Do you worry about white people calling the cops on you for no reason?


  • Mrs.CT - 7 years ago

    Hey Rod and Karen. I just wanted to let you know that the poll results were jacked up. You have four people that voted no, but they meant to vote 'I'm white!'. Just wanted to let you know...

  • Lupin the 3rd - 7 years ago

    As a 6 foot 3 size 15 wearing 390 pound black man. I am not allowed to be human I can't get upset I can't raise my voice because my size alone is a weapon to many people. To them I am open carrying just by living my life. So yes I am worried about the cops being called on me for no reason. Because it can end with me dead and the comments section will explain that I had to die because look how big I am it would have been dangerous for the cops to interact with me.

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