Do you think the political divide will lead to a civil war in the next 5 years?


  • Jason A Derringer - 6 years ago

    Mark, you can believe that and probably some truth to what you have said. But it is equally true today's political environment is nasty and divisive. As an example progressives and open border advocates are pushing for the abolishment of ICE, which is an extremists position. Ultimately, this makes any sort of compromise in Congress challenging and nearly impossible. Instead the focus is on winning seats in the upcoming midterm elections.

  • mark - 6 years ago

    I think this is one of the most irresponsible things that i have ever seen in the past year on the internet. People are already scared and throwing around terms like civil war only heightens peoples concerns and works towards dividing people more. Being positive and working towards understanding does not sell anything or bring more internet traffic to your second rate website though does it?

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