Grade 'Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life' Episode 4:


  • Stacy derby - 7 years ago

    Please give us more to the Rory/Logan/Jess story on who the father is of her baby. We want more shows to answer the cliff hanger questions too, this show can not just end with closing the Emily and Richard story along with Lorelai and Luke story because it was based on the three woman of the Gilmore family we need a close to the Rory/Logan/Jess love triangle story even if it is another series based on them due to Dean being happy in his marriage with his family his story with Rory has been closed. Please give us a season 2

  • Liz - 7 years ago

    It has to be Jess! Yeah Logan has been a constant in her life because it's safe and easy. Remember she broke up with Dean, told Logan No to marriage but Jess was the one without saying the words broke up with her. Even though he loved her, he knew he wasn't good enough for her. He had to make something of his life before he would be worthy If her. Remember in the beginning, they were both intelligent. They challenged and complimented each other. They talk of books, music and things that they both loved. Logan was just safe, and easy like Dean who she ran back to after her relationship with Jess was over. She even told Lane with Dean it was easy and it was the same with Logan. Remember every time she saw Jess through the series she would become un-nerved. To much underlying love and chemistry between Rory and Jess. Jess needs to be the father from a night of unplanned passion and they need to make another year in a life of them going through the pregnancy, birth of their child and then possibly their marriage to each other.

  • Miranda - 7 years ago

    Rory and Logan belong together they have true love amazing chemistry they are each others best friends and there rock in hard times. Rory needs to marry him .

  • Miriam johnson - 7 years ago

    OMG we need more episodes that not cool the ending need to know what happened with Rory life does she end up with Jess or Logan does she tell him come on help us out here not cool at all.

  • Vicki - 7 years ago

    What about Jess, why aren't Rory and Jess getting back together, that would be better.

  • Pam - 7 years ago

    Logan isn't Rory's Christopher or her Luke--he's her Richard. He's her rock. He's always there for her no matter what -- (rewatch Richards heart attack episode if you have doubts that he may be Christopher-like). For Rory, it's always been Logan. I really want to see the next round of Gilmore Girls...and will it include the newest one? I've been wracking my brain for her little name! Will they name her Lori? Or Emmy?

  • JJ - 7 years ago

    I don't think Logan is Rorys Christopher I believe he is her Luke he is always there for her even though they are in other relationships. He would drop anything for her. Jess is her Christopher to me because of the fact that he just leaves and only occasionally pops up from time to time. Like when she is with Logan and Jess pops up with the book he wrote , he comes in breaks Logan , and Rory up for a bit, but then they get back together. Even after Rory turns down Logans proposal in the new ones they are still there for each other just like Luke and Lorelei. I ultimately think that Logan is Rorys happy ending

  • Krista - 7 years ago

    Please don't let that be the end!!!!!

  • Krista Dillingham - 7 years ago

    Please don't let that be the end!!!!!

  • Jennifer - 7 years ago

    I loves the show but .... champagne while pregnant....! Not a good choice ... eeek .... seriously ????

  • Madonna - 7 years ago

    A year in the life was tastefully done. Yes I cried, I cried when they had Richards funeral and when Luke & Lorelei got married. It was like the last episode years ago when the whole town threw a graduation/ going away party for Rory...I cried then too and when Richard told Lorelei that the party was more of a tribute to her. I can't help the waterworks I can't shut them off. I do hope they make more episodes because Rory said she was pregnant, I assume with Logans baby. They have to give us more because if it's Logans baby then Rory has to stop the wedding by telling Logan that she's pregnant. Please give us more, don't leave us hanging.

  • Shironica - 7 years ago

    More episodes please

  • Sarah - 7 years ago

    Disappointed! Logan was not shown to be Christopher-like in the original series. Rory and Logan were shown to have a real relationship based on love. And the only reason she says no to his proposal is because she had been too young and had the whole world to see. But she had still wanted to be with him! And now the new episodes screwed up their relationship entirely. Why in the world does Rory's story have to be similar to Lorelai's! Luke and Lorelai ending was the only good thing about the whole show. The musical was such a bad idea. Sookie's presence was too limited. If Jess was to be Rory's end game then he should 've been given a stronger story line. How are the fans even satisfied with the revival. Cliff hangers suck. No show should end on a cliffhanger unless they plan to pick it up again. Not happy at all.

  • Yellow7 - 7 years ago

    I think it's the Wookiee's baby - more episodes PLEASE

  • Auds0 - 7 years ago

    Please please make more episodes!! It cant end just like that! How will Logan react? What about Jess?? What about the book!?! We are left hanging!!!

  • Jessica Espinosa - 7 years ago

    Love the show Gilmore girls. My daughter& I watched all the episodes together. Need more episodes. Love this show so much.

  • Leanne - 7 years ago

    I made sure to binge watch all of the gilmore girls to be prepared for the new episodes. I had to come online after watching then to find out if I could look forward to any more!!! I want to know so bad what happens, I was waiting for Logan to come sweep Rory up and propose again since he seems so heart broken at,the thought of loosing her in his life. They are still so in love, you can tell!! I need to know if he is a better father than his father was!!!

  • Sammie - 7 years ago

    Just the way it ended ....many are right there has to be more can't let us all hang when a new life changing event comes into play!!

  • Jule - 7 years ago

    Please give us a last wonderful happy ending episode. In this world we need to see Rory and Logan end up together in happiness and love. I think she she doesn't need it to make it like her mum. One girl suffering is enough to understand that family is the only thing, that makes her happy. #team happy end for Rory and Logan and us

  • Alisha - 7 years ago

    More! More! More! More! More! There just has to be more....period!

  • Angela smith - 7 years ago

    Gilmore girls is one of my favorite shows to watch. I was super stoked when yall started to make more. Please dont let it end their.

  • Roby - 7 years ago

    Guys!! No no no nooooo the end was awsome till that end!!!! No no noooo we saw the end of lorelay and luce but what about Rory??? Everybody wanted to knoooowwwww and then that "im pregnant"????? Oh God please more episodesss. We waited so long not for this!!!

  • Catherine - 7 years ago

    I love Gilmore Girls! I loved and hated the last show, for obvious reasons! It needs more! Even if just a couple of more episodes (then that probably wouldn't be enough either!) We need to see how Rory handles the pregnancy, heck how Lorelei handled it too! If she tells Logan, or not. What Jess thinks, etc. There are so many things left unhandled, we need to see! Please do a couple of more shows, at least; if not another whole show completely! That'd be awesome!

  • Pat Durrant - 7 years ago

    Did not like the "I'm pregnant " ending. Did not think that was needed. All of a sudden she gets pregnant at 32, after having sex for several years. We were led to believe she would end up with Jess.

  • Jenn - 7 years ago

    We need more they can not just cut it off like that

  • Pepita - 7 years ago

    What a cliffhanger ending!! We need more! Think of Richard Linklater!!!

  • Kathy - 7 years ago

    Are these going to be the only new episodes or will more be done and released late?

  • Michele - 7 years ago

    I thought it was very well done, with the exception of 'SUMMER' and the too long, ridiculous musical preview! Such wasted time, with so many other possible scenes. It was over way too fast and if there aren't plans to do another "Year in The Life" to tie up the new loose ends, I'll be disappointed! I realize that Rory will raise her baby herself, if this is the end, but there's still so much story to tell! I.E., the dad, the annex to the Dragonfly, does Rory get her book published..
    The only thing unneeded was all the wasted time of a Star's Hollow musical again!
    Fingers crossed for another Gilmore Girl set of episodes!

  • Linda - 7 years ago

    Wasted, precious minutes spent in New Hampshire and in California, not hiking. The rest was wonderful, UNTIL the cliffhanger last 4 words with no promise of another season! I am so conflicted right now, I'm not sure what I think!

  • LINDA JOHNSON - 7 years ago

    Excellent!,loved !
    Hopefully there will be more...

  • Leila Carson - 7 years ago

    I loved it but now i want more! I want to know what rory is having and how she will work the whole thing out. And the show always eluded to the fact that Michelle was gay. And i wanted more sookie. I agree that jess is rorys luke. My husband pointed out that jess was the one who truly loved her because he realized that he could give rory what she needed and loved her enough to back off and wait for her until the time was right.

  • Kelly - 7 years ago

    The ending was created to make you want more. It's the same thing that kept us coming back to binge 10 episodes in a row. I hate that there is no more, but I still think it captures the bittersweetness of the whole show.
    In my mind, Rory has the baby and a somewhat similar relationship with Logan as Lorelei did with Christopher. She won't make the same mistakes her mother did, but she will still wrestle through her own. The whole time, Jess will be there. Her friend, the only one to challenge her and support her: her Luke. Rory will raise the baby with help from all of Stars Hollow, just like her mom did. There will be Logan love, and other loves in her life. She will eventually, maybe sooner than her mom, realize that Jess fits. It has to fit.
    The beauty of this ending is that you can create your own. If you're team Logan, then you can imagine your own ending. Hell, if you're still team Dean (but like really?) you can hold on to that one corn starch moment to help you believe there's a chance.
    This ending, although completely open ended and frustrating, allows us all to have our Gilmore Girls perfect ending. The writers won't force feed us an ending, they know that we know the characters just as well as them. They don't need to lay it all out there for us.
    I loved it. The ending fit perfectly.

  • Sherry - 7 years ago

    I can't understand why everybody keeps saying that Logan and Rory just don't fit. They seem to fit perfectly well and be so in love. And with as mad as I was about the ending and how open they left it I think that it's beautiful that they kind of expressed everything in just one simple year. It was left open but it shows you that life doesn't just stop. Just because an adventure in your life is done it doesn't mean that your life just stopped.

    Into the person above who was upset that Michele is suddenly gay, oh honey he was always gay. Is your gaydar broken?

  • H morrow - 7 years ago

    My girls and I just finished all four episodes. I am sorry to say we were disappointed. Some of it left us scratching our heads and just let down. There were some redeeming moments that we appreciated. But overall it just wasn't what it could have been.

  • H morrow - 7 years ago

    My girls and I just finished all four episodes. I am sorry to say we were disappointed. Some of it left us scratching our heads and just let down. There were some redeeming moments that we appreciated. But overall it just wasn't what it could have been.

  • Oksana - 7 years ago


    The ending is great! Makes perfect sense that it would come full circle to Logan being Rory's version of Christopher and Jesse being her Luke!!!!!
    Both boys are in her life and are important.

  • Celena - 7 years ago

    Thought the ending was poor. Too many open endings, not just the baby. Suki 5 min really? Michel is suddenly gay!!??? Jess really? Fail guys sorry.

  • Pamelita - 7 years ago

    Me encantaron los espisofios de amy sherman paladino los de Daniel paladino fueran en muchas partes aburridos

  • C - 7 years ago

    Loved the show very much had the Gilmore Girls feel, but you can't leave it like that they need to do more! Lol

  • Gissela - 7 years ago

    Im thinking logan's baby he's like her father now also the conversation se had with Christopher about lorelai raising her alone circle situation .. but she's going to end with Jess like lorelai and luke

  • Jamie - 7 years ago

    More More More...... I NEED MORE EPISODES!! Who is the father? Will she marry? I'm dying here!

  • Dawn - 7 years ago

    That sucks we need more episode's. Please don't leave is hanging.

  • Elizabeth - 7 years ago

    This cant possibly be the end! The ending is perfect for it to continue.

  • Kathy - 7 years ago

    Couldn't the Wookiee she slept with be the father ? Or am I missing something!

  • Betty - 7 years ago

    More episodes PLEASE!

  • Sha - 7 years ago

    There has to be more. A great ending to a new beginning.

  • Chloe - 7 years ago

    This is just not how I wanted it to be... Logan with that French Odette girl is awfully wrong... I really hope that Logan is the father because he is committed and he loves Rory, as seen through Gilmore Girls and Gilmore Girls; A Year in Life.

  • Judy - 7 years ago

    I hope this isn't the end. Horrible ending. There needs to be more.

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