Do you agree with the removal of Laura Ingalls Wilder's name from the award?


  • Janet Mackness - 3 years ago

    This is what happens when the past is seen through today's lenses.

  • john - 6 years ago

    Let's remove all history and all names and all institutions, as all have roots in some past thought or notion. So now we can have "Country A People Group A has apologized to Country B people group B, because of xxxcide practices of Group A 5000 years ago as can be seen in the historical record, glyphs, and genome of the people of Group A and Group B or in the records of Groups C, D, and E. Group B disowns the teachings of its elite writers in the years 1050 to 1135, who perpetuated patriarchal subjegation of Group E persons, at that time living in Group D lands. Group D apologizes to Group E for ... and so on.

    Let us live our best today. In 5, or 50, or 5000 years, who knows how backwards we might look to women and men of the future because we considered men equal to women and paid them the same, when they clearly are not a emotionally smart as women and are more suited to staying home raising the kids.

    I read and reread the Laura Ingles Wilder stuff. I identified with the times of hard winters and hard lives, and did not find my way to nasty views about skin colour or IQ - (even as I say there is only one human race - with red blood).

    If one strips every institution free of the sensitivities of the current today, we will have no story, no history, Every history text and story will then be published in completeness as follows:

    "History is the story of victims for we are all victims. We have no power to change our life or circumstance. The other made us victims. Bad other. We are helpless. Bad other. We killed the other. Kill the other. The end.

  • Mary - 6 years ago

    Do ppl in power have nothing else to do than trying to change what they think is politically incorrect grow up idiots.. do something that’s important, you shouldn’t care what colour your skin is or where your from,how much money you have or don’t have this crap ???? makes me upset!!! Really we’re all god’s children!!! For the ppl who sit there thinking of new way to piss ppl off maybe think of new ways to better everything!!!!

  • Tammy - 6 years ago

    This is unacceptable!
    Because someones feelings ate hurt, really?
    The human race makes me sick in this day and age!
    All a bunch of whinners
    Put on you big kid pants and stick your head under water!

  • Allison - 6 years ago

    This is why history repeats its self , because if some one dont like it , it is then erased . leaving no room for people to learn from the past so they can change the future

  • Ann - 6 years ago

    This is so sad! How many of us grew up reading her books! You can't change the past! Consider the time and what it was like. You didn't have what we have now. And honestly children now should be aware of what happened so we can show them how those points of view changed over the years. This woman is not even here to defend herself. What a terrible way to destroy a legacy that has been around for years. And if it was "core values" that it goes against why was the award ever named after her in the first place!

  • Arlene - 6 years ago

    Why did this even become an issue? Did someone complain? I’m so tired of the PC crowd dissecting every little thing.

  • Mary - 6 years ago

    Removing Laura's name from the award won't change what happened, and it won't end racism, either- just like banning guns will not stop people from killing each other. I wish liberals could get that through their thick heads.

  • May Norcott - 6 years ago

    I am so sick of people who dissect everything, just because something is not acceptable today, doesn't mean it wasn't back then, being judged for not knowing any better is just wrong and taking the honor away from her is terrible. History is history, leave it alone.

  • Ryan - 6 years ago

    I'm just wondering, when are going to start banning and then burning books? Political Correct culture seems remarkably similar to Nazi Germany and/or North Korea.

  • Thomas - 6 years ago

    I'm confused. Why do so many think that they're erasing the past? In another article it was stated that the ALSC still wants people to read and enjoy these series. It's pretty clear that all they've done is change the name of the award. Wilder is still a respected author, her books will still be read and respected, and history hasn't changed.

    What they have done is rename the award so that Wilder's writings, which include some problematic perspectives, aren't upheld as the ideal. Sure, in the era it was written, these writings were hardly problematic but the award isn't stuck in that era and as they continue to nominate and award recipients with it, tbey have to ensure it is fitting for the era we are in now. And I hope you agree that we are in an era where racism and bigotry are not approved of.

  • Scott - 6 years ago

    and yet Django won Oscar awards.......

  • Barry - 6 years ago

    It was the time they were in.
    I haven't read her writings but in the Little House TV series, her and her family were very aware of the bigotry and as far as I could tell, we're often defenders of the persecuted.

  • Queen - 6 years ago

    Why do people overreact over the darnest things? Let things be, people need to stop letting other people control them... let the past be. Grow up...

  • betty snell - 6 years ago

    How can supposedly intelligent people come up with this nonsense. Without accuracy we have no history, we have no past. We can't hope to improve the future without factoring in the past. History texts for schools will be non existent or about 10 pages long. The opening page will read something like this "this book was published by the ministry covering political correctness". The last page will say "this boot was edited to remove any controversial material". The rest of the pages will be blank.
    Due to remarriage my brother and sister are Metis. They are entitled to have accurate information about the history we do not share as well as what we do share.

  • Paul - 6 years ago

    Stop tinkering with the past. The sanctimonious stupidity of holier-than-thou political correctoids never fails to disgust (even to amuse) me. Do they not realize that future historians are going to have a field day with them? They will be ridiculed. I’m just getting a head start here .... fools.

  • Jay - 6 years ago

    Oops. No edit feature. Obviously should be ALSC below and not ALCU... but an easy mistake, all part of the same cloudy think tank alphabet soup.

  • Jay - 6 years ago

    Erasing the past does not address it. The author herself grew and changed, not because she tried to bury and forget her mistakes like the ALCU hopes to bury and forget her, but because she recognized them for what they were. Once again (and this is from a more-Liberal-than-Conservative) the extreme Left earns the title Looney.

  • Fen - 6 years ago

    Sounds remarkably like George Orwell's "1984" come to life.

  • Eldon - 6 years ago

    At one time, long ago now, I was and admired the PC left. I've grown up! Realizing the hypocrisy, hate, bigotted, racist and "enlightened" view tends to tear down much more than it builds. It'll get worse I fear.

  • Jennifer Knight - 6 years ago

    Pathetic!!!! Why does everyone want to change history....not everyone is or was a racist!! Stop making a problem or turning nothing into something about color or culture!!! Not everything is about someone's color or race....let it go!!! Poor Laura she is innocent in all of this!!!

  • Christine - 6 years ago

    Another dumb attempt to change history!

  • Stella - 6 years ago

    The unfortunate reality is that these “bigoted” thoughts continue to this day for these “dead Indians” and “darkies”. If Ms. Ingalls was truly a woman Who stood for the ‘underdog” then surely she would have realized those “darkies” and “Indians” were the ultimate underdogs who were systemically being massacred and hung just for being who they were. It is not “erasing history” for the real history is finally coming to light. If anything, her writings could be used as examples of how horrible that “era” (by the way it has not ended) was to the original inhabitants of the Americas (Turtle Island to us) and to the Black people who were brought to a foreign land in chains and how the bigotry became so easy to put down on paper and have it called “literature” worth an award. But, that’s just my opinion.

  • Anne - 6 years ago

    This is just another example of how our past , present and future is trying to be rewritten. Mudding the waters as a means to confuse and manipulate...control.
    Take away the past, you reconstruct the present. You strip away the identity of someone you leave them a blank. A moldable, controllable form to manipulate into what ever one wishes.
    This is how an abusive relationship starts.
    Make a person feel ashamed. Wrong for doing or thinking a certain way. Then segregate them from what they knew and all they know. Then make them think that only what you tell them is good.
    Slowly day by day remove more and more till all that is left is a totally confused frightened person that only wants to live.
    So they follow whats told. Think whats told and always, always never speak up. Because they are programmed now, to only follow, never question.
    They've now been stripped of all identity. As a result of the years and years of being told, of all the ways they were not acceptable, were not good enough....... Better yet not politically correct!
    Remember, where you come from always. As long as thats remembered the foundation you stand up...your history. Can not be brought to the dirtiness they wish to make you believe you stem from. Be proud of where you came from. Learn from our Elders mistakes or misconceptions. We are NOT borne all knowing! Thus why we learn history so we may rise to clearer thinking. Erasing the past does nothing to help one grow and mature. Instead it opens the door to repeating the past or gives someone the power of manipulation.

  • Geoff - 6 years ago

    That's the era it was back then. They should think in terms of then not the situations this day and age. Seems just a slight ridiculous to myself.

  • Valerie MacKenzie - 6 years ago

    Oh for goodness sake,there were so many things in the past that are now taboo From the past. We can’t change history but we can change the future leave things as they are.

  • Dea - 6 years ago

    Smoking was also permitted in public places not to long ago. Should we go back and find everyone who smoked in public places and fine them? This is ridiculous. The human race has come a long way since then in accepting every ethinicity and race. It was those ignorant statements that got us to where we are today on a road where cole and race isn’t suppose to matter.

  • Ellie - 6 years ago

    For gawd sake! This is absolutely ridiculous!!! Her books were always my favorites when I was young, as they were, I'm sure, for many others. It definitely was a different era but I think society today has become far too sensitive! Whether it's books, or flags, or statues, or anything else, trying to hide history so it doesn't insult anyone doesn't take away from the fact that it happened. I'm not saying it was right, but it happened and you can't rewrite history!!! You can only accept that that's the way it was and move on!!!! ????

  • Bird - 6 years ago

    Laura Ingalls didn't have a mean bone in her body and she always stood of for the "underdog". It portrayed how people were that were unkind..... but good always prevailed in her stories.

  • Lesley Barker - 6 years ago

    While we are at it why not remove all statues that insult these so called intelligent minds and also send back the Statue of Liberty to France. Total poppycock!

  • Ryan - 6 years ago

    Simply pathetic. It's just another example of the times we live in. The over the top, PC culture won't rest until no one but deranged feminists can be admired without a guilty conscience.

  • Tammy - 6 years ago

    I can only hope that in the future these ridiculous acts are looked upon with as much scorn as these people look upon the past with. If we erase the history how can we hope to learn from it? And then are we not doomed to repeat it? Presentism is cruelly judgemental with no thought to historical context.

  • verna - 6 years ago

    I don't agree with it because that is the way it was. You cant erase history you can only use it to learn. I grew up with a lot of racial slurs and words that I did not know were wrong. I thought those were the real words. I was not racial then nor am I now and I try to use proper language now but some things are so embedded in my brain that it is hard to always remember. There are also some things these days that are considered wrong now but I still don't see why. I am a decendent of the native culture and I'm sorry but I don't take offence to a sporting team using a name like Redskins, etc. Anyways those Wilder books were very good books and I see no reason to remove her name

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