Who do you think will win November's Presidential election?


  • Grant Palmer - 4 years ago

    I have about 60 percent confidence level Biden will wing. This assessment is because of the flawed unrepresentative nature of your Electoral College. Trump managed to manipulate its in 2016 also. But the polling data then was from memory a lot closer between HC and No45 (I never use his name)

    As an Australian I look with sadness to the United States. A country still fighting a Cold War version of your Civil War. A despot in charge and under the thumb of another cruel and vindictive authoritarian. An electoral process corrupted by voter suppression and gerrymander. A plutocracy driving favours in policy for themselves alone. The worst health system in any modern functioning economy. A plague decimating your populace. A senate as a roadblock to accountability and democracy and setting up courts to create a theocracy. The Second Amendment WTF?

    The irony rich in celebrating the Declaration of Independence. Your country has become what it despised. The Statue of Liberty has no meaning.

    It will be good if Biden wins. But you no longer will be respected

  • Kevin John Leslie - 4 years ago

    Blue Tsunami!

  • RichardS - 4 years ago

    Biden may win the popular vote although he will have to do so despite hacked voting machines and the disenfranchising of thousands, perhaps millions, of voters, but Trump will probably win the electoral college, an outcome that will become almost a certainty if the Supreme Court allows electors to disregard the way the states vote. And it's likely, if he loses there that he'll create a crisis and still refuse to step down. He has his packed courts, the Justice Department, the Senate and likely at least part of the armed forces on his side. He may well tough it out. He knows he doesn't dare step down. Dark days ahead.

  • LFP2020 - 4 years ago

    I was convinced Biden would win -- until the recent race protests/riots. Videos of burning buildings and looting, and calls for defunding the police, will hand Trump the election. Thanks antifa and BLM!

  • David Drucker - 4 years ago

    While I am trying to be optimistic that Biden will win, I'm also still in the same mode of PTSD from the disastrous loss by the Democratic candidate in 2016.

    What's more, if Trump does manage to get enough help from Russia, China, North Korea, or any of the other outside actors, who clearly would benefit from his isolationist and destructive policies, I fear that we are pretty much looking at the end of the US as we knew it. There will be no more immigration, except for white Europeans, no separation of Church and State. Abortion and Gay Marriage will be absolutely and completely forbidden in all cases due to cases overturned by a far-right Supreme Court, and the military will probably be a major force in domestic affairs - look for the formalization of a secret police, similar to the ones we saw in East Germany before the wall fell. I would expect a long and painful Cold War/insurgency not unlike the Irish 'Troubles' that involves a lot of bombs, and of course, all of those millions of guns in the hands of all of the electorate.

    I know that there have been calls for a Civil War by some on the Right (including the Boogaloo Bois), who welcome this with a zeal that is disconcerting. Do not confuse this with their wishes. Instead, I see a society and economy, weakened to the point of cannibalism by incompetence and disease, that will make it's dying gasps as groups wall themselves in, with private militia as the norm rather than the exception. If you thought 2020 was apocalyptic, wait till you see a Trump second term (and third, fourth and fifth, as taken up by his children).

  • Jon Gallant - 4 years ago

    What continues to baffle me is Trump's seemingly unbreakable hold on ~40%., even after the
    ongoing covid disasters. The idiocies of the campus Left---which are many, and have recently been
    expanded to the streets---undoubtedly create a reaction, but I don't think this can account for more
    than a small portion of the 40%. This sub-population's tribal identification with nativism and old-time
    religiosity is one thing---but how that got transferred to a fast-talking, sub-literate, absurdly narcissistic,
    libertine grifter from Queens defies explanation. This demands serious sociological inquiry.

  • Tom Esslinger - 4 years ago

    It's hard to believe Biden won't win. I've voted Republican for nearly all elections for the past 50 years, but feel that the Republican Party has abandoned me and many other longtime party members. McConnell's handling of the appointment of Supreme Court justices and electing Trump were the final straws. I'm now an independent.
    Hope Biden doesn't become too flippant with his comments and that he chooses his VP wisely. I was hoping for Amy K, but guess that won't happen - now rooting for a woman with superior foreign policy credentials such as Susan Rice.

  • Tony Fitzgerald - 4 years ago

    Interesting polling numbers. I remember that in 2016 most legit polls gave Trump about a 20% chance of winning. Also around September you can almost guarantee Trump pulling a few surprises to help his odds, the Durham report being one of them.

  • Cindi Deschane - 4 years ago

    I feel Mr Biden has the country’s best interest and will not try to alienate us from every other country in the world and will start to bring back many of the things “Donny” eliminated in 3.5 years and help heal our coutnry.

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