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Rate your level of concern about animal cruelty on Guam (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 166

  • Anonymoua - 5 years ago

    The animal cruelty and neglect occuring in Guam is unforgivable. Where's the accountability? Why hasn't the government done more to show the people of Guam the basics of animal care. Food, water, and shelter should be required by law. Pets should be registered. Tickets should be handed out. Take steps towards turning an oncredibly sad and inexcusable situation into a positive one.

  • Alyssa - 5 years ago

    There is so much abuse here on the island and nothing is done. There are many dogs tied up outside all of their lives. What kind of life is that?? It’s disgusting and it makes me hate this island. The authorities barely ticket people, so they most certainly don’t care about the animals.

  • Louise Lippert - 5 years ago

    Cruelty to animals on this island runs in abundance and people are just not held accountable. There are rescue groups and kind hearted people doing their part to try and make a difference but it is not enough...for every animal saved there are many that are not. When people turn a blind eye to what’s happening it sends s message of indifference. Maybe we would have less domestic violence and child abuse and neglect cases on island if we started addressing animal cruelty. People who don’t take care of animals don’t take care of their family either in most cases. Let’s make laws, follow through on them and clean up our island!!!

  • Christen Clark - 5 years ago

    I am Extremely Concerned. I see it every day. It is heartbreaking, and utterly shocking. This needless suffering must stop. We cannot keep waiting for someone else to do something about it. If not us, the concerned people, then who? If not now, when? We need to organize an island wide campaign of awareness and action. Commercials, public service announcements, elementary through H.S. assemblies and field trips to GAIN. "Culture" can no longer be an acceptable excuse. Any culture that disregards decency and respect for living things is a culture in need of change. Breeding dogs for sale should be limited and heavily monitored and taxed, with those taxes going directly to GAIN. This islands blind eye should be opened to the neglected stray and feral population too. A trap-neuter-release clinic should be initiated and the suffering population of boonies could be drastically reduced. The punishment for cruelty, abuse, and neglect should be severe enough to cause change in people's treatment of animals (including hit and run). Facebook groups are great, but this awareness should be greater than social media. It should be on the radio, in the papers, on TV, in advertisements, in government assistance literature, businesses could include messages on their receipts. The worst thing about all of this, is that it is preventable. It does not have to be this way here.

  • Lelani Puga - 5 years ago

    The animals on Guam are treated so badly and it disgusts me! If people can’t afford to take care of animals, don’t get one! Also, be a responsible owner and get your pets spayed and neutered. If the government would take the stray animal issue as a priority and listen to all the animal rescue groups about ways to fix the issue, none of this would happen. If Guam would enforce the animal cruelty laws instead of making their own rules and letting dog killers walk free we wouldn’t have this problem! People of Guam need to be educated on how to take care of our animals. They should be treated as part of the family and not chained up outside! I’ve seen too many dogs die as a result of a hit and run, including my dog! We can’t keep turning a blind eye every time we see an animal who is being treated unfairly. These animals need voices and those voices are us to help them. The stray population is increasing and if we can just initiate a trap spay/neuter and free program, Guam wouldn’t have so many stray animals. It hurts to see so many dogs, puppies, cats roaming the streets including the ones who are being treated so unfairly by their so called owners! These owners that neglect their animals should be arrested because of the laws aren’t enforced, the issue will worsen and we will be continue to see news about animal cruelty cases! Our voices need to be heard because these animals are counting on us to save them!

  • Allie - 5 years ago

    I think everyone should be held accountable for their animals. If you get an animal you should have to spay/neuter your dog! If you wanted to breed your dog you should have to take a class on proper breeding and also pay a fee to breed. It would cut down on a lot of strays on guam.

  • Tinamarie Guzman - 5 years ago

    Evil. Just pure evil. But we in the Animal Community are not surprised of the degee and abuse these animal endure. We have picked up,rehabilitate, work on mental and behavorial issues and have rehomed many neglected animals. Guam needs stricter laws for animal abuse. Guam needs to make it mandaatory for pet owners to spay/neuter to control our stray population. And lastly, Mayors and GPD need to start taking us in the animal community more seriously. We have been ridiculed and laughed at for our efforts to save strays,neglected and abuse animals. And lastly, Guam needs to adopt what the states do,TNR. TRAP,NEUTER AND RELEASE!

  • Alphree Macapeg - 5 years ago

    I lab 2 eat dog!

  • Jenny Paulino - 5 years ago

    Every dog owner should be required to register their dog. We need to enforce accountability and officials need to assure that the dogs are well, healthy and are being treated properly.

  • Taiko Yamanaka - 5 years ago

    There are too many people that treat dogs as a commodity and as "alarm" mechanisms tied up outside all their lives.

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