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Should parents be told their child is part of a GSA Club by schools or organizers? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 2,796

  • Mariette - 6 years ago

    I think these result are fake news. I truly believe parents wants to know all about their children,,,and want the best care for them and not being aniliated from their own children!

  • Ed - 6 years ago

    A GSA is a school club; however, there is a difference between, for example, the chess club and a GSA club. The former isn't a support group as is the latter, and it's not likely possible that a child is afraid to tell a guardian they have joined a club where they play chess, nor is it likely possible that a child is worried about what might happen to them at home because they enjoy playing chess. To have a political party saying it's not allowing the parents to know is irresponsible; a parent is able to ask a child, and most importantly, if a child feels safe at home to share that they are LGBTQ+, they will tell them themselves. Not sure why an MLA and his party would feel it's their responsibility to put children at possible risk; one would think that would be something they would want to protect.

  • Anne - 6 years ago

    We are responsible for our children. If we have to sign a permission slip for a hike, why not for other clubs and activities?

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