Who do you think will win the Ontario election?


  • John Pinero - 6 years ago

    Here is hoping for a good fiscally responsible decision from the Ontario voters. If they are unable to learn from their own Wynne mistake and Alberta and BC's huge mistakes I suspect Canada is done. Being environmentally responsible is fine, Green energy should be implemented on it's own merits, not breaking taxpayer backs and bankrupting our economy.

  • K Jennings - 6 years ago

    Watch them boot out Kathleen Wynne next election not seeking her smug face for another 4 years should make them happy. It's Just too bad it takes 4 years. The public should be given the right to boot out midterm the likes of her, that damage the economy so bad that any government that follows is handicapped trying to repair irreversible economic damage. Next, we have 2 more useless leaders that are going to face the Boot. Alberta's NDP and the Fed's Mr. J. Trudeau's Liberals but unfortunately we half to wait another year. Here today we have Mr. Trudeau wondering around a dead pipeline trying to look important while trying to figure out more ways to steal money from Canadian's wallets.

  • Just me - 6 years ago

    Ontario the rest of the country is watching you, make a good choice for all of us.
    Thank you,

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