Do Edmonton City Council's new rules on where pot smokers and cigarette smokers can light up go too far?


  • A.F. - 6 years ago

    I don’t understand why pot is being lumped in with smoking or alcohol?? It’s a different drug all together and we should treat it as such. If u have drank and/or smoked you will no the difference and going forward respect them. I agree with the laws and keep it way from the public in certain areas but slapping rules because people don’t understand what they are dealing with is frustrating. I watch and read about councillors men and women saying “ they are uncomfortable”, well let’s get educated!! Get some experts teach people the difference in these drugs and go forward. I just wish for everyone to have conversations with open minds and listen to other parties. I am an avid smoker but I am also here to help people understand marijuana, different types and the effects whether they agree or disagree with the drug. If we want this to impact our economy and lives in a positive way we need to have open conversations.

  • Nibras Sharif - 6 years ago

    make this link available to public and get votes from schools, community Centers, hospital staff etc because I am sure the majority don’t know they have an opinion on this

  • MJC - 6 years ago

    So once again the governing dictatorship wants to turn this into a cigarette smoker's problem or issue? Go figure. Exactly how many cigarette smokers participated in the vote?

    Pot and cigarettes ARE NOT THE SAME !!!!!

    Pot should be treated the same as alcohol period ….

    Yet you want to lump them together so let's see.

    If I smoke a cigarette should that get me high? NO!!!
    If I smoke pot should that get me high? YES

    So now since you government dictators keep claiming they're the same and should have the same rules, will it now be illegal for me to smoke cigarettes in my own vehicle?
    If the answer is yes then good luck stopping me from doing that.
    If the answer is no then are you saying it'll be ok for me to smoke pot in my vehicle?
    No? Why not? CAUSE IT'S LIKE ALCOHOL !!!!!!!!

    If you dictators want to make smoking cigarettes illegal then just do it already and stop making the damn things!!! that's right I say, shut down the entire tobacco industry!!!
    Oh wait. but you sure don't want us smokers to stop buying them though do you?
    What about the hundreds of billions of tax dollars we smokers give the dictatorship?
    Looks like all you non smoking dictators can pay for the taxes and the incomes lost by the no longer existing tobacco industry.

    We all know that you would never do these things because you want smokers to keep buying cigarettes, but you want to keep taking our rights to smoke them away from us.
    Keep it up dictators but for all those non smokers who think you're heroes for discriminating against us cigarette smokers just wait.

    I can't wait to see who's next on the list. I can't wait to hear the whining when the dictators decide overweight people can't be seen in public because it sets a bad example for children. Or perhaps only those that are pretty enough as per government standards will be allowed to be in public.

    I know you think those things sound ridiculous. There would be an uproar if the dictators made rules like this cause that would be taking away the rights of those people.

    Here's a tip,


    Cigarettes and cigarette smokers have NOTHING to do with pot. Leave us the hell alone!!!

  • Arejay - 6 years ago

    Please treat this the same as alcohol, Thank you.

  • Kevin - 6 years ago

    Smoking pot should be like drinking alcohol, not in the public anywhere. Smoke pot at home. Build pot bars so people can go there and smoke pot. Smoking cig rules are good they don't need changed.

  • Joanne - 6 years ago

    I think this has gone to far. Pot like Alcohol is mind altering, cigarette's are not. I am a smoker and I agree with no smoking in restaurants, bar's, around children etc. With these new bylaw's I won't be spending my hard earned money to support any public functions where I can't smoke. I have always been considerate and attentive to my surroundings when I smoke. I have seen more situations in public places with drunks or drugged up people than cigarette smoker's. Edmonton is becoming a city that people will avoid. If I am not accommodated as a smoker I will not go and spend money at an event, these laws are discriminating against smoker's. We all pay taxes, smoker's and non smoker's need to be accommodated equally.

  • Tim Scheybeler - 6 years ago

    the statement "if a person wants to smoke a cigarette they can do so at home," is at its very core foolish, tobacco is ADDICTIVE...Marijuana is NOT and yes the person can and most probably would prefer to smoke at home where it is more pleasent, or in a cafe ( as in Amsterdam ) where a facility is set up for EXACTLY that purpose...However a Cigarette smoker is not so fortunate, they are subject to the whims of the nicotine bug which can come calling at any time ( I do not smoke tobacco by the way ). So to try to force them to a timed intake of nicotine is not logical...unless you would force ALL SMOKERS TO WEAR PATCHES IN PUBLIC...and i would love to see you sell that one publically...

  • Gary S - 6 years ago

    ...continued ... in sin taxes seems wrong. It would be a reason to leave this place. I am not talking about being impaired in public, in this regard I could support the comment left by Debbie Donald.

  • Gary S - 6 years ago

    I am not commenting on pot smoking in any way, but as a long time addicted smoker I am concerned about being lumped in with them in these new rules. I am a polite smoker, move away from people and make no garbage. Those who do otherwise probably deserve a fine. But to behave in this way and get fined anyways while governments happily collect over $5,000 annually in cumn taxes

  • Debbie Donald - 6 years ago

    Why aren't they treating pot like alcohol? Not on public property end of story. Both are mind altering. With these rules we should be able to walk down the street with alcohol. Someone drinking does not create a health hazard to me and my family like second hand smoke does.

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