Should colleges and universities ban consumption of marijuana on their campuses?


  • London Resident - 6 years ago

    Question about the coming election:

    Does anyone know who are the School Board Trustees for London?
    What do they believe in?
    How do we vote to choose these people when there is no information available like the City Councillor and Mayor candidates.
    I can not cast my vote just based on name alone and who has the best street corner sign.
    I want to know what they stand for in one page summary for each candidate.

    I can not seem to find the information in one article alone, do we need to go to each candidates facebook profile and do our own research. Come on, this is a paid position right and they want our votes....

  • Mike - 6 years ago

    If you are gonna ban one legal substance I feel all legal substances should be banned. Including alcohol which causes more distractions and negative outcomes than marijuana could ever possibly cause.

  • Ron Spurgeon - 6 years ago

    Yes - ban anything that could be a distraction on campus or cause distraction or annoyance to others. This of course includes alcohol and tobacco products. Not even sure is pop or other products should be on campus. People are there to learn, not to indulge in activity that is better suited to their home environment.
    I expect that most people would support a ban. Not even too sure why anyone would even suggest that anything of a smoking nature would be allowed in any public places.

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