Poll: If You Could Take a Solar System Vacation, Where Would You Go?
Neptune! This planet can have supersonic winds, so it's no breeze!
Mars! The Red Planet is a frontier world — that's my kind of place.
Mercury! It's closest to the sun, making it a great (& hot) place to catch some rays.
Pluto! We know it's a dwarf planet, but we still love it!
Venus! An adventurous planet that's hotter than Mercury & has a toxic atmosphere.
Earth! Our homeworld is just right, with oceans, air and comfortable temperatures.
Planet Nine?! A truly undiscovered world, if we can actually find it.
Saturn! Ah, those glorious rings are calling out for appreciation.
Jupiter! It's the king of planets! Who wouldn't want to go see the Great Red Spot?
Uranus! A tilted planet with its own rings? Count me in!
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