Do you ever pretend you know something rather than ask for more information?


  • Monique/Kemdoc - 4 years ago

    I’m analytical so I’m not shy about asking questions. Even if I think they’re dumb questions. You never know what you can gain from asking. Half the time at work I’m the only brave one to ask something that everyone was wondering about.

    Drake getting booed by them Tyler the Creator fans is kinda hilarious to me. He takes these Ls in stride and I can appreciate that.

  • MONICA THOMAS - 5 years ago

    As an introvert, I do sometimes pretend to know something or not ask additional questions to end conversations.
    On the flip side, at work sometimes I pretend to not know something, or politely just tell people where to find the info on their own just to avoid being the go-to info bank. Some people will latch on after you help them once and you have a "friend" for life. Ugh omg. This hit home. Love y'all!

  • Iman - 5 years ago

    I do that a lot, but it’s because I want the conversation to end. If it’s something I don’t know that I’m actually interested in I ask questions. I know I need to stop doing that, because I get annoyed when my husband or little sister think I know everything. And I think my daughter is taking on the trait because it bothers the hell out of me when she says she knows something and I know she doesn’t.
    So I’m trying to stop myself from doing that in front of her and say “Oh I’m sorry, I really have to be going” or some other excuse to get out of a conversation.

  • Mwangangi - 5 years ago

    I fake it all of the time to get out of non-productive conversations. My job has a limitless supply of them (non-productive conversations).

  • Grace N. - 5 years ago

    If I want to get out of a conversation, I might nod along and fake knowledge just to avoid dragging it out— like if you've ever been talking to someone and suddenly they say something wild because they WANT you to ask about it... ie. "Well you couldn't pay me to drink tap water with what the government puts in it!" I'm not trying to get stuck here an extra 30 minutes listening to your conspiracy theories!

    That said, one of the things that saved my grades in college was getting over my embarrassment about asking questions. Part of it was realizing that a lot of other people were afraid to ask questions because everyone was afraid they were the dumbest one in the room, but the other part was that I was paying for an education so I needed to make sure I learned! I had to reframe the idea that asking questions meant that I didn't know something and start using questions as a tool to make sure I understood what I was hearing. That way, if I was wrong, the teacher could use the language I was using to re-explain what I missed or I could hear an affirmation that explaining the idea in my own words was correct. What was even better was looking around and noticing other people write down what the teacher was saying after my question or nodding along when I asked something. It was VERY hard to be the only Black person in a room and raise my hand to say I didn't know something that everyone else at least pretended to know, but I just had to lean into where I was from. Maybe they didn't overtly teach us fancy grammar diagrams at my overcrowded/underfunded public schools, but they DID teach me not to leave my laptop unattended in the library. Anyway, asking questions was probably the best thing I did for my grades besides waiting until after I graduated to start drinking, haha.

  • Alicia - 5 years ago

    I used to be ashamed to ask, but having a co-worker like Karen helped me get comfortable with not knowing and asking when I don't (she didn't know what red bottoms or plats were lol). But I will nod and go along if I don't really care about what you're saying and just want to be polite.

    None of us are perfect and we all ignant about something.

  • Phil G - 5 years ago

    I dont listen to Summer Walker music, but I love her album cover and people tell me her music is a whole mood, but I hope she gets some self care cause folks really acting like they are owed her body just cause. You hate to see it! had to leave my comment here cause the episodes section isnt taking it.

  • Lola Anderson - 5 years ago

    As a person on the spectrum, I don't assume I fully understand. I have good people around me who don't mind me asking.

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