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  • Richard Caves - 15 years ago

    Simple, network administrators for not taking patches and security seriously enough. There is no real excuse for not patching Windows, nothing to loose and everything to gain.

  • Dave Kennedy - 15 years ago

    Finger-pointing at home users in this instance is particularly mis-placed. Home users are more likely to run Microsoft Update (and install MSRT which now removes Conflicker) than enterprises who tend to lag because they, if they're smart, test patches before deploying them. Enterprises have become lax in the years since Sasser and Blaster especially with regard to internal drive mapping and passwords and thus one Conflicker infection is spreading even among patched systems on an enterprise network.

  • Shawn Riley - 15 years ago

    In my opinion the home users would be the same as system administrators since they are responsible for administering their home computers. Although I do recognize that some system administrators are just following a popular corporate methodology of patching every 3 months. The question I always put to the CIOs of places who follow this methodology is whether the cost of being owned, the lost hours, and the associated clean up is more or less than the cost of patching every month vice every 3 months. It's a good lesson that sadly for some has to be learned by going through just such an event.

  • Mike - 15 years ago

    None of the above. It's the cretins that have unpatched home PCs / zero AV protection that become the bots.

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