How would you rate Lisle Baker's performance as president of Newton's Board of Aldermen?

1 Comment

  • Michael Slater - 15 years ago

    I think this is very unfair to Lisle and doesn't capture the complexities of his responsibilities and the initiatives he has sponsored.

    As a Ward 7 resident, Lisle has provided excellent constituant service for which I am grateful.

    As BoA President, Lisle has worked actively for transparancy in our City government despite the City Web site being "owned" by the Mayor's office. He has started his Newton TV show on the functions of the BoA. Perhaps most importantly he has been a key sponsor of the CAG which is studying our City's fiscal future. Lisle has been a progressive in leading Newton to recognize the difficult choices it will need to make over the next year or 2.

    Lisle has also been vocal in trying to keep City government civil in tone. My observation is that he has tried to appoint people of all persuasions and views as long as they care about what's best for Newton. He has also worked to improve the negative tone that sometimes seems to take hold on our blogs.

    We need to remember that our Aldermen work for very little. Lisle gives Newton a tremendous amount of his time and experience. His many accomplishments are too long to list but have made a lasting impact on our City. I am grateful for his service. I wish more of neighbors took the time to think for themselves with respect to Lisle's accomplishments and those of many others who work with him on the BoA and Newton's government.

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