Who Do You Think Should Have Custody Of Tate?

1 Comment

  • Berentha Duval - 7 years ago

    Theresa turned her life around evidenced by making the ultimate sacrifice..she put Tate and Brady first. No, she isn't perfect and it was a tough choice to make leaving Chloe, but any mother would do what it take to get back to her child. Let's not forget Brady is in no position to judge i.e. after what he did to Eric and Nicole. Theresa has made every effort to get Brady to give their life another chance and he's being unfair. She's in the fight of her life and she should pull out every stop to get her son on her terms. I'm rooting for her. Brady is a good dad and I'm hoping for shared custody at the end of the fight. I love Kassie aka Eve, but her and Brady are ridiculous, it doesn't make sense. The chemistry between them is forced acting..no real fire. In this fight, I'm Team Theresa and she was not one of my favorite people, but I'm on her side.

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