Daily Poll: Should Vancouver declare a climate emergency?


  • Bent Strong - 5 years ago

    Lol if Canada had 0 emissions it wouldn’t make much difference because according to the so called experts we contribute less then 2-3% of the earths c02 but what they want us to do would drastically change our way of life

  • Scott Schwedock - 5 years ago

    No way to know who is responding to this poll. Here I am responding from New York City as a vote for a CLIMATE EMERGENCY. Considering the extent to which they have used misinformation and outright criminal actions in the past, I wouldn't put it passed the FF industry to bomb this poll. Until some controls are in place you really con't take this seriously. Considering the overall challenge to the entire world, In order to combat climate change seriously all levels of government, as well as their citizens and business must work together. Due to the delusional climate change denial strategy of the US federal government, the ONLY climate actions that could have any consequences (for now . . . . hopefully this will start to change once the WWII type legislation effort (see www.climatemobilzation.org victory plan, namely something like the emminent Green New Deal, is discussed seriously,) have to be done at the state/county/city level. It is heartening to see municipalities at all levels in the U.S. (Oakland CA, Richmond CA, Berkeley CA, Austin TX, Charlotte NC, Hoboken, NJ, Montogomery County, MD . . . among others) and the world (London + other cities in the UK and Austrailia). These resolutions will have positive feedback to other state/city.county/provinces and eventually at a national level, hopefully before it's too late. Everyone entity counts, from the individual on up, so please don't give up hope and lend a hand.

  • Jane - 5 years ago

    WOW! How could anyone think this is NOT an emergency? They are either climate change deniers or don't give a toss about future generations. Perhaps the people who voted for climate change not to be declared an emergency work for the oil and gas sector and are desperate. World renowned climate scientists have stated we have less than 12 years to get off fossil fuels. This isn't a joke and it's a short amount of time. Declare the emergency now! My children are depending on climate action.

  • Erik - 5 years ago

    This not an emergency, but they should start planning and budget for their concerns and build a contingency plan to
    Deal with the effects to which they are concerned. As for compensation they should go after the real polluters. China, USA, and the EU. Saudi These countries are the real polluters

  • Erik - 5 years ago

    This not an emergency, but they should start planning and budget for their concerns and build a contingency plan to
    Deal with the effects to which they are concerned. As for compensation they should go after the real polluters. China, USA, and the EU. Saudi These countries are the real polluters

  • Susanna Dokkie-McDonald - 5 years ago

    An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of cure.

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