Do babies annoy you when you see them in public places?


  • FalconsDiva - 8 years ago

    I think parents have developed what I call 'parents ear' - I can be at a friend's house that has kids. The kids will be yelling and screaming and my friend is just going about business as usual. This happens in public places. I've been eating at a nice establishment and a toddler 2 tables over is screaming. All of the adults are talking to one another ignoring one another. That annoys me because I can hear it and I feel for the child. I'm not mad at the child, I'm mad at the parents. Also kids running around make me nervous. I've seen kids run into shit and hurt themselves and that makes me nervous. So my frustration is with the parents. Also when parents bring their kids to places and expect folks not to curse. If you take your child to an NFL game, please know that the adults around you have been drinking for hours before the game at the tailgate. Don't have a fit when your child hears curse words. Prepare them for the environment they're about to experience.

    In summary, the parents get on my nerves more than the kids. I stopped working with the youth ministry at church because the parents got on my nerves.

  • MsAnderson - 8 years ago

    I usually judge whether or not it is appropriate to bring my children to a restaurant by checking the menu ahead of time for a kids menu. I'm with Rod though I've never had any of my experiences ruined by a child being present, but I have been annoyed by some damn adults !

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