Who Should Be Reformed Before the End the Season 9?


  • Misscellanio - 5 years ago

    I say Cozy, Tirek, and Chrysalis, which feels like the direction that it's going in, but hey maybe I'm wrong

  • Chrysalis Apologist - 5 years ago

    I honestly cannot fathom how so many people could be eager for Her Royal Highness to be the recipient of any such forced “reformation.” Her Majesty is the very embodiment of nobility and under no circumstances should be forced to lower herself to the level of the treacherous Twilight Sparkle and her vile protege, the destroyer of the Changeling species, Starlight Glimmer. Put an end to the conversion of unwilling creatures to the false dawn of so called “friendship” and bring glory back to the Queen of Changelings.

  • don - 5 years ago

    As Starlights lifeless body hit the floor Chrysalis screamed out her battle cry and put on her war face "REVENGE IS MINE!"

    Spike and Rarity looked on as Twilight told Chrysalis "Here have a SNICKERS. . . You're not the same without one"

    Gabby just looked in horror as Chrysalis took a bite "Thanks Twilight now I can take over your Kingdom"

    A tank rolled into firing position and unleashed hell as Spike & Rarity continued their canoodling.

    "Applejack what are you doing?" Twilight asked as everypony smelled the roasted bug horse sizzling.

    "Twi, Haven't you heard shipping's out this season it's all tanking today"

    "Spikey dear , Gabby just laid an egg that wouldn't be any of your doing would it?"

    "Don't ask me after the 1st round hit her I sorta pooped too"

    "Who else pooped themselves?" Pinkie asked

    only Applejack didn't answer she was too busy with her tank

  • Yetoune - 5 years ago

    Let's see...

    Lightning Dust shouldn't even be part of this poll, Sombra is dead, Grogar is going to die/be banished/trapped somewhere he cannot escape from, which leaves the remaining three. And all three, in the process of backstabbing Grogar, will realise they're helping Twilight's side of the fight and will reform in the finale. It's pretty predictable at this rate. To all those saying no one, sorry but your bubble will be burst.

  • Jimmy Hook - 5 years ago

    Y'all know by now who I vote for: CHRYSALIS!

  • Bryce Kanyon - 5 years ago

    Honestly, with all these villain reformations I've seen throughout the show, it comes to a point where it slowly loses it's impact. Don't get me wrong, I get why the show (Any show I've seen) would do this whether fans want it to happen or if it's a chagrin to some fans. The show wants to prove that even the 'worst' of people still have a 'chance' to display some good in them, even when it seems hopeless or out of reach. Now, let's say it 'is' possible for any of these villains to be reformed (Even the ones who aren't necessarily evil, but just make bad decisions). Even if an opportunity came about and we even had a backstory as to why they chose to live this way, just because they are offered a chance doesn't mean they'd 'want' to change or for that matter they feel they 'can't'.

    So it's for those reasons why I elected 'No One'. But if a reformation still happens at some point during the latter half of this season, even if it's none of the applicants mentioned on the list... At least have it a believable reformation and not one that feels rushed... Or forced.

  • Joshua Moudy - 5 years ago

    If at least ONE villain has to be reformed, I'd say it'd be Chrysalis. I chose "NO ONE", though. Just to stay on the safe side.

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