Ridley is a latter-day Stokely Carmichael 'The only position for women in the movement is ‘prone’ ' . Prone, y'all. Not supine. P.R.O.N.E. More erasure and virulent misogynoir. F him and his whack ass show. Shout out to the chat.
Lettie Mae Daniels
Lettie Mae Daniels - 8 years ago
Ridley is a latter-day Stokely Carmichael 'The only position for women in the movement is ‘prone’ ' . Prone, y'all. Not supine. P.R.O.N.E. More erasure and virulent misogynoir. F him and his whack ass show. Shout out to the chat.
Lettie Mae Daniels
Ridley is a latter-day Stokely Carmichael 'The only position for women in the movement is ‘prone’ ' . Prone, y'all. Not supine. P.R.O.N.E. More erasure and virulent misogynoir. F him and his whack ass show. Shout out to the chat.
Lettie Mae Daniels
Ridley is a latter-day Stokely Carmichael 'The only position for women in the movement is ‘prone’ ' . Prone, y'all. Not supine. P.R.O.N.E. More erasure and virulent misogynoir. F him and his whack ass show. Shout out to the chat.
Lettie Mae Daniels