Daily Poll: Will the photos of Justin Trudeau in racist makeup change how you vote?


  • Frank.V - 5 years ago

    I haven’t vote for him and I won’t vote for him in coming election either but I wonder why many people make such a big deal out of something so trivial, playing a roll in such and such costumes, so what? Who else hasn’t done something silly in his/her past that you’re ashamed today? Even you the reader?
    Why not question our politicians on real issues like housing for low income families, why a student pay $1400 a month for a room? Why the government spend taxpayers money so lavishly to other countries while our own kids go to bed hungry or parents not able to buy nutrient foods for their kids?why Canada has become safe heaven for corrupt Iranian whom they are buying the most expensive real estate in West Vancouver or not preventing those who import fentanyl and buy mega million dollar mansions in Vancouver and Toronto or Montreal? Get real and stop be so sentimental about racism, if you’re serious about racism try to resolve institutional racism, don’t expect a kid from impoverished naibourhbod attend Harvard university!

  • Jeff Anderson - 5 years ago

    I would never vote for him either way.

  • Dee - 5 years ago

    It doesn't change my vote because I would never vote for Trudeau, not before nor after this latest scandal.

  • Roderick Louis - 5 years ago

    ->>> There are wide-spread public perceptions, particularly among South of Fraser business owners and residents, that, in September 2018, the current PM and BC Premier John Horgan unethically interfered with, and attempted to influence the outcome of last year's city of Surrey civic elections...

    ... by their jointly holding a press conference in Sept-2018, during the civic election campaign- in Surrey- and committing to provide funds to pay for building a street-car line project that the incumbent Surrey city council members ("Surrey First" party) were campaigning on a platform of building- while their main opposition->>> the "Safe Surrey Coalition" led by Doug McCallum, were campaigning on a platform of stopping the street-car line project and having SkyTrain lines built in Surrey, and other South of Fraser cities, instead..

    https://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/trudeau-horgan-to-make-transit-announcement-in-surrey -

    "“We’re not scrapping the LRT and I think that’s the message today. We’re building the LRT... Horgan said...

    "McCallum and his Safe Surrey Coalition are running on a platform of scrapping all plans for at-grade light rail in Surrey and instead pursuing a SkyTrain line from King George Station out to Langley, via the Fraser Highway...."

    The rest is well known history to SOF cities' voters:...

    The results of the October-2018 Surrey civic elections were: ALL of the Surrey city councillors that had previously been attempting to arbitrarily impose street-car lines upon the city and rest of the SOF... were turfed from office, with 8 out 9 Surrey city council seats being won by Doug McCallum's "Safe Surrey Coalition" party candidates...

    ->>> As the current federal election campaigns move forward- candidates should be asked whether they will commit to, if elected to govt on October 21, ensuring that funds are provided to pay for bringing Metro Vancouver\s South of Fraser sub-region up to the same or better transportation infrastructure and public transit standards as the "North of Fraser" sub-region.. and in particular, committing funds to pay for:

    1) the Surrey- Langley SkyTrain line project;

    ...and other long overdue South of Fraser transportation infrastructure, and public transit projects,such as:

    The BC govt has committed ZERO $$ to pay for design and construction costs!!

    Sept 04-2018 BC govt press release:
    https://archive.news.gov.bc.ca/releases/news_releases_2017-2021/2018MAH0112-001691.pdf - 4 pages;
    - See page #4:

    2) the Massey Tunnel replacement project;

    3) The King George Highway SkyTrain project (same route as the not wanted by voters LRT project);

    4) Enabling the city of Surrey to implement its plans to replace the Surrey RCMP with a "city of Surrey Police Dept"... IE: 4 - 6 years of transition funding grants to pay for a 10 to 15 percent increase in the numbers of police as compared to the current Surrey RCMP...

  • Gunter - 5 years ago

    When we was young for sure everyone did something it wasn't the right thing !!!
    When we go vote , we give our vote to the candidates we think they would do the right thing
    for all of us
    I am not a voter for the liberal's ,
    What's the next. ?
    I blame the media for doing the wrong thing to publish. things it creates more than a story

  • RDC - 5 years ago

    I have always found the boy repugnant and would never vote for him, however, if we keep digging up the past on every one who runs for an elected position we’ll soon have no one to vote for.
    In our younger days many of us have said and done things we regret today. The smart people just stay away from politics.
    What does that leave us with? Think about it!

  • Milty - 5 years ago

    I once dressed up as a woman. Make up, fake boobs, the works! I wander about that now.

  • Hank Houle - 5 years ago

    It’s truly amazing how many mentally enslaved morons continue to stand behind this corrupt, two faced hypocrite. Are we Canadians so pathetic and stupid that they would consider burdening ourselves with another four years of this idiots sad, ineffective pseudo leadership?

  • Al Miller - 5 years ago

    Justin is just an idiot. A fake. A phoney and a blatant liar.

  • Corinne - 5 years ago

    These comments trying to downplay the tasteless display are appaling. The blackface has been a clear symbol a racism long before 2001. And Trudeau was not a child; he was a teacher! Guaranteed he'd have fired anyone of his deputies who'd been found out in a similar stunt. And as far as apologies go, why is it only when he gets caught that he starts apologizing? It's past time that Mr. Trudeau is held up to the same standard that he holds others.

  • Concerned - 5 years ago

    Are we not getting tired of our PMs shallow apologies and ridiculous photos? This man is roll playing PM I’m now 100% convinced.

    If anybody still believes any of his sound bite talking points you are just a blind liberal supporter not concerned about any real change. He has done absolutely nothing as PM and is just a side show like Trump, except without the might or influence on the world stage the president of the USA carries.

    As a classic liberal, which is not the liberal party, I am afraid we are in big trouble in this country, because our political system has now been completely taken over by special interests and micro voting blocks and division politics.

    None of our political parties are speaking for the average Canadian and I’m voting out Trudeau for his incompetence and weak leadership.

  • Nash - 5 years ago

    I believe that this is really insane topic raised by politicians, I never expected this kind of dirty politics in developed countries like Canada. After 19 years someone noticed that Trudeau did something wrong? There are so many other important issues need to be discussed for well being of Canadian citizens. I was thinking to vote for conservatives but now I change my mind to liberals again as conservative doesn’t have any better plans to move forward in election. Also I find out from so many other peoples that Trudeau didn’t do anything wrong. Only political parties and media are interested in discussion of this topic.

  • DR - 5 years ago

    Colin, insults are not really much of an argument and only show your partisan blindness to the issue.

  • Ron B - 5 years ago

    I wouldn't vote for him no matter what he does. He irresponsibly gives billions of Canadian taxpayers money away to other countries to feed his ego and be a hero on the world stage, while so many in our country go without. Undocumented refugees from the USA (USA!!!!) arrived by the thousands, received millions in benefits, and he was just fine with it. If he gets in again, our country will be beyond repair. Also, the perv can't keep his hands off women's breasts. Go away already, you conceited, arrogant, entitled traitor.

  • Rumplestiltskin - 5 years ago

    This won't change my vote at all because I would never vote for any Liberal as long as a Trudeau is involved.

  • Daryl Lunn - 5 years ago

    The excuses of this being common "back then" when he did it - really - he was 29 (it was far after the time of Al Jolson folks) - I was really undecided but this guy is making it increasingly hard to support the liberals. Sure he apologized - what choice did he have? The apology is really saying, "I'm really sorry I got caught". It will take a lot of schmoozing to put this in the past.

  • Max Power - 5 years ago

    The poll is so limiting. Why not ask options for how this would impact your vote?

    For Liberals, this will not change the dial - they will accept the apologies and turn a blind eye as always. I would hope that independent voters look at J's list below for the numerous reasons to not give JT another mandate. Anyone else, but preferably Bernier!

  • Brian - 5 years ago

    All you Hypocrites , check your family photo albums , high school year books , photos of your childhood Halloween costumes , costume parties , and next time you watch a NFL or CFL game check out the facial makeup hometown fans wear including: Red , Brown , Black , white, Blue, and I’ve even seen green ! One day we’ll have to possibly apologize to aliens who have green skin ! And if we don’t they may just vaporize the human race for being racist! Lighten up everyone !!

  • J - 5 years ago

    Grope of reporter in B.C
    Ethics Violation from family vacation to Aga Kahn’s private island
    Carbon Tax
    SNC Lavalin scandal
    Jody Wilson Raybold
    Jane Philipot
    Vice Admiral Norman
    Ethics violation pressuring Attorney General
    Racist Arab Night photo
    Racist Black Face Photo

    This is only what we know about so far!!!

  • Colin Awskapy - 5 years ago

    I find his actions repugnant! However what are the options? A dimpled, smiling Mortimer Snerd on Stephen Harpers knee, with input from Doug Ford and Jason Kenny? No thanks!!

  • Larry - 5 years ago

    It is quite disgusting what took place back then. I find it hard to believe that he would not have known better given that his dad was Prime Minister. I would think he should resign and take his lumps. If he is re-elected how is he going to look on the world stage? It does not change the way I am voting because I was already supporting another party. Canadians best consider carefully when they enter the polling booth on October 21st. You may run the risk of being labeled a racist.

  • Brian Sweet - 5 years ago

    This should be looked at as a privileged young kid going to Halloween party and getting dressed up as an Arab. Big deal. I did the exact same thing. What if a black person put orange all over his face and pretended to be Trump? What would we call that?

  • Rod Scott - 5 years ago

    I would never vote for a Trudeau in the first place. There is not a person I dislike more then him. He is a spoiled brat who has never worked a day in his life.

  • George Assaf - 5 years ago

    This poll question is so poor, it is entirely useless.

  • david west - 5 years ago

    was not going to vote for him because of his past stupiditys, let alone this one

  • James Leon - 5 years ago

    I have no plans on voting for him in the first place. Note the location of Trudeau's right hand. Not just dressing up. This may have happened years ago, but his recent trip to India dressing up speaks of a pattern. He is arrogant. He would not hold back if it was anyone else, but himself.

  • Augustine H - 5 years ago

    We have to be forward-looking. There are other bigger issues to be concerned for this election.

  • Fred Flake - 5 years ago

    Stupid poll as it does not give the option of "no, but I was not going to vote for him in the first place".

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