Do white women stop for you when you're walking in the parking lot?


  • Sam G - 7 years ago

    I'm in Okinawa, Japan so its a little different. Everyone is involved with the military so they are usually have tunnel vision is concern with being law abiding etc. But for sure when I was in the states.... Man they will run your ass over trying to go get a pumpkin spice latte.

  • Dre - 7 years ago

    I feel like I get a stop most of the time since I'm usually walking a cute white dog name Bentley. They kids be looking at him, and I be like "Sorry Dawg" when they ask can they pet him.

  • Iman - 7 years ago

    Maybe because I wear hijab and I’m often with my kid. I’ve never experienced someone almost hitting me. I usually walk into a store like an indignant white woman, “if you hit me I’m suing your ass! Pedestrians have the right of way!”. . .except when I was on the campus of my HBCU (Alabama A&M). And it was usually dudes! One guy tried to use it as a way to get my number, like no negro.

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