Did you ever get "the talk" about being black in America?


  • Amil - 8 years ago

    I may have screwed up the poll. I'm black, but grew up in Jamaica where we make up over 90% of the population so "the talk" wasn't necessary.

  • Fendercase - 8 years ago

    I got the talk and I grew up in the epitome of white suburb. I have since had to have the talk with my daughter who is just like the girl driving with her mom in the commercial. 90% of the common sense parenting I've done and 100% of my intensity behind it was to teach my daughter how to survive and come home. She's in university now and she is starting to understand why I did what I did and she is also seeing the privilege in those she grew up around.

    I'm getting my subscription to Black Mother's Monthly! #BMM "What to give the child who needs something to cry about!"

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