Should black america vote for Obama?


  • Joe - 16 years ago

    So many black christians are caught up in this whole deal about voting obama simply because is a black man running for the presidency seat. Look at this man's over all positions.For one as a senator he voted 4 times to back the amendment that would have banned the killing of innocent babies. this man is the most liberal of all the democrats. he's against a marriage ammendment that would recognize marriage only between one man and one woman,which is what God almighty created. The moral issue must be kept up front in this or any other campaign. people with good moral judgement are'nt sleeping 'round or stealing, or pro-abotionist, or approving same sex marriages. now your tell me why would any christian regardless of their race would back a canidate that's in favor of these sinful things? it's that the God that they serve is'nt allowed to follow them to the voting booth. obama even to when at first he agreed to except the public financing system and then he all of a sudden changed his mind,what a dishonorable thing to do. this is the only thing that give him the upper hand on senator mccain's campaign. to want to take from someone who have worked hard build wealth and just give to the poor or middle class is simply unethical. the word of God states that a person whose able to work and won't,don't eat-point's foolish for all the so called experts to say that gov.palin have no experience to be vice president,but have anyone stop to see that obama is only a freshmen senator from chicago.give me a break. i really expected the majority of the black voters who don't know christ as lord and savior to vote and back this man,because they are'nt looking at the true issues-(morals) because they tend to vote on skin color anyway,but when those in christ don't look at morals issues or simply look away and back obama anyway, we as a black church are'nt reading and following God's word in every area of our lives. peace out,and God bless.

  • K. Long - 16 years ago

    I was truly angry today when I turned on my sirius radio and tuned into the christian channel hoping to hear the word or some kind of inspirational message but instead I heard a bunch of foolishness. I just can't comprehend how two white host are talking about what is good for the black community or else what. I would have rather you guys talk about if Mccain was good enough for the white community because that's the only point of view you could defend. Todays topic sounded like a bunch of republicans trying to change views on what they believed and doing it on a very controversial level.
    Barrack Obama was a community organizer who didn't just help out African Americans he helped out all nationalitys. He is the future and change this nation needs. It's another man that was a community organizer and tried to improve the world by changing it's bad politics and government that you guys didn't talk about....... Jesus! When I look at Barrack Obama speeches and rallys I see the whole melting pot behind him not just black people I see all 50 states that make this nation whole. Barrack Obama will improve this Nation starting Nov, 4, 2008 and not separately by any means, as a whole!!!!!

  • Mary Dodson - 16 years ago

    I truly hope people will wake up and realize we have got to stop this same sex marriage from happening ever in this country. We have got to make people not have any more abortions. The next president must be strong enough to just say no. He must tell the states to not allow this to happen. He has to say no more war and he has to make all people believe as he does.

    Oh Some one just reminded we have two states with same sex marriage and abortions has increased in the last 8 years. So I guess it does not matter about the president,

    Never Mind!!!!

  • Brian Lucas - 16 years ago

    It is absurd to think that any candidate represents the totality of any group. There are several reasons why any candidate would offend, or in any other way not represent a group of which the candidate is a member of. It is interesting to me (not really) that so many people feel that Black America is voting lock stock and barrel for Barak simply because he is black. It could not be because they are Democratic in their political leanings could it? When Jessie Jackson ran, and when Al Sharpton ran neither garnered overwhelming support from Black Americans. If Hilary were running instead of Barak would she be getting the vote of all women merely because of her sex. I don't think she would have much success with traditional Republican women, because of ideological differences. This whole debate is foolishness.
    The issue of moral standings may have some standing with many Christians, but as is much of the case much of the time, those candidates who may (I stress that word) have a moral high ground often ask for Black American support when in tight races, but as soon as those races are decided a return to a marginalization of the issues that mean much to Black Americans occurs. It is interesting to me that the Republican party and many of its proponents simply feel that Black Americans should wholeheartedly abandon the political party that has been widely viewed as most helpful to them over the last 40 years to embrace a party that still portrays itself as a party of conservatism, that most Black Americans view as blanket racism. Please understand that as a graduate from Liberty University (and proudly so) and a student in graduate school at Liberty University (yes the one in Lynchburg), I am educated by some of the best defenders of the faith in Theology, and religion. I reject out of hand the charge or the ascertion that to be a good Christian one has to vote Republican now or at any time! In fact I think it borders on grave sin to suggests that God favors one of these candidates over the other. Barak has confessed publically that he is saved, I have heard of no such confession from John McCain, yet he is trumpeted as someone that God would favor, (emphasis on your station).
    Finally let me say that this election has me proud to be an American. Right now, as a Black American I have the absolute right to vote how I wish, for the candidate that I want to, based on what I feel is most important to ME and my family first and my neightbors and friends secondly and finally for my country. (Before that statement is judged too harshly, that is the position ideologically of a Federalist which both John McCain and Sarah Palin assert they are) I am proud that a Black American has risen from abject poverty to potentially become the leader of the free world. I am proud that he worked his way through school. I am proud that he has associations that seem questionable (but then again by our standards Jesus couldn't run look who He hung out with prostitutes, politicians, and terrorists (Judas Iscariot was a zealot)). I think these associations will help him first to understand people and be able to deal with them through negotiation first before war. I am proud that he understands that to cut the taxes on the rich is tremendously unfair (yet that is what Bush did, and what McCain said was wrong when Bush did it, but now McCain defends and everyone is calling wealth redistribution. Strange that Barak isn't even seeking to return the rates all the way to where they were). I am proud that finally trickle down economics is going to be and is being exposed for what Bush's father said when Reagan rolled it out, It's Voodoo Economics! In a nutshell I am proud of Barak, and if I were orange I'd vote for him and Biden before I'd vote for McCain and Palin. So for me and mine, he DOES represent Black America, and every Black American that he resonates with on this level should vote for him, and most white Americans too.

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