders, as they have in the EU.

  • Scott Bujak - 8 years ago

    Just watched your Reality Check segment -- when do you air your Reality Check on Clinton? How is it fair to only Reality Check Trump? How about her statement that she dreams of Open Borders? It was false that she said it was in regard to energy and not people, crossing our borders, as they have in the EU.

  • Donald Trump - 8 years ago

    Hillary beat me clean and fair. I'm predicting a landslide victory for her. I'm tied in utah with hillary and thats a red state i'm going to go drink bleach now.

  • Emily - 8 years ago

    RIGGED. The new very-favorite-word of Trump supporters. Everyone buy stock in aluminum foil. There are a LOT of hats being made here.

  • Don - 8 years ago

    While monitoring this poll, for several minutes,, I saw about 400 votes per minute accruing for Crooked Hillary, while only 10 per minute for Trump. It then slowed down to about 1 vote per minute for Crooked Hillary and about 10 per minute for Trump.
    These polls are RIGGED to try to present results desired by Crooked Hillary.

  • Don - 8 years ago

    BUSTED!!! This Poll is RIGGED!!!
    It is currently increasing the Crooked Hillary votes by about 50 for every 1 Trump vote.
    Watch and record the votes, then refresh and calculate the differences.

  • Jack C - 8 years ago

    It absolutely amazes me that there are people who'll vote based on someone's look or speaking ability. In this case, idiots flock together to support a proven lying criminal over a goofy haired, no bullshit speaking over achiever who can save our country. Some people are simply beyond idiotic.

  • Tim Kearns - 8 years ago

    Trump more convincing, Hilary emotional and deceiving. No one cares about accepting the final results or not. He's right that it's way to easy for demacrats are majorly unlawful


  • A. Modern Republican - 8 years ago

    Trump won this one for sure! Despite all of the media criticism and their best efforts to skew the outcome of polls and views of American people, he will win by a landslide on Election Day. BTW you can't compare a politician to a surgeon. A surgeon has years of education to do their job. A politician just needs to know how to lie, deceive, and put on a good show for optics in this country for them to go to the top. America is tired of the lies, the corruption, and the stealing. We are voting for someone who can provide true change. In my business if I had an employee like Hillary Clinton, not only would she have been fired, but she also would've had charges pressed against her for putting our intellectual property at risk of being stolen. Why are we not prosecuting this woman for her criminal acts?! Other political figures have been charged criminally for a percentage of what she has done. Does anyone remember General David Petraeus? When he was being questioned I thought well they have to face the consequences when they do something wrong. But apparently that isn't true if you are Clinton or any other politician protected by the Obama administration. We are tired and done and finally we are voting all of you corrupt politicians out!

  • Johnny Brown - 8 years ago

    MODERATOR: "Hillary, please explain the Wikileaks content and corruption of your campaign."
    HILLARY: "The Russians are trying to control or elections! That's what we should be talking about!"
    TRUMP: "If you weren't such a liar and your campaign wasn't so corrupt, there would be no content for the "Russians" to hack and release!"

  • Always Outspoken - 8 years ago

    Don't believe these polls, folks. They can be (and seems like they ARE) easily manipulated and are almost certainly NOT ACCURATE.

    The bottom line is make sure you VOTE for your candidate on election day. That will be the only poll that really matters.

  • Tom L - 8 years ago

    Hands down Trump

  • Don - 8 years ago

    When these Fox polls are not being interfered with, Trump is polling more than 80%.

    Wake up America ... you are being Punked!

  • Tom F - 8 years ago

    Trump supporters don't want someone with experience in politics running the country. When you need surgery be sure to ask for someone with no medical experience. I'm totally underwhelmed with the stupid comments from Trump supporters (at least the ones with enough words spelled correctly that I could understand what you're trying to say). You people are as dumb and blind as your candidate, I suppose that's why you support him. Birds of a feather do flock together. Keep spouting your Breitbart ranting points and you'll be holding your heads wondering what happened come mid November. He's the perfect candidate for you since he speaks at a 3rd grade level. Do you really want a bonehead like this representing our country with other actual world leaders? He's making our country a laughing stock throughout the civilized world. Let me put this in terms Trump supporters can grasp, "Uh, Trump bad, Clinton good. Trump win, America lose, uh!". Please go back to being uninterested citizens who don't vote, civics is not your strong point. Stop blaming others for your own failings, it's not others, it's you. You're ripe for the picking by this grifter because you're uneducated knuckleheads.

  • Don - 8 years ago

    The Fox polls are RIGGED!

    For every Donald Trump vote, they were automatically giving what appears to be 15 to 20 votes to Hillary Clinton (my calculations 17.5). I monitored the Fox61 poll for a little over an hour grabbing the data and doing the calculations.
    It meant the poll went from 54% for Crooked Hillary and 43% for Trump to 59-38% in about an hour.

    The same thing has happened on all the Fox Polls.
    Wake up America ... you are being Punked!

  • Buckeye - 8 years ago

    the Bolshevik Dems finally ran into a Republican that takes the fight to them. Trump is the Gen. George S Patton of American politics

  • loren brocker - 8 years ago

    God bless TRUMP

  • Caitlyn - 8 years ago

    I am a Latina millenial and I voted for TrumpPence16 by mail because I learned to take immediate action for I want in my future and career. God Bless America! God BlessTrump Supporters!

  • John - 8 years ago

    We have been dealing with a Bush or a Clinton since 1981. How's that worked out America? TRUMPETS sound for making America great again! Trump Pence!

  • Deeba - 8 years ago

    Mike Wallace wins the best moderator. He stays calm under pressure.

  • Deeba - 8 years ago

    "If God be for us, who can be against us." There are many of us praying for Trump. He could be on an island doing whatever he wants to do, but he has put himself in the limelight Because he cares about you, me and America. I am a former commissioner and mayor. When God guides He provides.You learn so much about yourself and others when you run for office and get on the stage. I'm sure Trump is hurt about some people not being there for him and surprised at others. I have the greatest admiration for Cruz for endorsing Trump. Cruz sees the truth. My prayer is Ryan, McCain, Romney, Bush family and others will publically support him. America is hurting and you are in a position of trust. I voted for McCain, Romney and Bush family. You will be held accountable because you have great influence. The best place to get killed is the middle of the road. We need right and right now. I have gone to two Trump rallies and he tells it like it is. Is he perfect? Are we? I believe Trump is sincere and has a loving heart. I admire "real" people and he has God's favor. Lastly, I got another gun permit because I believe women and men have the right to bear arms.

  • John - 8 years ago

    T errific
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    P residential
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    L iar
    I lligal
    N asty
    T wisted
    O bnoxious
    N ever

    Hey everyone, try your own

  • Thi Truong - 8 years ago

    Trump is a piece of trash, look at his women, the way they dress ... He should stay with his business and enjoy what he has...luxurious live...whatever...being the president of the US, not fit, don't even think about it

  • Deeba - 8 years ago

    "If God be for us, who can be against us." There are many of us praying for Trump. He could be on an island doing whatever he wants to do, but he has put himself in the limelight Because he cares about you, me and America. I am a former commissioner and mayor. When God guides He provides.You learn so much about yourself and others when you run for office and get on the stage. I'm sure Trump is hurt about some people not being there for him and surprised at others. I have the greatest admiration for Cruz for endorsing Trump. Cruz sees the truth. My prayer is Ryan, McCain, Romney, Bush family and others will publically support him. America is hurting and you are in a position of trust. I voted for McCain, Romney and Bush family. You will be held accountable because you have great influence. The best place to get killed is the middle of the road. We need right and right now. I have gone to two Trump rallies and he tells it like it is. Is he perfect? Are we? I believe Trump is sincere and has a loving heart. I admire "real" people and he has God's favor. Lastly, I got another gun permit because I believe women and men have the right to bear arms.

  • David - 8 years ago

    Wake up America! Anyone who could vote for that women needs to be deported, along with all the illegal immigrants!!!! Clinton is a CRIMINAL, who should be doing jail time!
    Our great nation is done if she gets the Oval Office.
    Vote Trump!!

  • Michelle - 8 years ago

    Free college? Hillary, who is going to pay for it? Not another Clinton ~ vote for Trump!

  • dilloncail - 8 years ago

    https://polldaddy.com/poll/9556510/ Please vote and feel free to comment. This is a poll made by an American citizen.

  • Kimmy - 8 years ago

    Give the cash back Hillary Clinton.

  • John - 8 years ago

    HRC looked caked with makeup. I saw no wrinkled nor bags under her eyes. Why so much stuff???
    DJT has surrounded himself with the finest economists, engineers, builders, etc. He will do the same as our President. Maybe then our TOP Generals and Law Enforcement personnel can make the US world strong and world smart as well as bringing order to our streets even in the suburbs- I look forward to America in the next few years.

  • Bad Hombre! - 8 years ago

    This poll is rigged!!

  • John - 8 years ago

    CNN. Is full of lies...

  • Jane - 8 years ago

    Hillary Clinton for women she tells too many lies over and over.

  • Sharon - 8 years ago

    Fox news is a lying news station. Once an individual who is running for president is a Republican, they will still stand by them. Even if they are uneducated and a drunk.

  • Nancy Nevin - 8 years ago

    Donald won the debate hands down.Hillary didn't answer the foundation question, or the email question. And abortion in the 9th month.that, IS APPALLING, and illegal.

  • Terry - 8 years ago

    Thump will win in Nov...

  • John - 8 years ago

    I'm a Trump guy all the way. First, the Billy Bush audio should remind every guy of the "locker room" chatter that we used on street corners and sand lots- just idle chatter. WJC acted on all the things that Trump said.
    Tonight, HRC looked glassy-eyed and that slow "blink" of her eyes reminded me of classmates after they got "high" in college. She can't defend Bill, open borders, military, emails and on and on.
    Folks who dislike Trump should invest in a magnifying glass cause Hillary is not a good person!!!
    I predict a landslide victory for Trump-

  • Always Outspoken - 8 years ago

    First of all, I'd like to say that I was impressed with the level playing field presented in this debate. Chris Wallace did a very good job of remaining professional and neutral.

    Once again, Hillary repeatedly refused to address the actual questions posed, and instead spun everything into topics that she had pre-scripted and practiced statements for. Several times she was visibly anxious or wrathful - particularly when pressed about recent revelations of her own transgressions (or those of her compatriots).

    She also of course took every opportunity to regurgitate her blase repertoire of personal attacks on Trump.

    IMO, Trump easily outclassed Hillary and won the debate handily.

  • Lee ann - 8 years ago

    Thrump good job you go boy...

  • Jessica - 8 years ago







  • Bill - 8 years ago

    What he'll has Hillary Clinton done for 30years not anything at all...

  • Jerry - 8 years ago

    Hillary Clinton needs jail time..

  • Cece - 8 years ago

    Oh gosh! Again, Clinton had 30 plus years to ''fix" all the above that comes out of her nouth! Sad and disgusting! Just heard it all over again that I hear and see everyday on the national news!

  • Jon - 8 years ago

    What the he'll wrong with people voting for Hillary Clinton she is 100% fake!!

  • Brenda - 8 years ago

    Believe me. The Donald is a blubbering idiot. Totally. Awesome

  • Charles - 8 years ago

    Hillary clinton I am not a fan of thrump but I will vote for thrump you tell too many lies over and over who and the he'll would vote you...

  • Kenneth Glenn Koons - 8 years ago

    I think Donald slugged his way through but did not get the KO he needed to get some Libertarian, some honest Dem voters. And that is what he needs. He is getting more Come Home Pubs and many Indies but he needs some honest Dem voters if there are any left since Hil is so obviously a liar, inept in so many ways as a CIC type and surely her fails at Benghazi and the info from Wikileaks, Enquirer, Veritas should absolutely nail her to disqualification. Trump is raw but honest. Whether this plays out in the large electoral states where too many uninformed voters are, one never knows.

  • Bambi - 8 years ago

    Go Trump! Hillary is a fake!

  • Charles - 8 years ago

    Hillary Clinton false and lies!!

  • Rich - 8 years ago

    Thanks for your input Angie... You're an American! We still love you! Good luck!

  • Angie - 8 years ago

    Are you kidding? Hillary is a disbarred criminal thief two faced baby killing racist sociopath and you think she's a good idea of a president? And compared to hert you find Trump offensive? Don't you know you can't trust emotions you gotta use your head!

  • Rich - 8 years ago

    Trump is officially "Fired!" Can't believe such an un-intelligent person was the Republican nominee and is even being considered to be the next president of this great country. Trump in his own words is "A Disaster". To each there own.... I don't understand the trump supporter, it is disturbing. Hilary's not perfect, but I'm with her!

  • Carole - 8 years ago

    Debbie's comment is foolish. She is an attorney so of course, she knows how to put up a good defensive argument, whether true or not. Would Debbie like to keep her country, or does she want it completely destroyed by the likes of Hillary Clinton. What's important here and what we all should be looking at is who will bring about the proper kind of change that will help this country. because it is in deep trouble. Hillary will continue on the Obama path and destroy this country. Open your eyes folks before its too late. This woman has done nothing but take care of herself. She has no interest in you no matter what your nationality is. She has proved that already. She was groping for straws tonight and you could see it all over her. Sometimes I think women should not be allowed to vote as they go with their emotions and not logic, and I am a woman. but I know better than to vote for Hillary. By the way, the ABC news media made a big deal of what Trump said about accepting the election, however, they forgot to mention that Obama said "I won't move out of the Whitehouse if Trump is elected president." His very words. How convenient of them to forget that.

  • Ricky - 8 years ago

    Hillary Clinton is pro big government , pro open borders, is a super liberalist , is responsible for casualties, has a Wall Street persona and also a persona for " the people " so 2 different agendas , deletes emails, is completely dishonest on all subjects, would sell you " as a person " to isis if the currency is prophitable and last but not least , sells favors and America to all who "pay to play "" get real people . Hillary and bill Clinton are all levels of CORRUPT and she is doing the devils bidding ! One world EVERYTHING is the ultimate goal for these scumbag satanist .

  • Gail - 8 years ago

    Congrats to Chris Wallace-- great job
    Trump's delivery is not slick like a politian but I believe he spoke the truth and made sense.I believe Clinton sounded very robotic and she defended the status quo which is clearly terrible
    One question for all: when you take all the money from the rich people (which could happen rapidly) then how do we continue?

  • Jimmy - 8 years ago

    To begin with I do not like Clinton or Trump. We need more independent candidates to get in these same debates against Democratic and Republicans. I will give it a tie who won. I did not like Trump answer about Social Security and Medicare. He rambled on about Obama care which has nothing to do with Social Security or Medicare. Hillary Clinton debating with Bernie Sanders during the primary did not and would not how she would make Social Security better for retired Americans, however tonight debate she would work to improve Social Security and Medicare for seniors. This tells me that Clinton will say just about anything to get your vote. All I have to say is God help us all because either Clinton or Trump will be the next President.

  • Claudette Percival-Braxton - 8 years ago

    I am pleased with Hillary's performance. She stuck to each task and answered the questions as transparent as possible. She will be a great president and I give her my blessings! She is in my prayers. She also has the experience and the ability to do wonderful things for America.

  • Andrea - 8 years ago

    Trump taking this in for us and our children! He doesn't need the hassell. Clintons had their chance she is a lier! Notice the eye contact!!!! America needs more than words without plans and she should be in jail

  • Chad - 8 years ago

    Trump is an egomanic. Not clintons biggest fan but he's a joke.

  • John Campbell - 8 years ago

    I love this. It's so good to see these globalist/leftist nut cases get their lunchbox handed to them. Trump mopped the floor with Hillary tonight. The Wikileaks references by Wallace totally shocked me when he brought them up, but they were on target. The leftist media being caught red handed in their collusion, collaboration and conspiracy has shocked them big time. They never thought they would get caught, which accounts for their brazenness in their own emails. The globalists will be having a cow crying foul from here, to Nov. 8th , and until they find a way to hang Assange. :o)

  • Louise - 8 years ago

    I just voted here 6 times, the results of this poll are invalid.... how many times have you all voted lol

  • Parviz - 8 years ago

    Clinton is a globalist and she wants to destroy both US and Russia for her bosses to own the planet or be the head of one world government.

  • Lindie - 8 years ago

    Voting for Trump is about moving away from the career politicians who have not delivered. It is about putting the career politicians on notice that the American people are fed up with them and will turn to someone outside who does not have the label of a politician who sells them out once they are elected. I will vote for Trump...because I am willing to go four years with him than another four years of OBAMA.

  • Gandhi - 8 years ago

    Hillary,well done,Trump shows in the debate no respect for women,

  • Nicholas - 8 years ago

    I am gonna give it to the Donald.Clinton cherrypicked her rebuttals against Trump and many of his arguments were not even addressed at all.

  • Dean - 8 years ago

    Hillary is the clear winner! Trump is not smart enough to understand basic civics. Congratulations President Clinton. It is all about respect, love, unity, tolerance, and acceptance! Trump has no patriotism.

  • Sue Lancaster - 8 years ago

    Wake up America are you tired of supporting illegal imagarants? Vote for Trump. This country has been in a mess for years. It needs to stop now.

  • Mary.viramontes - 8 years ago

    Go Trump!!

  • Nathan Flarh - 8 years ago

    Fuck clinton

  • Brandon Carver - 8 years ago

    Donald done an amazing job. He showed her for what she is A bought out, lying, and crooked politician.

  • Shelby - 8 years ago

    Trump puts it all out there. I don't think he was being childish at all. I think he tells it like it is and Hillary is a lying snake. She didn't respond to the reports of her paying individuals to sabotage the trump campaign with riots. She really is a disgusting woman.

  • Nicole - 8 years ago

    Donald did good #trumpforpresident

  • Darien Leonardi - 8 years ago

    No beating around straight answers

  • Debbie - 8 years ago

    First, I have to say Chris Wallace did an amazing job! Hilary was professional and presidential. At first, I thought Trump was doing better. He appeared to be calm. Then, Donald was the same way he always is...childish. I have absolutely no respect for that man.

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