Assuming they're alive or Brent could resurrect them in a non-lame manner, the character I'd most like to have be the main character in a new book would be...


  • Mac Wright - 15 years ago

    I vote Blue. I don't know why but she was my second favorite character (next to Durzo, naturally). She just had so much potential and her relationship with Kylar seemed oddly reminiscent of Durzo and Azoth. Bring her back and I will love you till the day I die.

  • Mya - 15 years ago

    Would have to be the twins. Ky/EL would be the good one taking on the bad one by Do/Je. This would be the best-if not the twins maybe D's daughter. Will she grow up like her old man or not?

  • Nate - 15 years ago

    I'd love to hear how Blint betrayed the Seven Kingdoms and Jarsin... if that's his name I don't remember... after supposedly not receiving a ka'kari.

  • Jack - 15 years ago

    I'm surprised nobody has mentioned Dorian, Solon or Feir. I loved these guys. Oh and Lantano, he was awesome. Whatever it is though, anything in Midycru (sp?) would be awesome, I loved it. It's funny, these were my first fantasy books I've ever read (I tried LOTR, couldn't get into it) lol, it's a gonna be hard to find something equal or better than this.
    Anyway i had this thought, how damn awesome would it be for this to trilogy to be a movie. Just imagine, what actor would portray Kylar, or Durzo, or Vi (def Angelina Jolie :p). I think it'll happen in the next few years.

  • Michael - 15 years ago

    Durzos past...what really happened with his king and with ther one who became Wolf. For that matter knowing abit more about Wolf as he is and where he really is would be an interesting read.

  • Colin - 15 years ago

    I would probably say an Ursuul. In Beyond the Shadows, it was so awesome to finally see someone use the vir up close and personal. I liked seeing the deep darkness that Dorian began experiencing and to see someone like Roygaris( I think that's his name) Ursuul would be wicked. I mean he created all that whole dang krul army. He's gotta be a pure BA. It would even be cool to go back to Jorsin and Ezra and that bunch, making ka'kari's and amazing weapons and owning anything in their path. I won't be picky on the next book though because I will read anything Mr. Weeks throws out there, even if its a book on the anatomy of a sloth.

  • skibba - 15 years ago

    Kylar because his character and the black ka'kari are awesome and he could do so much with it and he could do anything with the storyline. Kylar also still needs to duel general Lodaki who has that magic sword.

  • tanner - 15 years ago

    i wonder what it would be like if kylar and Vi had a kid, and raised them as a wetboy(or girl). Regardless, Brent could make it awesome, and knowing him include a hundred other sweet stories into it at the same time

  • Bobby - 15 years ago

    I want none of the above. I want to know more about the Ka'kari origins.

  • Jess - 15 years ago

    Brent, you're such a dude :) Whoever you wanted to include would be a good choice (particularly Durzo !!).

  • Michael M - 15 years ago

    id like to see kylar again. the wolf foreshadowed another battle in fifteen to twenty years and im already attached to kylar. id like to see what is relationship with vi becomes, how his powers evolve under durzo's tutalage, the conclusion to his duel with garuwashi, but most of all id like to see how the night angle will deal with regular life now.

  • Debratx - 15 years ago

    I vote for all of the above. What ever you decide to do... make it soon please! I'm suffering from withdrawals and I need another fix pretty darned quick. That was one of the best series I have read in a while. Right up there with Jordan and Goodkind for character developement and plot twists. Brent Weeks is now on the top of my Must read list.

  • Chaz - 15 years ago

    I agree the twins could be a great story. For all you Kylar fans out there (myself included) just imagine the night angel swooping in here and there taking out some people and saving the twins' day. Followed by him returning to the shadows before the twins even know what happened.

  • Michael - 15 years ago

    Whoever it's about, I want it to explain some of the names Dorian called Kylar in the herbalist's shop. I also want to explain what The Seraph meant by "You have awakened me, but you aren't the One". Also, Dorian said about Curoch something like "the one who needs to hold it isn't even born yet" - there's probably a book in that one sentence.

  • Cory - 15 years ago

    Whenever i finish reading a good book, i feel annoyed that it's all over, thats exactly what it was like with the Night Angel trilogy.

    I liked the way the book was set up with all the characters having they're own stories, and to be honest i'm not to sure who i would want to be the main character, I just want more! lol

    Shout out to Brent Weeks, i would like to read more of your work in the future :)

  • Jason - 15 years ago

    I'd have to say Durzo, I'd like to read how he became the greatest Wet Boy and what made him pick the way of shadows!

  • Shane - 15 years ago

    I would love to see a series based on Durzo set before this series

  • michael - 15 years ago

    Kylar for sure. Just the whole way he is mysterious, and has no clue how powerful his talent is. There so much depth to him.

  • Trev - 15 years ago

    Durzo for sure! If its in the past, I want to see who trained Durzo, and how all his stuff came to be. Especially some of his interactions with the wolf. I could go on for ages as to why I want Durzo, but when it comes down to it, I think the reader sees him in the same worshiping eyes as Azoth/Kylar did in the first book. I really don't like the idea of Vi in leather. It's too... Distracting I guess you could say.

  • Ryan - 15 years ago

    It really depends on if the book is set in the past or the future! If in the past, Durzo for sure, or maybe one of the Ursuul. But if it's in the future, gosh, I'd have to say Blue, Kylar, or Vi--w/cleavage and leather naturally--Well Durzo would be damn cool too.

    I'd say Brent should include them all! Muahahaha

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