What do you think should replace the George Massey crossing?


  • Jon Evan - 5 years ago

    More nonsense from the NDP! How long BC are you going to put up with this useless gov't? How long?

  • Matt - 5 years ago

    Hey Larry , don’t even bring business savvy into the equation! The Fiberals managed the province for 15 years like a band of drunk sailors. Balanced budgets with a money laundering economy and robbing ICBC of over 2 1/2 BILLION $ in 8 years !!!

  • payman - 5 years ago

    Please whatever you do DON'T make a tunnel.
    I lived in Richmond for 30 years and I saw how many drivers get nervous or scared entering the tunnel. As if they are entering batman's cave to get beat up. please anything but Tunnel.

  • Larry - 5 years ago

    I believe that the original plan to replace the Massey Tunnel with a new 10 lane bridge is the way to go. You will then have something in place that would last for the next 75 years. If you build a 6 lane bridge you will be back discussing an upgrade by 2030. The NDP and Greens have about as much common sense as a fence post. They have no business sense. You do not want another tunnel. It takes to long to respond to accidents and other emergent situations.

  • BRIAN - 5 years ago

    Roads and Bridges are important. However as a Senior my future interests are not to be driving as often or not at all. We need to think beyond cars to providing hub and spoke transportation options whereby we drive to a dollar a day parking hubs and then take reliable punctial 24 hour service transportation into the core areas. We really do not need more cars on city's trees but yes will probably need an electric town car or shared vehicle for the Suburbs. Also poring cars onto to OK Street is a fools game. Either more Bridges will be needed across the River and Harbour or feeder lines from the new Deas crossing to perhaps Fraser and Boundary roads with a corrosponding train running down the middle of the road.

  • Tom - 5 years ago

    So, all you people that want a 10 lane bridge what are you going to do when you are backed up to Steveston hwy . in congestion trying to get over 2 lanes north bound on the Oak St . Bridge ???

  • Bruce - 5 years ago

    Having lived in Vancouver my entire 66 years I have witnessed the building of : the Oak st. Bridge, the Iron workers bridge, 2 Port Mann bridges, the Golden Ears, the Arthur Laing, the Knight st. The George Massy tunnel, the 2rd. Bridge, the Dinsmere bridge, the Alex Frasier bridge , and more ..... now all you people want another 10 lane bridge ? really ? Maybe it’s time either the property developers pay for new infrastructure or you choose to live somewhere else. Or do you want another 20 Friggen bridges built in the next 50 years to accommodate more vehicles?

  • Roderick Louis - 5 years ago

    British Columbia should be attempting to impress the world

    ... by making its main economic engine- the Metro Vancouver region- hospitable and attractive, from a long term perspective, to prospective corporate and individual investors...

    Not replacing the for-over-20-years obsolete and outrageously lacking in vehicle capacity George Massey Tunnel- with an engineering and global-transportation-architecture award winner- will continue to have exactly the opposite effect...

  • Roderick Louis - 5 years ago

    Massey Tunnel replacement AMBITION NEEDED instead of BC Govt continuing to exhibit funding favouritism for Metro Vancouver's "North of Fraser" cities...

    The BC and federal govts should collaboratively provide sufficient funding to pay for the replacement of the George Massey tunnel- with an architectural and engineering award winner...

    .... a world-beater, cutting-edge technology bridge that has sufficient vehicle- rail rapid-transit, and bicycle- capacity to comfortably meet the region’s needs to at least 2060.

    The Massey Tunnel replacement will be a lost economic & investment-promotion opportunity of incalculable proportions for all of British Columbia if not done with AMBITION, & with view to putting BC on the world stage as a leader in transportation infrastructure architecture...

    Without such, BC's abilities to promote itself domestically & internationally as a good place to invest, establish corporate head offices, & to emigrate to will be needlessly diminished

    Designs for the new bridge should be purposely intended to impress favorably- when compared with other countries' "world beater" sea and river crossings...

    A new Massey Bridge should be BC's answer to:

    France's Millau Viaduct:

    China's Hangzhou Bay Bridge:
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=giP-oiD9wVQ , &

    Hong Kong's Tsing Ma Bridge bridge:

    For a change, BC and Federal govts' transportation infrastructure grant funding should be targeted at Metro Vancouver's long neglected “South of Fraser” sub-region (ahead of MV's "North of Fraser")- to pay for:

    a) Rapidly replacing the reprehensibly inadequate George Massey Tunnel; and

    b) The development of a rail rapid-transit network in the SOF sub-region that is, at the least, equivalent-to, and preferably better-than the 4 computer-driven, separated-from-roadway rapid transit lines that have criss crossed the "North of Fraser" for much of the last 3-decades....

    The federal government already have (in 2016) indicated that they would consider funding Massey Tunnel replacement:
    https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/british-columbia/ottawa-to-consider-funds-for-george-massey-tunnel-replacement/article29390531/ -

    "Ottawa will consider whether to offer financial support for a proposed $3.5-billion bridge to replace the George Massey Tunnel, but it won't get tied up in details such as tolls and other local issues, the federal infrastructure minister says...."

    BC govt leadership is also needed:

    - to require that Metro Vancouver and Translink conduct an (expedited) South Surrey-to-Richmond commuter rail rapid transit study to establish:

    a) The best/ most appropriate technologies for a rapid transit commuter rail line from the South Surrey Park and Ride (paralleling highway 99) to Richmond (Bridgeport Station?)

    b) The likely costs of building a rapid transit commuter rail line from the South Surrey Park and Ride to Richmond;

    Planning for replacement of the Massey Tunnel should not suffer from same entirely avoidable defects and incompetence- as the under-funded, over-economized "Canada Line"*-

    Canada Line's extremely serious design deficiencies* were a result of the (mid 2000s) Translink Board's politicized, incompetent opposition to the building of a legitimate** rapid-transit line that connects Richmond/ its airport to downtown Vancouver, and a provincial govt that was (at the time) too cowardly to exhibit appropriate leadership:

    * http://dailyhive.com/vancouver/short-platforms-and-trains-is-the-skytrain-canada-line-under-built-and-nearing-capacity



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