There are thousands of names on Manitoba's daycare waiting list. Have your kids ever been on the list?


  • Kris - 5 years ago

    I may have waited for less than a year to get my first child in childcare but the only reason I got in was the director thought I was someone else (the online registration was still new). When I had my second child my husband and I decided that I would stay home because even though I was working at a job with great pay, all of my wage would be going to pay childcare costs. So I stayed home for a year after mat leave was done. This had a profound affect on my mental health. I truly feel that had I returned to my job after mat leave I would have been a better place health wise. It’s not just more childcare spots Manitoba needs, it’s high quality, educated staff, better wages, and more supplemented rates.

  • Marilyn - 5 years ago

    They didn't have government run daycares when my kids were growing up. I worked full time & my kids were latchkey kids. We were a one parent family, so my Dad checked in on them sometimes. They both grew up to become good citizen, with good jobs & now have good kids of their own.

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