What do you believe contributed the most to the decline of the downtown area of Palmer?


  • Steve - 5 years ago

    Changes in demographics all the hundreds off mill employees are gone. The buildings that met the use demand 80 years ago don't meet the usage demand of today.You have empty buildings because they don't meet code and it is cost prohibitive to make them code compliant and it costs too much to tear them down.

  • Janine - 5 years ago

    We had three buildings that burnt down in which they had many businesses in. They were never replaced. The town decided to put parking lots in. We have so many parking lots but no businesses. We have an empty gas station on the corner which looks awful. The old Haley's building burnt down and is still sitting there. We have schools that maybe could be turned into something like a Thornes Market, too much money to refurbish. I also heard but I am not sure that the town government makes it very difficult for business to come in. I will compare us to Ware sometimes. They have so much, they did something with their mills, our mills are pretty much empty. They did something with their empty land. Why are we not doing this? Palmer wants a rail station, that would be awesome! But it has to be difficult. I don't know, I am not into politics at all but I have been here all my life. I walked the floors of Grants. The Villages are all run down also. If we put a rail in, we need to do something to make people want to stop and shop or even have lunch.

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