Has London reached a tipping point in its downtown residential tower construction boom?


  • Susan - 4 years ago

    All city’s are made up of tall buildings that’s what makes it a city. If you don’t continue to build the economic engine dies, we must continue to build with well designed buildings that beautify the city. This can turn it into a tourists attraction bringing a lot of $$ to the city. When people are employed crime rates are usually low. So there is a good reason to continue to build our great city of London.

  • Ash - 4 years ago

    We cannot have huge residential or commercial buildings deminishing our city. We need to keep those on the outside or they will take away from what's there! Don't do it tall buildings in a city like London will ruin it. Especially by the churches and such!!! Keep the tall buildings outside.!!!!
    lawyers ,architects, banking people can live outside the direct city and commute for 5 or even 30 damn minutes!!! Keep our city of London admit is!!

  • Gordon - 5 years ago

    London is a growing city , if we want to attract the right kind of people we must continue to grow. High rises in the downtown core will do that , than we can have these buildings filled with professional like lawyers ,architects, banking things like these. We will see shops ,diner theatres etc, added making it a vibrant city where people would like to come and visit. Along with this there should be a definitive skyscraper around 50 stories maybe with an observation deck a restaurant, a tower that Londoners can be proud of. ( Niagara falls is getting a 72 story building a city less than 1/4 the size of London) I live in Toronto but own property in London. I’m getting ready to sell here and move there. Many people in Toronto are doing the same. Friends and family will come to visit and we want to show off our new city, one that is beautiful and entertaining.

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