On a scale of 1-5, with 5 being best, how would you rate GET ON YOUR BOOTS?


  • Trampoline - 15 years ago

    man i just listened to the first 4 tracks on the new album and have to say i am impressed. i initially hated get on your boots and maybe still will, but i am much more excited about the new album now. that toronto sun article writer is going to eat his words about U2 being on their irrelevant plateau.

  • Tony Ventner - 15 years ago

    Well Alex! So Ex Fan, Rob Mercer and Myself are also entitled to an opinion. Mine is that you and John Lambert are a pair of cretins, I think personally that you are both one in the same person. Say something constructive as even Ex Fan has done in a distorted and rather over the top way! Fact, GOYB is not very good!!! Now shut up you muppets!

  • Rob Mercer - 15 years ago

    Well there you go. John, I don't really think it matters what you are, at least you are big enough to admit that you are wrong to wind people up in this way (if you mean it of course). I also don't think it matters if you believe me on face value either.
    Alex, you are just pathetic. Looking at your spelling and general grammar I would imagine you would have difficulty in spelling your own name. Moron.

  • Alex - 15 years ago

    That was great John L, if the guy has a Ph.D is irrelevant in here. The point is that ‘Ex-Fan’ is a big #$%^+*=^%$!!! …to begin with. John L. is also entitled to his opinion and his response to X-Fan (who ever he/she is). So, Mr. Psychology, learn to let people give an opinion on other people, eve if it is one you don’t like. Having said that, I think No Line is going to be a great album as a whole unit – ‘Boots’ is not the greatest single, but I think the Live shows are going to be great.

  • John Lambert - 15 years ago

    Mr. Mercer... Isn't the internet great? I'll never know if you really have a Phd... Not that it matters. The anonymity of the internet is great. Nice to meet you, I'm a brain surgeon. I admit that I got a cheap thrill out of messing with people that take themselves way too seriously. I admit I was wrong to mess with the guy.

  • balutsa - 15 years ago

    I couldnt agree more with the article in the Irish Independent. Expect of the musical part what i cant understand is that Bono insists in immitating himself and keep doing the same moves as he did in the Zoo TV era. Have you seen the GOYB live presentations? Is he out of moves? Is he just bored of finding and trying something else? Zoo Tv was for me the greatest Tour in the history of rock, both musically as technically. Trying the same thing 15 later and especially after promising to "reinvent" himself once again, just makes me sad...

  • Tony Ventner - 15 years ago

    Finally! Well said Rob Mercer, a sensibly reply. John Lambert really isn't helping at all mocking someone who is obviously very wound up and provoking further outbursts from him, we get the point now move on. Pack it in John and grow up. Also, I don't much care for GOYB either and should never have been released as a single. A friend of mine in the record industry tells me that the single is well short of even making the UK top 10 singles chart this week! How long a go did that last happen. Shows the punters are voting really by not buying the record.

  • Rob Mercer - 15 years ago

    I agree with Danny and De Anne, lay off Ex fan, he's entitled to his opinion and in fairness GOYB really isn't very good and poor by the bands standards. I think the idiot here really is John Lambert for inflaming the situation in the first place. If you really are that "intelligent" as you seem to proclaim John then you should be able to accept other peoples viewpoints without turning it into a ridiculous spat with someone you don't even know, so how can you judge them properly? By the way, I have a Phd in Psycology just in case you want to start to try and insult me as well.

  • Ryan - 15 years ago

    As a huge U2 fan, I have to say this is my least favorite song they've every put out. It is terrible. I agree with most others on here that I was so dissappointed that they come out w/ this cheap, simple, unoriginal junk after 5 years. It is a bottom of the barrel b-side. Fortunately, from what I've heard on the short clips online the rest of the album seems much better. But I have to say again I'm so dissapointed that the boys would even put Boots on the album.

  • Paul Part 2 - 15 years ago

    What is great about this album is how well it flows together. It's not just separate songs like the last one. This one is feels more complete.

    The marketing this time around was shrewd. The U2 backlash was overdue after winning all those grammies for the last album (that was not their strongest effort). Even fans got sick of the band sometimes. I know I did.

    They put out the song Boots, that does not sound like the rest of the album. That is the song that took the brunt of the backlash. Now critics and fans for the most part like the album.

  • De Anne - 15 years ago

    Calm down guys.

    Album is great. Ex Fan, relax. You sound like you will go postal or something. It's just music. Life is too short.

    John, stop pushing his buttons because he is taking this personal.

  • Betsy Vox - 15 years ago

    Maybe you all should let up on ex fan. He clearly has issues a lot deeper than U2. He needs therapy, not an online community.

  • John Lambert - 15 years ago

    Ex fan...just a hint. You DO give a crap about everything that everyone says despite your promises to disappear. You keep coming back to see what people say. It makes you feel like you matter. We here in spinelessville use our real names. You guys in Whinerville vent your oedipus complex frustrations on message boards ad nauseum. (notice how I didn't have to use any curse words in your direction? It's amazing what a little vocabulary and education can do.). Cheers. I bet a million dollars the "Ex Fan" will check back and respond. LOL

  • balutsa - 15 years ago

    well, i ve heard the whole album. In parts it is better than the last two. Though: this is not the Great Album we expected, i mean this cant be compared neither to Joshua Tree nor to Achtung Baby. It is full of good songs, but there is no U2 anthem. It descent but not great. Good to hear new u2 songs, but i personally dont think that these songs can be considered as u2 classics. Cedars of Lebanon and White as Snow are very good. Breath could easily be in ACLB. The beginning of Unknow Caller remind me of a B side: it IS clearly taken from a song called Boomerang.

  • Ex Fan In The Making - 15 years ago

    Yes Lambert you a***hole, I'm still here. Your comments really mean nothing to me, all I see is blah blah blah blah blah. Really big of you trying to insult me behind an email. I would like to meet you though in person just to teach you some manners you pathetic little w**ker. Still what's the weather like in Spinelessville.

  • Tommy Tom - 15 years ago

    I personally love the new song and the new album (yes, I heard the leak...but I will buy it on day one).

    U2's fan base is so big and diverse that no matter what they do somebody will love it and somebody will hate it. I am not one of those fans that loves every single thing that they do. but I LOVE this.

    I think people take their own opinions way too personally. The super fans get worked up and they don't need to because you can't please everybody. The ones that don't like the latest output in a lot of cases take themselves way to seriously as well. They don't like it, and they make grand declarations that U2 have lost their way.

    My two cents on the matter is that U2 have made a career out of losing their way. There was someone performing a eulogy on their career every step of the way. In the mean time, this last single and album rock (for me). Live and let live. peace.

  • John Lambert - 15 years ago

    Hey ex fan...You're still here?

    You'll still be around to bitch about the next album in 4-5 years. And you'll still be calling yourself an ex fan.

    Of course by then everyone will just call you what you are. Troll.

  • Mike - 15 years ago

    I've just heard the entire album. I now get 'Boots' and how it fits within the context of album. The album is 'Magnificent'. I'm convinced this piece of masterfull music will become a defining modern day classic. The boys have again reinvented U2 without walking away from their roots. The U2 of old is within the music, it's just been taken in another sonic direction. It is more than I expected. Get me in the Sound!........

  • Danny - 15 years ago

    Oh dear. Just bought the new single and "No line on the horizon 2" is a complete rip-off. "Lady with the spinning head" ring any bells anyone. This is not looking good people. By the way, lay-off "Ex fan", an angry young man, but objective none the less.

  • Ex fan in the making - 15 years ago

    Re John Lambert, let me paraphrase your response "I am a d***head, I am a stupid d***head that will buy any old crap just because it's U2"
    Dave and Michelle can go screw themselves as well.

  • Paul - 15 years ago

    'No, No Line on The Horizon, No, No Line' - Wow! If you haven't heard that song, you must. That's the new U2 they were talking about... It's punk-retro-rock n' roll, guitar, vocals, drums, and all. I believe that a standing ovation was for 'U2' and not for the song itself, yet the performance was pure U2 display, a great one. On the other hand, U2 does have a lot of spiritual meanings in the lyrical contents, whether some people like it or not! and I'm sure 'Boots' will sound great live, just like 'Elevation' did.

  • Danny - 15 years ago

    Robyn, I get that as a U2 fan you really want them to succeed. But there are better places to look for the meaning of life than in this song. A standing ovation at the Grammy's holds no credibility either. You and me are the fans and we are deciding in this forum. Take it in that context. Bono is the one who professes that he wants U2 music to engage immediately with a wider audience. This song does not do that. I am hoping the album does much better. I have never heard of the Jonas brothers by the way.

  • Steve lacefield - 15 years ago

    "Boots" is a terrible song. Like all of you I am a hard-core fan. But this song reminds me of tweeners television program where the main characters are big fans of a popular band. And when they attend the concert the bands signature song is a cheesy, pop song.

    This is not the bands finest hour.

    This song has brought me closer to God. I pray every night that this song is not indicative of NLOTH.

  • Jennifer - 15 years ago

    Beautiful Robyn, even though I’m not religious, I am very spiritual, yet that’s beside the point… point is, ‘Real’ U2 fans do the hard work of exploring the lyrical content, and finding meaning or purpose to what Bono is always trying to communicate in his writing. That’s what differentiates U2 from the rest! Thanks for your comment.

  • Robyn - 15 years ago

    Good rocknroll is not suppose to be performed at face value, it's suppose to be something that after you hear it, it suppose to make you think. If you want something at face value go listen to the New kids On The Block, or the Jonas brothers. Their songs are such drivil, that they give you no meat to dig your teeth into, and won't be around 5 years from now. I want a song that makes me think, that doesn't just put the meaning right upfront.
    While I'm listening to U2 ,one song can mean something completly different to one person than another, or from one point in time to another, and if GOYB is such a terrible song, how is it that they got a standing ovation at the Grammys.
    If you really listen to the words especially while watching the video, the song makes perfect sense, and if you really think about it Let me in the Sound, isn't talking about some noise, really listen to the lyrics where he says he's going down, and he doesn't want to drown, God meet me in the sound, a sound is a harbor, and he's asking to be saved once more, by God meeting him in the sound! God Blesss You, Robyn

  • Mike - 15 years ago

    Paul Cashmere from ‘Undercover’ said it best: “the U2 album… is DAMN GOOD” -- They are going to kiss ass, 2009 is theirs no doubt!

  • Jim - 15 years ago



  • John Lambert - 15 years ago

    Okay okay, ex fan is NOT a cry baby. Let's paraphrase his last email:


    Did I miss anything? (s)He's got an opinion. I've got mine and the song kicks crybaby ass!!!! And it's not the "end" for the band just because some disappointed emo rock fans didn't get their way with U2's current output. Enough people dig it and the stadiums will sell out "With or Without You". Don't forget to write.

  • Janice - 15 years ago

    I would have to agree with Michelle and Dave… some people in here just need to move-on to “bigger and better” things and leave us fans alone. I would also agree with u2akrobat, I think GOYB may actually be one of the best U2 singles in a while, for a fact much better and upbeat than Vertigo; it really showed itself during a great Grammy awards opening… The boys were in top shape, one of the best performances of the evening.

  • Michelle - 15 years ago

    Once again (I think someone in here already mentioned this) what is Ex-Fan still doing in here? -- Why doesn’t that person just leave this site and move on to bigger and better things like Miley Cyrus? -- U2 doesn’t need ungrateful fans like you anyway. A true Cry-Baby, whether you like that or not; anyhow, this is not about you, so just go along and stop writing nonsense in here, we want to hear good and intelligent criticism, not shallow complaining.

  • u2akrobat - 15 years ago

    I m fan of u2 from The Unforgettable Fire(for me best song ever) and I have to say that GOYB its realy great song ...for me best opening song since The Fly...and brings back Achtung Baby(for me best ever album) and something new...and i must say that after i heard songs from NLOTH that this is going to be ANOTHER BIG THING IN MUSIC .

    until the end of the world

  • Dave - 15 years ago

    Relax guys. Listen to the 30 second clips of the entire album on YouTube. There is enough evidence that that this is going to be a remarkable album. The album seems heavy with lot to say and Boots actually is just a catchy reprieve in the middle of an album. I know you cant judge an album by 30 second clips, but the clips really do sound extraordinary. And "exfan in the making" truly is acting like an idiot by dismissing the band for one song and not waiting to hear the album in its entirety. Its like saying "Im not going to read that book because I read chapter 15 and I thought that chapter was dumb".

  • Danny - 15 years ago

    Hey "Ex fan in the making", just to be clear that is "Danny S." you a referring to (and not me?). I think we share the same view. And yes all, I should really do some work now.

  • Ex fan In The Making - 15 years ago

    OK, I've now read some of the replies to my posting and now I'll respond. Firstly, I'm entitled to my opinion Dave, Mike , Danny & Brad (I'm no "cry baby" you idiot just because I think the record is rubbish, I'm a realist!!). Secondly, I'm not going to say it's great when I personally think it's not, do you honestly think this single compares to any of their previous work? Aren't you all a bit blinkered here to accepting anything just because who it is? Well, I'm not anymore and it would appear that a lot of other fans seem as hacked off with not only this record but the apparent attitude of the band as I am. That is the bottom line! See things for what they really are and don't accept shody product or treatment which is what this is and U2 should know much better. I have spent a great deal of money over the past 29 years paying for records and concerts so feel I've earned the right to be candid and voice my disenchantment with what is been happening with U2 really since "Zooropa" and now I have had enough. I going to listen some decent albums now like MGMT and Elbow. You can whine about my comments as much as you like now as I will not be logging onto this site or any other U2 sites from now on in anyway. Your responses have helped me make my mind up to cut all ties.

  • Danny - 15 years ago

    To suggest that the song is better now that the video is out just confirms the suspicion and disappointment of most on this list. Pretty pictures to compensate for something that is so disappointing. As far as the live shows is concerned, $250 to see Bono stick his foot in the air "ZooTv" style? Someone mentioned the lines to Acrobat which describes the situation best. And Robyn, just because some ex-lawyer desperately pontificates about the meaning of the words again just confirms the inability of this song to perform at face value. Which is what good rock and roll is supposed to do.

  • Trampoline - 15 years ago

    I know music is subjective but I'm still having a really hard time believing that some hard core fans think this song is ok or even good. This is the most disappointed I have ever been as a fan of 13 years.

  • Johnno - 15 years ago

    There is more than one way to sell out. I too have been a fan since the beginnning but find some of the old stuff (which the faithful revere like the New Testament sometimes) quite boring in retrospect. I am glad the band has not sold out to its ancient stock fan base. They'd be one hell of a boring band if they did. Good riddance to the mullets and those stupid stetson hats! Get on your boots beee-atches!!!!

  • GB in Tennessee - 15 years ago

    Folks, I first saw U2 in 1981 when they were opening gigs for J. Geils Band, and I've seen them many time since. I own every album they've ever put out and consider them my favorite band of all-time, thus, I don't need the newbies trying to tell me I'm not a "real fan' because I find this song to be out & out JUNK.

    You guys can give me all the reasons in the world this is a good tune and my reply will be "you can't make chicken salad out of chiken sh _ _!

    I truly hope the rest of the album is far better than this pile of slop.

  • Jim - 15 years ago

    It's not my favorite U2 song but it's not as bad as what some people on here are saying. I actually really like the last minute of the song where Bono is yelling "Let me in the sound" and then Edge rips into an awesome and exciting guitar solo. OK it does sound a lot like Vertigo and the song is somewhat disorganized but I still like it.

    The only thing that gets me upset is Edge's comment about letting women take over running the world. Ladies.......no disrespect but what Edge said is a politically correct and empty statement that is designed to make shallow people's hearts melt. Come on how dumb do you think we are??? I'm not saying that women can't do a good job in office but simply puting all women in charge is not going to solve the complex and challenging problems that we face in our world.

  • Robyn - 15 years ago

    I was mistaken on the authors name. It's R.S. Toss. He's a lawyer by day, and has been a U2 fan since the 80's. He wrote it on Feb 7th. Right now it's the 2nd article on the Home Page, but if you don't get to it soon enough youmight have to go to the news page, or archives. So you should read it asap, you won't be sorry, especially if you're a true blue U2 fan.

  • Robyn - 15 years ago

    This is for everybody who actually hates GOYB. Go to atu2.com, and go to the home page, and read the article called Let me In The Sound. It's by a fan name T.S. Ross( I believe that's his name)He's a lawyer by day, and a U2 fan. If you think the lyrics are just drivial, you will change your mind after reading what a fan wrote about the song. And the song will make a great deal more sense to you, than it does now.
    If you are a true U2 fan you know how Bono uses anologys in most of his songs to bring the relvence of the world today into perspective, and to bring the Soul, and His Spitituality into most of his songs.
    I'm begging with all you naysayers to read that article, and I bet your opinion changes. Please read it. Robyn

  • Robyn - 15 years ago

    This is for everybody who actually hates GOYB. Go to atu2.com, and go to the home page, and read the article called Let me In The Sound. It's by a fan name T.S. Ross( I believe that's his name)He's a lawyer by day, and a U2 fan. If you think the lyrics are just drivial, you will change your mind after reading what a fan wrote about the song. And the song will make a great deal more sense to you, than it does now.
    If you are a true U2 fan you know how Bono uses anologys in most of his songs to bring the relvence of the world today into perspective, and to bring the Soul, and His Spitituality into most of his songs.
    I'm begging with all you naysayers to read that article, and I bet your opinion changes. Please read it. Robyn

  • Robyn - 15 years ago

    I liked it the first time I heard it. Bonos voice sounded so good in it you can tell that the rest did him a lot of good, and mayce he quit smoking too.
    Now with the video out I really love the song and the video, which really explains the song, and give the lyrics more depth to them.
    I've been watching the video at least 5xs a day. Got to put a stop to that, and get other things done.
    "Men have f**ked things up so much, it's time for the women to take over" The Edge

  • A.B. - 15 years ago

    GOYB = Wild Wild West,
    but something even more interesting, sounded familiar for so long,
    City of Blinding Lights = Blakes 7 theme, old SF from 70-80s.
    Check it out, nothing else:

  • Michelle - 15 years ago

    Wow! Snippets are truly ‘Magnificent’ I have a feeling this is one of their albums… sounds nothing like “Boots” - U2 always has an element of surprise to their music. I’m sure the ‘real’ fans are going to be delighted, unlike some people in here.

  • Steve - 15 years ago

    People who don't get this song simply don't get U2. What is brilliant about them is what seems so simple actually has much deeper meaning. Musically there is much more there than people are giving credit for, as well.

    And stop complaining about "the worst guitar solo ever." It's not a solo . . . it's simply a bridge to the next verse. Adam's bass is what is supposed to stand out in that section.

  • Janice - 15 years ago

    "Boots" may not be my favorite U2 song, but I just listened to the 30 second snippets of every song on the album and from what I hear so far, the album sounds brilliant and I can't wait to listen to the whole songs. The rest of the album does not sound anything like Boots, which is a great thing, and is what I was hoping for.

  • Brad - 15 years ago

    Stunned? That’s what you’ll be when the greatest band in the world pulls off another amazing Tour and Show! Please, who are these people writing in here? Apparently they are experts on popular culture/music or something… plainly pathetic. Why don’t they switch and begin listening to the Jonas Brothers instead… Go find yourself a new band to dump your frustrations on. Just so that you stop criticizing ‘one’ song, U2 will give it away as a free download, so stop whining… I hope I don’t bump into these cry-babies at the show.

  • Cian - 15 years ago

    I'm stunned. This is pure crap. What on earth are U2 thinking??? This is quite possibly the worst thing they have recorded. And after all the hype surrounding this album - from recordings in Fez, what, three years ago, to today: U2 saying it's their best material yet, and not to worry about the delayed release, cause they're working on a 'masterpiece'???? Sorry chaps, but either you've lost your marbles or the album leaves a lot to be desired. I see the release for 'Boots' in some European countries is delayed - no loss; keep it. I am really am stunned that Bono could a) write this, b), think it's worthy of release, and c) actually release it??????????????????????????????

  • Richard - 15 years ago

    ... Video is great! The band looks in top shape, vocals, guitars sound awesome! Can't wait for Stadium shows in the US.

  • Ien - 15 years ago

    Ok, the Video Rocks!!! Awesome!!! One of their best yet to date. They are still rocking for me! They are going to rock LIVE.

  • Kate - 15 years ago

    You don’t know, and you don’t get it, do you? …some people don’t get it in here… U2 Rocks! - Women of the future hold the big revelations! …Love these lines… very Sexy! I give my boys a solid "4"

  • Mandy - 15 years ago

    I love it and the video is awesome! Bono mentioned that this new album was going to be more "colorful" and I see what he means by the video...very nice! This song is going to be a hit during their live shows, when they play it raw, putting a fresh spin on it, and without Bono's voice being so tampered with! "Get on your boots" is like POP and very 60's which I love and find very sexy....."Sexy Boots"....gets me going, don't know about you! And Wow, Adam....the bass in this song is wonderful! Give it some time, I think everyone's expectations are a tad high, the boys are great period and this album will rock!

  • Michal - 15 years ago

    To be honest, it is very bad. I am little bit afraid that the end is coming.

    "What are we going to do now it's all been said?
    No new ideas in the house, and every book's been read."

  • Jeanette - 15 years ago

    Guys… I’m right with you. I’ve been a fan as long as I remember and I trust NLOTH will be one of the great ones! Looking forward to it!

  • Danny S. - 15 years ago

    Right-on guys (Steven D, Dave & Mike) for these last comments… about time someone who thinks say something intelligent in here. I totally agree, it’s just a song! …Get over it. Besides, it is so true, U2 doesn’t owe us anything, hell they are loved all over the world and ‘fans’ in other countries love their first single in case you haven’t noticed. As a matter of fact, GOYB has very interesting lyrics, Bono as always stays true to current events, such as war, world community, love, peace, and action… what else do you want? Britney Spears type of lyrics? C’mon people, have a little common sense.
    … Danny.

  • Mike - 15 years ago

    Hey guys...it's just a song...maybe not the best they've done, but a lot of you are banging on like the boys owe you something because you're a 'fan'....and for the lyrics....well who would have thought 'I am the Walrus, goo goo gajoob' would end up being a classic. Go on, take a deep breath and exhale slowly...now don't you feel better...roll on Feb 28th!

  • Dave - 15 years ago


    I hope they dont again do the whole "Reapplying for the job of best band in the world" routine. I personally want to hear what they have to say...not what we want them to say. As far as tepid reviews, every impression I have read is that the songs are complex, layered, and reveal their secrets slowly. Thats EXACTLY the type of album I have waited for for a decade. I really think Boots is the comic relief of the album and all this disdain for the song will vanish when we see its purpose alongside the other tracks.

    Though I believe No Line will be better then POP, just for the record, I loved POP in 1997 and I still do now. A couple of weak tracks, true, but the album boasts several U2 classics in my opinion.

  • Dave - 15 years ago

    exfan in the making:

    I would hate to be your spouse. If I made you a dinner you didnt approve of, I might end up in a ditch with a bullet hole in my chest.

  • ian - 15 years ago

    Discotheque, anyone?

    Boots is going to spike quick then fade FAST. already i see a bunch of parallels with POP -- weak lead single, preview listens to the album getting tepid reviews.

    U2's campaign with this No Line On The Horizon assumes they are the Best Band In The World, of which the average consumer has most likely forgot them in the last 5 years…

    Remember how well u2 handled themselves with ATYCLB? -- like a scrappin' new boy band trying to make the scene, humbling themselves to the audience? They should do THAT again. Not pop in assuming they'll topple the world yet again, but this time with a sub-par lead single.

  • Ex fan in the making - 15 years ago

    As pretty much a lifelong U2 fan I have to express my disappointment and dismay in the strongest possible terms over this piece of drivel laughingly masquerading as their "new single" that the band have made us wait almost four and a half years for. The lyrics are embarrisingly bad and I think this shows nothing but contempt for us fans of which I am so annoyed not only will I not buy it, I won't buy the album either nor go to see them again. I have also every intention of selling off my entire collection. There, that's two fingers back at you for delivering such crap. This goes beyond the pale of all the rubbish dance mixes I've had to endure for the last 20 years or so which I also hate as well but put up with. No more!!! They have become too rich and out of touch with their fans probably hanging around with vile other celebs of the likes of Naomi Campbell and Elton John who also treat joe public like shit.

  • Janice - 15 years ago

    I'll have to agree with the comment that "sexy boots" is one of the worst line of lyrics that Bono has ever written. We've been waiting 5 long years for new material and this is what they come up with? Let's hope this song does not reflect how the rest of the album sounds like. I've been a loyal fan for over 15 years, and this song is definitely one of their worst.

  • Mika - 15 years ago

    What is this nonsense about the video? How can Universal have the balls to say it's not finished? Are we supposed to be a bunch of U2-buyin' idiots?

    Even if, judging by the photo stills, that some images might need licensing checks, how is it possible to imagine one of the biggest groups on the roster has missed a premier deadline?????

    Unbelievable. Unless we're supposed to be a bunch of music buyers without much knowledge, I suppose....

  • Greg - 15 years ago

    Steven D.

    No offense my friend, but most of us here are discussing the single on its merits. Definitions and tastes will change in context, but sonically and especially lyrically, this one's a bit tough-

    It entirely depends on your own music library- but when a song too easily reminds of something you have heard before, it's natural to be disappointed.

    If the song becomes a 'hit' based on numbers, it does not equate to sophistication or originality- which is what we have come to expect and I believe is the shared ultimate aim.

    You dig?

  • Greg - 15 years ago

    That 'drum' break is pretty bad... it's ruined songs in the past, it never sounds original... Think "Englishman in New York" etc... It could still grow on me, I'm open-minded... but that part is going to be an inpediment 90% of the time I think... and that's after the "Living in the 90's/ Living in the Wild Wild West" obstacle.

    It's a bit of a cut and paste job, this song... hope this album is not so damned over-produced or the whole marketing effort is going to feel like WalMart.

  • Danny - 15 years ago

    Hollow, cut and paste nonsense. Trying to hard and getting old. All of those voting 4 or more are living in denial. Please go and listen again and consider the creativity and musical quality vs younger contemporaries.

  • Itsy - 15 years ago

    I've only heard GYBO once & wasn't as impressed with it instantly as say, One or With or Without You, but I'm not as turned off as so many of you are by it. BTW, I didn't like POP too much either when it first came out & now it's my 2nd favorite CD behind Joshua Tree. The more I listened to POP, the more I loved it (well, with the exception of Miami, lol). So give our guys a chance instead of saying they're washed up when you haven't even heard the rest of the CD yet!!

  • GB in Tennessee - 15 years ago

    I couldn't believe what I was hearing when GYB came on the radio this past weekend. I thought the boys had put junk of the nature behind them with POP.

    IMO, after a few listens GYB is right there with The Sweetest Thing as two of U2's worst tunes ever. Maybe I'll warm up to it, but I doubt it.

    Very, very disappointing. Hopefully, the remainer of the album is FAR better than this tune.

  • Liotta - 15 years ago

    Does Anyone Else think that the melody of GOYB is exactly the same as Escape Club "Wild Wild West"? Not a fan of the song.... That couldn't have taken 5 years and two different producers could it?

  • U2PJO - 15 years ago

    It wll grow on you. Not the strongest of songs they have done. It is a new U2 but certainly some of the old sound is in there.

    Think that this will be fantastic live and look forward to hearing it live for the first time at the Brits on the 18th.

  • rart - 15 years ago

    its not quite up to scratch lets face it, and its bono lettign teh side down with is vocals and lyrics. Great riff from edge gets things going, but this was supposed to be bracnching out again and on the contrary, its a bit redolent of vertigo,...but not as good ...

  • Steven D. - 15 years ago

    Ok, so after reading some ridiculous critiques in here, regarding a “week-old-single”, I can honestly say that I’m very disappointed in some of you, so called ‘U2 Fans’.
    Some of these are just bizarre and absurd comments, such as:
    “Weaker than expected” “Pathetic and awful” “…One of the worst lyrics Bono's ever thrown into a song, Edge's solo is probably the most pathetic guitar riff I've ever heard, and the song doesn't even have any structure” “Dog poop” - Even one by “Brian Eno” (an individual who doesn’t even reveal his real name) says: “WTF is this S…? This is the worst U2 song ever”. My personal favorite - by Ian Ryan from @U2 - Column: Off the Record on Jan 25, that says: It also has some of the worst lyrics I've heard from Bono in ages. I still can't figure out what "Laughter is eternity if joy is real" even means. I've always been a fan of Bono's lyrics being a bit vague…That line is just ridiculous… and don't even get me started on "I've got a submarine, you've got gasoline." It's practically demanding a dirty parody.
    First of all, where did Ian come from? And why is McGee letting him write this kind of garbage in here? - Anyhow, some of you need to dig a little deeper my friends, you guys need to observe the lyrical content a bit more, and look at the album’s perspective as a whole, not just as a single. You guys know that U2 have never-ever done anything stupid or senseless. Bono has always had a plan in mind, more than just mere tunes, they have been extremely relevant to the times, and have kept up with current events like no other band out there. Their lyrics encompass a vast variety of topics, themes, and ideas, and I believe this is where NLOTH is heading. If you guys just want a quick-fix, cause you’ve been missing U2 for the last years, then you’ll miss out on the core and meaning of they are trying to do for us as fans and their world. For more interesting discussion and not just mere vain critique you should go to: U2 Sermons on the @U2 links.


  • Mateo - 15 years ago

    I think that for four years of production Get On Your Boots is too weak for a U2 song. It's too 'Fast Cars' for me, I dunno. I hope the rest of the album is better. What's more, I even created a Facebook group about it before I realized there was a comment section on the poll: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=47826438683
    OK, maybe it is a good song but quite honestly, U2 has spoiled me. I am used to awesome mind-blowing songs. I agree there are different types of fans, I myself am a Boy fan, but something in U2 connects us all and I don't quite feel it in this song.

  • Dave - 15 years ago

    This is not my favorite U2 release by any measure. It's a bit catchy, but it sounds too much like (as many suggested) "Vertigo Part 2", combined with that old 80s song "Wild Wild West" by Escape Club. I do remember though hearing those cell phone riffs recorded on the beach that hit the internet, so I'm going to hold off judgment on the album for now.

  • Sinisa Sulenta - 15 years ago

    Im kinda hoping it will be as with AB and JT, i really didnt like them at first but then....so far its 3* out of 5*.
    Just because it them...otherwise it would be a easy 2.

  • D Man - 15 years ago

    Bored in the USA you are nuts. "How to dismantle an Atomic Bomb" and "All That You Can't Leave Behind" we in the U2 top five albums. Both won a ton of Grammys and they gave us songs like City of Blinding Light, Beautiful Day, Sometimes you can't make it on your own, Walk On... This new song "Get on Your Boots” is not all that bad. It's not the best U2 song, but it's not that bad. I think this new CD will be good and I can't wait for the tour. Call your radio stations and tell them to play "Get on your Boots". The more I hear it the more I like it.

  • Bored in the USA - 15 years ago

    U2 would have been one of the world's greatest bands ever if they stopped after Zooropa. Bono once said two crap albums and we're done. Well, they've had three in a row and by the sounds of it they're about to release their fourth. Can you imagine if Zooropa was their swan song. Wouldn't that have been brilliant? Even finishing out their catalog with Johnny Cash behind the mic.

  • Robert Jones - 15 years ago

    Wow! When you take a step back and really give this song a listen, I think it's fantastic. It's a different sound for the band for sure, but to me that's not a bad thing. I think the lyrics are meaningful but fun at the same time. Edge's vocals are incredible, and his guitar sounds fresh. And how has no one mentioned Larry yet?? The song just attacks you and I'm sure will be amazing on stage.
    Can't wait for the tour!!

  • padre pio - 15 years ago

    sorry but this is really really poor. i am a big fan and i am gutted at how bad this is. This sounds like a HTDAAB reject. Hope the album is better but this is pure mince.

  • v2005 - 15 years ago

    after a four and a half year wait and a six month delay. on first listen i was unimpressed to say the least. ive seen u2 17 times and the last time i felt this way was my first listen to pop. but i know the good stuff is packed onto the album. if not its time to move on with my life and get over my 28 year obsession with the greatest rock n roll band the world has ever seen. i cant believe they can ditch a song like mercy for get on your boots.

  • Morningchild - 15 years ago

    At first blush, "Boots" is reminiscent of "Fast Cars". Listening to F.C. again it's apparently the better of the two, tho it never made it to the U.S. version of Atomic Bomb. But as a die-hard, dyed in the wool, never wavering, I-even-loved-Pop-when-it-first-came-out (and appreciate it more now) U2 fan, "Boots" has grown on me and I find myself humming it in the morning, noon, and when putting on my BOOTS. I'm hopeful the new album holds something much more gem-like for all us current, past, and yet to be U2 maniacs.

  • fl - 15 years ago

    First of all, this new song Boots is very medium. What comes to Bono's lyrics, it has never been very beatutiful or deepful in a special way(except Pop-album and "One". When The Fly came in the early 90s many of the hc-fans abandond the band because it wasn't anymore soulful. And how wrong they were. AB is the best album of the band and it created the sound of the 90s, for every band. Truth is that these guys aren't anymore in their 30s. You cannot replace the naiviness or the blindness, that created the real innovative art called AB, with experience. Lets hope the rest of the new album is good. Dont have too many expectations!

  • Brian Eno - 15 years ago

    WTF is this $hit? This is the worst U2 song ever. Not to mention the worst solo I've ever heard. If the rest of the album is this bad U2 will crumble.


  • Dave - 15 years ago

    Judging from the other comments, I must be a dumb consumer because I actually like the song. The vocals in the "Do you know how beautiful you are " section sound different for them and they kinda sneak up on you in a seductive way. Yes the lyrics are a tad flippant, but I think it was intentional. There is a little bit of a flippant attitude in the song, but there is something swimming beneath the flippancy. But fans should take heart. Reading the descriptions of the songs over the last few months, we KNEW boots was NOT the centerpiece of the album. I honestly believe this song serves the same purpose "Trip Through Your Wires" did on Joshua Tree: needed comic relief in the middle of an otherwise heavy album. Can you imagine the fear and complaining had they releases "Trip" as the first single from Tree? We fans would all have been confused. I believe when we all hear the album, we will understand why Boots is there in the middle of the album.
    Its going to be great, dont worry. In the meantime, my boots are sexy and I will wear them proudll.

  • Ariston - 15 years ago

    This sounds like a medley of many different songs with pretty cheap lyrics, already heard before. Looks like U2 is trying Achtung Baby again, but can't get away from the sound of last two albums, where they probably musically still are. I don't remember weaker first single from the band, except maybe "Vertigo" (crappy lyrics, too). Let's hope that other 10 songs are better, I am thinking, is it worth to shell $9.99 for this album? I can't believe that U2 can't come with something close to their respected art from era 1987-1991 after 5 years of "reinventing" themselves. Let's hope that something is still left in them of that old spirit, but I worry about Bono the most (fire-desire, light-night, and other repetitive instant lyrics deep as half full cup of coffee).

  • Ryan Cook - 15 years ago

    I am a huge U2 fan...one of the biggest perhaps. Which is why I feel the need to be honest with my boys:

    Plain and simple: Get On Your Boots is crap. What realllly gets me is that Lanois, Eno and U2 sat inside a studio and went ' Yhattttzeee!...that should be our FIRST single in close to 5 years!" Its a B-side. Its worse than Vertigo. I never imagined that Bono was ever capable of writing lyrics so weak and scattered. He sounds like somone has just kicked him in the balls. no fire behin the voice. The Edge REALLLLY needs to get away from these dry, unhooky, 3 chord riffs. They suck mate. I'm dissapointed. I waited and mind you...waited paitentily ofr 5 years for a NEW U2 single: and what I got was Dog poop in a box..a box that wasn't even wrapped sans the bow.

    I love you guys. But please, please no more Grungy Guitar sounds. Their crap and in my opinion corny coming from U2. Do what you do best. and thatbeing U2. Yes, you can experiment...you guys are the masters of experiments...but just don't give us..crap. We have made you guys to much money to deserve ' Get On Your Boots'. Thats all.

  • Dan Murray - 15 years ago

    I have to admit, I'm still on the fence with "Boots," I remember when U2.com sent out 30 sec clips of Kite and Beautiful day a month or so before it was released. I got use to those songs and with Vertigo I happen to be driving to a wedding in 2004 that weekend and heard Vertigo about 20 times each way drive from Philly to Boston. Now with "boots" the only time I get to hear it is on youtube, I decide to drive to work yesterday so I could at least blasted it loud, but unfortunately I only heard it once on a 2 hour round trip (3 stations that would play it). As of my 20th listen, I really can't judge yet. I like the beautiful course, not a fan of the last 40 seconds, (how many times can you say boots).... If Fast Cars and Native Son had a kid it would be "Boots"

  • hibricc - 15 years ago

    Hey, everyone's got a right to their opinion, right? I agree with SGKCA's premise that there is more than one kind of U2 fan (Vertigo v. COBL, for example). I happen to fall in BOTH of those particular camps, but like SGKCA, I don't love EVERYTHING the band does (please spare me from hearing "A Man and a Woman" or "Numb" ever again!). But I think that variety is what is so GREAT about the band. You can always count on there being more than a few songs that YOU will love on their next record - AND you can count on SOMEONE out there loving the ones you hate! Have they ever recorded a universally despised tune? I can't think of one... and it's not "Get On Your Boots", because I happen to love it!

  • Ian Kelly - 15 years ago

    Hey Everyone,

    As a lifelong U2 fan and loyalist I have to be brutally honest here and say that this song is pretty much pathetic and awful. 'Sexy Boots' is one of the worst lyrics Bono's ever thrown into a song, Edge's solo is probably the most pathetic guitar riff I've ever heard, and the song doesn't even have any structure. Thumbs down, let's hope the rest of NLOTH is as good as the past two albums at least.


  • SGKCA - 15 years ago

    Forgive me, U2...I don't really like your new single all that much. I know, I know...unbelievable. But I've been a hardcore fan for over 20 years so I think I am allowed to stray from the faith once in a while. Don't be too upset. It's happened before, actually, with "Elevation" and then "Vertigo". I really dislike those songs and always skip them when I'm listening to the albums that house them. Don't fret. I'm just more of a "Gone" and "City of Blinding Lights" kind of flock member.

    "Get on Your Boots" sounds like a demo of four different songs stuck together with a cliche U2 bridge. It pains me to say this to you, because I simply adore you. Perhaps it's ok for a fanatic to question those s/he follows...? I guess you are allowed a throw-away song, especially since you've given so many crystalline and enduring notes, but not for the first single in nearly 5 years. I would have accepted a slightly engineered "Mercy" with grace. Your single is a B-side oddity, a bubble gum wrapper.

    You are U2. I want you to sing about wars among nations with your heart on your sleeve and notes so pure they scratch the sky. I don't want to roll around the ditch with the miscreants. I don't want dirty. I want soundscapes and endless horizons and hope. Well...I am a patient and loving believer. I will await the rest with faith.

  • Andrew in TN - 15 years ago

    Guys... this is weaker than expected. Warmed over Vertigo? Vertigo Pt. 2? I sincerely hope the rest of the album is less flippant.

    Bono always said if they became a crap band, he'd quit. I hope the rest of the album lives up to the hype.

    This took 5 years to produce? I'm frightened.

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